Chapter 72 Golfed In Flames

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Morning Suns POV

Sun wakes up next to lillie. "Morning babe." Sun says, then kisses her on the cheek. "How was dinner?" Lillie asks, then kisses his chin. "It was fine, thanks." Sun answers, he then gets up. "What will you do now sun?" Lillie asks. "Now I'm gonna take my time and let this all blow over." Sun answers, he them sits on the floor. Lillie sits on the floor with him and hugs her legs. *ash must die.* Charlie whispers to sun. Sun ignores what Charlie says, then he kisses lillie. "Im sorry so much happened to you." Sun apologizes. "No need to apologize sun, I'm the one to blame." Lillie says, but then sun got a flash back. "Now hold on, you'd better watch your tone with me b*tch. You in no position to be making demands. If you ever want to see your girl again. You gonna do what I say, got it?"  Those words kept repeating in his head.

(Had to use the same image from book 1

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(Had to use the same image from book 1. Makes sense doesn't it?😅)

Sun gets up and checks the tv. Nothing about the studio on fire. *guess the studio was burned down. Hope ash as joof got what they deserved.* sun thinks, then shuts off the TV. "Hey lillie, I need to go to the motel. I'll see you around." Sun tells lillie. *Charlie, where is ash and joof* sun asks Charlie. *call it a hunch, but they are at the motel on ula ula island, by the team skull territory. Ask guzma, he might know.* Charlie explains, then sets sun a map in his head. *thanks.* sun says in his head.

On ula ula island at the trailer park

Sun meets up with guzma. "Hey sun, long time no see. It's been 2 years." Guzma says, then sits in his chair. "Have a drink sun, AY MATE GIVE SUN A DRINK!" Guzma shouts at his grunt. His grunt gave him 2 bottles of beer. "Uh no thanks guzma." Sun rejects as guzma gulps down his beer. "Come on sun, its only one." Guzma reassures him. "I'm only 13." Sun says, crossing his arms. Guzma chuckles and drinks the 2nd beer. "I know we're trying to keep this PG 13, but I need to know where ash and joof are hiding." Sun asks. "There in this trailer park, but at the end of the park, since they're in that fancy new trailer. I'm surprised it wasn't that obvious." Guzma answers, then drunkenly lays on the couch. *stupid drunk." Sun chuckles then leaves. He leaves, but then sees a fancy trailer. *oh, he was right. Well, i guess what I did was a waste of time.* sun thinks.

Sun knocks on the door, but no one answered

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Sun knocks on the door, but no one answered. He was gonna leave, till he saw a figure trying to make a run for it. "Hey!" Sun calls out, he then chases after him. Lycanroc jumps and tries to grab him, but then trips over a log on the road. "He's going into the desert.

In the ula ula desert

Sun chases the figure, then manages to cut him off. As soon as the figure reaches the temple, he was taken down by sun. "Got you!" Sun shouts and pins ash to the sandy floor. "What the f*ck!?" Ash shouts. "I know it was you! 2 years ago you worked with hau and got me ended up a a wild goose chase. I almost had to kill my brother cause of you, and you're gonna f*cking pay you d*ck!" Sun shouts, then knocks ashes lights out.

Back at the League, in the basement

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Back at the League, in the basement

Red sharpens his knife and brenden ties up ash. "Ash has answers I want to know, best we get him talking." Sun says, then sun slaps ash awake. "What? Where am i?!" Ash calls out, sun hands brenden back dusks ring. "Tell me ash, what the hell were you doing here 2 years ago?" Sun asks. Ash spits in suns face. "You know what to do red. You did this to hau 2 years ago." Sun says, red smiles and gets to work. Sun walks out, so the young readers don't get disturbed. Ashes screams can be heard from the other side. Bloody and battered, sun comes back in "ready to talk?" Sun asks. "I was doing a job, that's it!" Ash answers. "Who send you to do the job?" Sun asks. "Hau, who else?" Ash answers. "That may be true, but who send hau?" Sun asks, knowing hau would never do anything unless he was told to. "I don't know anything!" Ash answers, but sun wasn't buying it. Lycanroc, bite down on ashes leg. Blood flows down as ash screams in pain. "Ok Ok! Some pimp named yuji!" Ash shouts, sobbing like a baby. "One last thing, where the hell is joof?" Sun asks. "I don't know, we spilt after the studio burned down, I don't know!" Ash says truthfully. Sun somehow believed him, but then asks a different question. "What were you a joof planning to do with my brothers ring?" Sun asks, ash gulps, but wasn't talking. "Ok then, red you know what to do." Sun says walking out of the room so red can get to work. Ashes screams were so loud he thought the window would break. Sun comes back in the room. "Ready to talk?" Sun asks, but ash cries. "I think he needs more time." Sun assumes and walks back out as red gets to work. Red takes care of ash, after a few minutes. "Ok ash, ready to talk?" Sun asks. "Ok ok! Me and joof were going to harness it's power to take over alola! We were gonna get your ring, but you were wearing it that night, so I had to steals dusk Because it was out in the open! Now please let me go!" Ash cries out.

Pikachu felt sorry for ash, till the door opens

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Pikachu felt sorry for ash, till the door opens. "Lillie?" Red asks, and so does sun. "Lillie hel-" ash was then cut off by red punching his gut. "Shut your mouth ash!" Red yells. "What's going on here?" Lillie asks, placing her hands on her hips.

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