Chapter 64 Moon With The Family

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Moons POV

Moon wakes up in a spooning position. "Morning babe." Gladion chirps, he then kisses her cheek. "Morning babe." Moon says and nuzzles with him. "It's morning, we shouldn't waste it in bed." Gladion says. Moon nods, then gets up to go check in suns room. When she got there, nothing. Sun was no home again. Moon expects sun to not be home often, but didn't expect him to be not home this often. *where is sun? He shouldn't be away for so long.* moon thought.

In the living room

Lillie stirs her milk and sugar in her tea, humming like a pikipeck. "Hey lillie, have you been seeing sun lately?" Moon asks. "I don't think i have darling. He's a tough trainer." Lillie answers.

Lillie places her tea down, moon rests her head on lillies lap for a bit

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Lillie places her tea down, moon rests her head on lillies lap for a bit. "Thanks lillie, you sure know how to make a girl feel better." Moon purrs. Lillie strokes moons hair. "You 2 getting along?" Gladion asks, making some coffee. "Yeah, even if she is a goth." Lillie giggles. Moon rolls her eyes, but is staying on lillies lap. Gladion sits on the couch with the two. "Now I know how sun feels like." Gladion chuckles. "He'll be back, I'm sure." Lillie says hopefully. "How was kukis worl cutting our for you?" Gladion asks. "It's fine, I think I'm gonna become a professor like him someday?" Lillie answers, sipping her tea again. "You should rest more lillie, you don't need to over work yourself." Moon mentions. "It's fine, I should be able to get everything done by next week." Lillie reassure them. "I hope sun comes home during that time." Moon says hopefully, missing her brother, since she lost dusk. Moon looks at dusks hat on the hanger, just hanging there. *i wonder what happened to my brother. I can't believe I just caught up with him and he's gone. Just like our dad.* moon thought. Gladion tickles moons foot, which made her shriek. "You feeling ok?" Gladion asks, making sure moon didn't fall asleep. Moon kicked gladion softly in the stomach. "Ow, ok I'm sorry." Gladion chuckles, then rubs her foot instead. "Hey gladion, I'm glad you and your pokemon can enjoy the week with us." Moon says, feeling it's been longer then a week. "My pleasure." Gladion smiles and kisses moons foot. Moon giggles as it tickled her. "You two are so cute." Lillie smiles, then drinks the last bit of her tea. "Is uh typhosion ok?" Lillie mentions, looking at the volcano pokemon on the floor. "He's been sleeping for a while." Moon answers, since he's still breathing.

"I know we shouldn't, but do you think it's time for typhosion to get a new trainer?" Lillie asks

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"I know we shouldn't, but do you think it's time for typhosion to get a new trainer?" Lillie asks. "No why?" Moon asks. "Because, this pokemon can't just sit here and sleep for the remainder of it's life. Typhosion needs to get kut there and train with someone. If dusk were still here I know he would." Lillie explains, but moon wasn't sure typhosion would like that. Flareon nuzzles with typhosion and so does Meowth and rowlet. Hell, even silavally joins in the snuggle. "Aw, they're all so supportive of him." Lillie coos. "Thank Arceus typhosion isn't hostile towards the other Pokemon." Gladion mentions. "That's because of the calm nature it has." Moon mentions. "How did you know?" Gladion asks. "I can tell, I tried to play with him once, and he just grabbed me and snuggled me." Moon explains. "I didn't know you still played with pokemon." Lillie mentions. "I didn't know you still slept with a pokedoll." Moon giggles, lillie blushes and bright red.

"Haha, yeah you got me there

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"Haha, yeah you got me there." Lillie says, taking the joke playfully. "How about a bit of tv?" Gladion asks, grabbing the remote. Gladion turns on the TV, but there wasn't anything good on. "Say moon, I didn't ask, but did you with the pokemon beauty pageant?" Lillie asks. "Oh, I won." Moon says. Gladion wasn't focusing on the conversation, he was focusing to see if sun was in any trouble. Since he beat up hau before and ended up on the news. Gladion rubs moons soft foot, and moon sighs as he did. "It was a close one with me being 1 point ahead." Moon says in a relaxing tone. "Me and Flareon managed to make a flamethrower look like a fire spin and jump through it." Moon explains, still feeling relaxed. Then, after that we got the scores and I won my a score of 355." Moon explains more, gladion deepening the kneading, which made her moan a bit. "Soon after.....Mmmmm." Moon was cut off and fell asleep on lillies lap. "Gladion! That was a interesting story." Lillie whines. "I need to watch and see if sun has disappeared too." Gladion whispers, still pressing on moons foot, making sure she stays asleep and so she didn't wake up. "Tickles....." Moon muttered and snored again. "So, is there anything with sun in it, but then they mentioned pokemon trainer sun.

News woman

"Breaking news..."

Gladion and lillies POV

"Oh no, how did that happen?" Lillie asks, and checks the time. "Wow, we have been doing all day?" Gladion asks. "I guess we've been catching up too much, time just flys." Lillie says, then checks her Z watch, with also includes as a watch. Gladion gasps as he sees fire on the TV "the image you're about to see is very gruesome, viewer discretion is advised." The news lady says.

Gladion and lillies watched the tv in horror

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Gladion and lillies watched the tv in horror. Gladion looks over at moon, who was fast asleep. "A charmeleon has got in a fight with a lycanroc. And turns out the fight got too out of hand." The news woman says. "Pokemon trainer ash also got in a fight with the 2 pokemon, a double battle commenced. The power of the pokemon was too strong." The news woman says, as buildings were on fire, luckily no one died." The news woman says.

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