Chapter 73 Not An Easy Job

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(I know this is the sword and shield ash, but I needed it for this moment. This is still the alolan ash)

Lillie stands by the door way, she looks at ash. "Geez, what the hell did you do to him?" Lillie asks, but didn't comfort ash. "What did you do sun? This isn't the way." Lillie says with a sad sigh. "Whatever, he's not our problem anymore. Red, send him on his way." Sun orders, red nods. "You got it boss." Red says, while brenden goes to dusks office to put to ring back where it belonged.

Red carries ash out of the league

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Red carries ash out of the league.

In suns bed room

Lillie crosses her arms and frowns at what they did. "Lillie?" Sun calls out, he then reaches out for her. Lillie pulls away from suns touch. "Don't touch me. I told you, no matter what to not hurt people." Lillie says, but sun didn't care for that. "Lillie, what was I suppose to do? He wasn't gonna talk unless I knocked some sense into him." Sun says, justifying his actions. "This is not the way to do things sun. Where's the boy I was in love with?" Lillie replys. "I didn't have a choice." Sun says with regret. "Just promise me you won't try to hurt anyone for answers." Lillie says, but sun looks down. "Lillie, we did this before. 2 years ago red, brenden, and calem would beat hau just to get answers out of him." Sun says, which surprised lillie. "Sun, what has gotten into you?! You don't need to hurt anybody." Lillie scolds. "Lillie, i had to do what I had to do. Ash and joof were gonna do unspeakable things with dusks ring." Sun says. "Where is that pinked haired idiot?" Lillie asks. "I don't know, he's in hiding after the studio fire." Sun answers, lillie then sits on the bed. Sun sits on the bed, slips off her shoes, then curries into a ball on the bed. Sun reaches out for lillie. This time she let him touch him " thanks sun." Lillie says, then smiles at the warm feeling on suns hand. Sun then grabs lillies socked feet and starts to knead her arches. Lillie sighs and closes her eyes. "This never gets old. Mmmmm." Lillie moans and shuts her eyes for a bit. Lillie straightens herself "let's not fight babe, you know how sad this gets me." Sun says, lillie smiles.

Lillie lets out another sigh of relief

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Lillie lets out another sigh of relief. Sun can't get enough of lillies happy sighs and moans. *I just wish me and dusk had more time together.* sun thinks and sighs a bit. "You okay sun? Are you still thinking about dusk?" Lillie asks, opening one eye and talking in a relaxed tone. "I still think it's my fault. If I just tired just a little bit better. I could've saved him, I could've...... Its my fault." Sun says, with more regret as he cracks lillies toes gently. Lillie smiles even bigger "sun, it was never your fault. I'm sure dusk is fine." Lillie reassures him. "I hope you're right." Sun says, moving his thumbs up and down lillies socked feet. "Hey lillie, promise me you'll keep moon safe. I'm not always around." Sun says, since moon means a lot to him. "Moon can take care of herself. She has a Flareon and everything. She doesn't need my help." Lillie says with a relaxing tone. "Moon can get way over her head sometimes. Even when she battled me for the title, but I still stand as champion." Sun says, still kneading. Lillie began to snore a bit, but it was still early. Vulpix sits next lillie in a cute position.

Lillie nuzzles with Vulpix as she got her feet rubbed

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Lillie nuzzles with Vulpix as she got her feet rubbed. "You're so nice to lillie." Vulpix says to sun. "I know, but i still need to take care of those I love." Sun says to vulpix. Vulpix nuzzles deeply with lillie.

After a 2 hours

Sun leaves lillie to rest in the bed. Sun meets up with brenden as he pours them a cup of lemonade. "Cool, you got the cherry lemonade." Sun says and holds a cup to get some. Brenden pours sun a cup and smiles. "You smell like girl." Brenden chuckles then drinks up. "Did lillie understand?" Brenden asks. "Yeah, I'm sure she understands why we did what we did." Sun and drank up. "So now what?" Brenden asks, but then was cut off by red coming in. "Ok, I dropped ash by a random route. He should die from blood lost." Red says, then pours himself some cherry lemonade. "You left him for dead?!" Sun shouts. "I thought you wanted this?" Red asks, since he knew he didn't care about ash. "I know, but we could be trailed and sent to prison." Sun says, which got red thinking. "Still, everyone knows what ash did. I least I guess." Red says, arms crossed. "We should try and rest we had a long day." Brenden says, but it was still early. Lycanroc pulls sun over and the were soon outside. "What is it lycanroc?" Sun asks, and kneels down. "I feel like hes gone...." Lycanroc says, feeling the wind blow by. "Who?" Sun asks. "That poor charmeleon. Joof, I think joof left and toke the charmeleon with him. We should've tried to save him or something." Lycanroc says, letting out a howling loneliness.

Sun pets lycanroc as a comfort way to make him stop being sad, but sadly didn't stop

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Sun pets lycanroc as a comfort way to make him stop being sad, but sadly didn't stop. "Lycanroc, there was nothing we could've done for that poor pokemon." Sun says, lycanroc howled loudly. The sun began to step, sun hugs his lycanroc. "I wish we could've saved him, but I don't know if we could." Sun says and tries to clam lycanroc down.

Later that night

Sun lays next to lillie and lillie spoons him. "Sun, please promise me you'll stay safe. I love you too much to let you go." Lillie whispers. Sun and lillie kiss before sleeping.

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