Chapter 78 Lookers Good News

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On ula ula island at the motel

Sun and red show up. "Hey looker, what did you want to see me and red for?" Sun asks. "Our job is almost done here sun. It's all up to you almost." Looker says with a smile. "You mean I have to fine the star stone on my own?" Sun asks. "Sadly yes, for all we do know is that it's at kalos." Looker says. Anabel kneels on the bed while reading a book. "You did me and the looker a huge favor. We'll never forget that." Anabel says. "And sun, dusk is still alive. He hasn't died." Carl adds, which gave sun a bit of hope.

"We're not sure yet though

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"We're not sure yet though." Carl says with a bit of regret. "We should give him some space." Red says, then sun sniffles a bit. "Whatever, all that matters is that my work here is almost done." Sun says, anabel smiles and Carl hands sun some money. "Here sun, this is what we have to offer for you two." Carl says and hands sun the money. "Thanks." Red says taking the money and stuffing it in his pocket. "Nah red, I don't want the money. I need to get back to work." Sun says am runs off. *I'm Sorry dusk! I'm so sorry!* sun yells in his head. Sun runs into mallows trial and falls into a small grass patch. Lycanroc licks the tears off of sun.

Dusk shows up in front of sun

"Sun, are you okay?" Dusk asks. "Oh dusk, I'm so sorry. It all happened so fast. I could've saved you though." Sun says with more tears in his eyes. "Sun, don't worry about me, you should focus on what ash might do?n you and lycanroc have a chance to make this right." Dusk says to sun. "How's Typhlosion?" Dusk asks. "He's fine, but he misses you so much. Please dusk, please show me a sign you're ok." Sun begs, then goes to his knees and holds his ghost brothers hands. "I'm ok sun, I'll see you sooner or later, but even so." Dusk then places his head on suns head. Sun tears up again and sobs as dusks vision disappears.

Mallow was walking down the path and she saw sun crying

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Mallow was walking down the path and she saw sun crying. "Oh dear sun, are you hurt?" Mallow asks and kneels to him. "I'm fine..." Sun lies and holds her tightly.

A few hours later at mallows restaurant

"You're lucky I found you. I couldn't stand watching you cry." Mallow says and holds both of his hands. "Thanks mallow, I just saw a vision of dusk and I thought he was there for real." Sun explains. Mallow looks sad for a moment. "Sun, you did what you could and that just happened." Mallow says and kisses his hand. "I thought I actually found true love. Was it meant to be?" Mallow says and looks down, still holding her friends hands. "You two made a nice couple, it was a scary situation for the both for both of us." Sun says and kisses her hands. "Thanks for coming. I've been lonely for a while. Can we go on a date later and snuggle?" Mallow asks. "Sure mallow, but for now I need to go back to work." Sun says and pets her head.


Sun walks past the office and sees mom with amy. Mom was flirting a bit with amy and they both seemed to be having a good time at work. *is that why mom has been at work often? Nah she probably has been just wanting to do extra hours for extra cash.* sun assumes.

Sun goes to the docks to check on thr progress they've been doing

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Sun goes to the docks to check on thr progress they've been doing. "Hey sun, glad you're back." John says and hands sun some money just for showing up. "That's ah, very kind of you." Sun says and gets to work for a while. "Hey sun, you've been away for a while, but thanks to You, us workers are starting to get some respect." A worker says a hammers the rails to the compost. "No problem, I'm always here for you dudes and you ladies." Sun says and the ladies blushed a bit since sun was a charming lad. During their lunch break, sun noticed that Theodore was giving sun the death stare. *don't let him get to you.* sun thinks and gets his fish and chips. Lycanroc seems to growl at Theodore. He ran for it "now sun, i know you don't like Theodore, but please make sure your lycanroc is under control." John says and gives sun some more food on his dime. "Thanks john, but I'm full." Sun says and gets back to work. After a few more hours of work, sun is finally done with work.

Later as the sun goes down

"I'm pretty tired, I'll think I'll have an early night." Sun says and lycanroc feels the same. "A whole day of working out and after the emotional roller coaster, yeah I'd say you deserved it." Lycanroc says with a smile. Before sun even got home, he got a call from officer Jenny. "Hello?" Sun asks. "Hi sun, I'm gonna need you to come back to the prison. Hau has some things he wants to say to you." Officer Jenny says over the phone. "Sure Jenny, ill see you in a little bit." Sun says and signs off his phone.

"Oh come on sun, for the love of arceus

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"Oh come on sun, for the love of arceus. All i want to do is go to sleep." Lycanroc says and growls. "I'm sure hau is just gonna say some weird sh*t" sun assumes.

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