Chapter 10 Who Are You?

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The tv turns off as a young woman approaches sun "hey champ, can I get a picture?" She asks and sun smiles for her. She flashes the picture, once she did, she blushes a deep red. "Well hello there." She says with a bit of a flirt in her voice. "Uh, hello there. You a fan? Want my autograph or something?" Sun asks as he walks back into the League lobby. "Sun, wait up!" The young woman calls over. "You want something?" Sun asks "I just want to say I admit your work mr sun." The woman answers. "Oh, well thank you." Sun answers and goes into his dorm. "Come in if you want." Sun offers as he removes his cloak and Crown. "I've been a fan of you since the day i heard a new champion came to alola." The young woman says as she slips off her shoes and lays in suns bed. "Listen uh....." Sun didn't get her name. "Oh sorry." She kneels on suns bed and extends her hand. "Susan, my name is susan." The young girl says. "Hello susan, besides me, what brings you to alola?" Sun asks and stops shaking her hand. "I came to see the champ and get his autograph. Sign my shoes." She answers and hands sun her shoes from the floor.

Sun was a bit weirded out and signed them anyways

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Sun was a bit weirded out and signed them anyways. "Uh won't suppose you'd like to stay here." Sun assumes, the girl was shocked. "You mean that?" She asks with excitement. "Sure I guess. Stay here in this room, enjoy your stay in alola." Sun says and kisses her cheek. She gasps and holds her face. A huge blush grows on her face. "Hey sun, whose that voltage hottie?" Lucas asks "Lucas, shes a visitor, remember what we talked about?" Sun asks and stop lucas. "You're right sun, we should focus on our work." Lucas says and rushes off to do more work. Sun chuckles and rolls his eyes. Sun goes home and lillie jumps into suns arms. "Great work sun, you're amazing!" Lillie says and snowy licks lycanroc on the face. "Hey lillie, sorry about leaving so early." Sun apologizes and kisses lillie on the lips. "Sun, how was the match?" Moon asks "intense?" Sun answers and kisses moon on the cheek. "So, ah what's for dinner?" Lillie asks "ill be cooking with mom, I'll surprise you." Sun answers. Later, after eating, sum and lillie got in bed. "Hey sun, how were you able to win, ash is a pretty smart trainer." Lillie says while reading her book. "He was a bit smart yes, but he was cocky." Sun growls and lays down in bed. "You know, its nice to be in bed with you. I'm use to it now." Lillie says, sun kisses lillie on the cheek. "Remember our first?" Sun asks, lillie blushes and covers her face. "Sun, that was 2 years ago." Lillie says and blushes. "You were so scared and you were not enjoying it." Sun jokes "cause the stupid Meowth was trying to ruin it." Lillie answers, suddenly Meowth comes in the room. "What are you saying about me?!" Meowth hisses, but to lillie Meowth just hissed. "Sorry meowth." Lillie apologizes. "Calm down Meowth, that was 2 years ago." Sun says to moms meowth. "This young woman, uh Susan came to our league today." Sun mentions "she a big fan?" Lillie asks with a giggle. "Yes she is, she made me sigh her shoes." Sun adds. "Oh you did?" Lillie asks feeling a bit jealous. "Yeah, but don't worry. I'll spoil you." Sun says and kisses lillie on the cheek. During the light, sun got a dream with the ultra beast he caught. "Lusamine......" Sun muttered.

Sun wakes up and feels lillies hair

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Sun wakes up and feels lillies hair. "Why does that ultra beast look like you?" Sun whispers. He then grabs some scissors and cuts off a piece of lillies hair. "I have to bring this to the looker." Sun whispers and holds the piece of lillies hair in his hand. The next morning, sun sneaks out of bed and rushes out. *screw the monorail today, I'll just call in sick.* sun thinks to himself. Sun busts into the motel room "looker!" Sun shouts "what?!" Looker shouts with a bit a worry. "Remember that ultra beast I caught?" Sun quickly asks. "Yes." The looker answers. "Well, take a look at this. This is the same hair the ultra beast had, i need you to Analyze This." Sun demands "where's carl?" Sun asks "hes at the aether paradise getting some answers out of lusamine." Anabel says and rubs her eyes. The looker grabs the hair and checks it.

"Where did you get this hair?" The looker asks "I got it from my girl friend

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"Where did you get this hair?" The looker asks "I got it from my girl friend." Sun answers. "Is she related to lusamine?" Anabel asks putting her loafers on. "Yes how did you not know?" Sun asks "we just haven't met her yet." Anabel answers. "You've been here for 2 years and you haven't met lusamine till now?" Sun asks with his hands on his hips. "Uh well uh sh*t" anabel says with a blush on her face. "Sun, you're right the ultra beast has the same DNA as your girlfriend." The looker says. "But how? I never asked her." Sun says and lycanroc growls at a strange feeling in his gut. "Sun? Sun? Are you there?" Carl asks over the walkie talkie. "Come in, sun asks in the walkie. "We have a bit of a problem, i need you at the aether paradise now!" Carl shouts over the walkie. "Sun, you need to go now. Go now, we'll meet you there!" The looker says and sun rushes out the door. "What do you think Carl found?" Anabel asks, looker looks at lillies hair. "Maybe this will lead us to the reason why lusamine made this ultra beast." Looker says.

*I have to get there fast! Who knows what could be going on there

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*I have to get there fast! Who knows what could be going on there.* sun thinks as he rushes to the docks.

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