Chapter 11 Aether Paradise In Danger 😫

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Sun rushes off the boat to hear a bunch of people screaming. He tries to get up on the elevator, but it doesn't work. "What is going on here?!" Sun asks, stopping a random worker. "T-there's a problem u-upstairs. Take the stairs." The worker says and rushes off to the nearest boat. Sun rushes up the stairs and hears a bunch of screams a ultra beast cries. "Get down!" Carl shouts and pulls out his ultra beast pistol. Sun looks over to see what he was shooting at, and what he saw will haunt his dreams for a while.

"It's a buzzwole!" Sun shouts and as it look at him, it gets shot

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"It's a buzzwole!" Sun shouts and as it look at him, it gets shot. Buzzwole lets out a shout of pain. "Lycanroc, use crunch!" Sun shouts and lycanroc lunches at the buzzwole. But the ultra beast hits lycanroc in the face. "Sun get down get down!" Xael demands and tosses a chair before the buzzwole could use pin needle. Sun rushes over to Carl's side before the buzzwole could attack. "How the hell did this happen?!" Sun shouts as the the buzzwole uses some fire moves. "The worm hole!" Carl answers and starts shooting at the ultra beast again.  The ultra beast trashes the lounge. Sun looks over to see lusamine passed out a wickie hiding. "What happened to lusamine?" Sun asks "she got attack by the buzzwole, she passed out. Please help carl!" Wickie answers and hides from the attacking ultra beast. "Sun, tell lycanroc to push this ultra beast back into the hole!" Carl demands and runs out of bullets as the buzzwole uses another pin needle attack. "Here's a better idea!" Sun shouts and throws his ultra beast ball at the buzzwole. The pokeball shakes for 3 times, and then it was caught. Sun grabs the ball and hands it to carl. "Careful sun, we can't let this thing out again." Carl warns sun. "Are you ok lycanroc?" Sun asks and kneels over to see lycanroc recovering from the strong attack from the buzzwole. Sun looks over at lycanrocs scar and the painful look on its face. "Get a medic!" Sun shouts as a medic shows up. The medic shows up and gives lycanroc some medicine. "How was lycanroc to weak?" Sun asks "this pokemon is not strong enough against an ultra beast like that." The medic says and tends to Lusamine. "I'm fine sun, I can-" lycanroc gets cut off as a sharp pain is felt in his face.

Sun pets lycanroc "What about the worm hole?" Sun asks Carl "I came to ask lusamine some questions, but then out of nowhere a damn warm hole opened up and that happened

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Sun pets lycanroc "What about the worm hole?" Sun asks Carl "I came to ask lusamine some questions, but then out of nowhere a damn warm hole opened up and that happened." Carl explained and stuffed the beast ball into his pocket. "Is lusamine gonna be ok?" Sun asks "she's out cold, but she'll be fine by morning." The medic answers and carries lusamine to the sick bay. "Sun, please come with me. We need to get back to the lookers place." Carl says and waits for him by the docks. *some help they were* sun thought to himself and goes over. Back at the motel, sun and Carl saw the looker and anabel talking for a bit as they drank coffee. "Where the hell were you two?" Sun asks with his arms folded. "What happened?" The looker asks "we caught a buzzwole that was attacking the aether paradise. From some wormhole that came out of no where." Carl adds to the answer. "I'm gonna put this in the computer." Carl says and walks to sit in his chair. "Where was that help you promised?" Sun asks feeling a bit mad. "We had some calls from ypur work place. You should be working on the monorail." Anabel tells sun and he forgot he had to work still, even though he doesn't take the after noon shift. Sun goes to work and lets his anger out on the nails he needed to hammer. "Kill...." Charlie growls and sun clentched his head. "Is everything ok?" A random worker asks as he gives sun some more nails. "I'm fine, just need to sit for a bit and hammer away at these nails. "Ok, try not to over work yourself. Near the end of the day, half of the monorail is finished. "Good job sun, dusk wanted to give you still money when you worked." Lucae says and hands sun the money. "Thanks." Sun says and heads home.

"Im home!" Sun calls out and heads to the shower

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"Im home!" Sun calls out and heads to the shower. After his shower, sun sat on the table to see some premade foor bought and read the little note. "Dear sun, I'm at work still and you need to eat. Enjoy." Sun read and opens up to see fried chicken, mash potatoes, corn, and a drink. After eating a somewhat if a good dinner, sun calls lillie, but didn't get an answer. "Well lycanroc, looks like it's gonna be-" sun gets cut off as lycanroc naps with rowlet and Meowth in moms bed. Sun hears another knock on the door, to revel Susan. "Hello sun, how've you been?" Susan asks as sun lets her in. In suns room, they both lay on suns bed "what's the reason you came to alola besides fans?" Sun asks "well, I like meeting the strongest ever, and you seem to be the type." Susan says. Susan takes a selfie of her and sun and places the pic in her pocket. Lycanroc rushes out of the house and goes to the highest hill in alola. Lycanroc can feel the pain he got during the fight. *I'm not weak, she says im weak, but I am not* Lycanroc growls. Lycanroc looks at the full moon *I am NOT WEAK!* Lycanroc thought and then let's out a very loud howl. The howl was so loud, so loud that basically everyone in alola can hear it.

"Whats his problem?" Rowlet asks "don't worry about him, lycanroc doesn't like ot when sun thinks less of him

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"Whats his problem?" Rowlet asks "don't worry about him, lycanroc doesn't like ot when sun thinks less of him." Meowth answers.

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