Chapter 33 Jail Visit

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Sun walks over to ula ula island, but not before taking the boat. (I know there wasn't a jail in the game, but it's my story) sun makes his way over, till lana bumps into him again. "Hey sun, where are you heading?" Lana asks with a small smile. "How did you know?" Sun asks and scratches the back of his head. "Cause I know that look on your face." Lana giggles and points out. Sun rolls his eyes "sure lana, I have to go to the prison impound. Officer Jenny needs me for some reason." Sun answers, which kinda scared lana. "Oh, you're in some kinda deep trouble?" Lana asks and looks down. "No lana, this isn't like the news. I actually have to do a visit with a criminal." Sun answers, which lana found reassuring. "I have to go now, see you around!" Sun calls out and rushes off. "See you around......" Lana mumbles.

At the ula ula island prison

"Greetings sun, I salute you sir." Officer Jenny says and salutes him.

"Wow Jenny, you look different

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"Wow Jenny, you look different." Sun points out "well, it has been 2 years sun. Someone named hau wants to see you." Jenny answers and allows him in. Sun looks around to see other prisoners, they were being crazy, and hooping, and wolf whistling at officer jennys super fine body. Jenny threatens them with a taser. Soon, they reach haus jail cell. "Hau! You a visitor!" Jenny yells and bangs the iron bars. "Is he here?" Hau asks and looks away from sun. "Yes." Jenny answers, then gives sun a chair to sit on. "What do you want a**hole?" Sun asks, before sitting down. "You stole her from stole my future from stole my future wife." Hau says with rage. Sun rolls his eyes "are you still going on about that?!" Sun asks with annoyance in his voice. "You're damn right!" Hau then lungs at sun and grabs him by his collar. "Hey! Hey! Back up or you'll get tased!" Jenny warns and zaps at hau. Hau let's go, but not before looking at sun with pure hatred in his eyes. "You refused to be nice to me during the island challenge, even after I saved lillies f*cking life. And YOU went out of your way to leave me here! You must really hate me, but guess what sun, I plan to get out of here long after your dead and gone." Hau rambles. "I didn't hate you at 1st, till what you did!" Sun begins and Charlie finished. Hai chuckles "so, you still have that demon? After all these years?" Hau crosses his arms. "Your buddies did this to me." Hau then shows his broken, but healed fingers. Sun knew and refuses to let it out unsaid.


Hau sees sun and lillie holding hands. Hau couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sun then nuzzles with lillie, hau was in disbelief, so he makes a run for it with tears in his eyes.


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"SUN, YOU BASTARD! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR GETTING TO BE IN HER LAP!" hau yells while running. Lillie giggles, then rolls her eyes "he'll get over it." Lillie assumed. sun lays his head on her lap. *HE'S LAYING ON HER LEGS! HE'S ALL OVER HER!* hau thought, then said "if sun hadn't saved me, I'd be the one curled up with her right now!" Hau yells and runs all the way home.

End of flashback

"Haha, yeah that was very funny." Sun laughs and tries not to make hau even mad. Hau gets mad, then says "Mark my words sun" I will get out of here. And when I do, I'll make sure you get what you deserve." Hau warns, then goes back into darkness. "Fancy seeing you here sun." Lollie cackles along with Joshua. Sun looks over, to see faba play with a ball in his cell. "I'll see you in hell." Sun says and walks out of the cell. "You know, you didn't have to come here." Jenny says and pats sun on the shoulder. "It's fine, it was worth hearing that idiot ramble." Sun says and leaves the jail complex.

At home

Sun finally rest with moon on the couch. Moon lays on top of sun, sun runs his hand up and down moons back. Moon purrs with joy. "Where have you been all day?" Moon asks "I've been everywhere, like you wouldn't believe the stories I've been hearing." Sun answers and pets her head. "Stories?" Moon asks and kisses suns chin. "Is sun happy?" Moon giggles, sun nods and kisses moon back.

"Since when did you started dressing like a goth girl?" Sum chuckles and offers moon a hair brush session

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"Since when did you started dressing like a goth girl?" Sum chuckles and offers moon a hair brush session. Moon sits on the ground as sun brushes moons hair. "Since the day I grew up and wanted to be cool in front of gladion." Moon answers, sun gently brushes moons hair. "How's this feel?" Sun asks "its fine." Moon answers and tries not to fall asleep. Sun feels a little bit of anger, since ash brushed lillies hair. "Hey moon, are you doing your studies?" Sun asks, since sun remembers about a big test coming up soon. "Yes I am." Moons lies, feeling his fingers go through her hair. "Hey sun, can you do me a favor....." Moon starts, but sun knew what she meant. Sun massages moons shoulders as he brushed her hair. After brushing moons hair and putting her to bed, sun goes to the kitchen and sees a pamphlet for the Pokemon Festival.

*two tickets?* sun thinks and calls up lillie

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*two tickets?* sun thinks and calls up lillie. "Hey lillie want to meet up for another date?" Sun asks "sure sunny bunny, I'd love to." Lillie answers. "Ok babe, meet me at my house in the morning, I got a surprise for you." Sun says and signs off on the phone. *all settled now, I best get to bed.* sun thinks, then takes a shower.

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