Chapter 25 Sunday Dinner🍽

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A few days went by and soon turned to sunday. "Morning sun, how've you been feeling?" Moon asks and wakes sun up. "Moon? Why are you waking me up?" Sun asks and gets up a bit. "It's Sunday remember?" Moon reminds him and scoots into bed with him. "I forgot babe." Sun says and spoons moon. Moon blushes and nuzzles into sun. "You idiot." Moon says bashfully and closes her eyes for a bit. "What's the plan for today?" Sun asks "well, we have to go to the tapu koko temple. We have to play respects and best wishes towards our father." Moon answers and snores. "Sounds like a good idea." Sun says and kissed moon and the neck. Later, sun and his family dress up in some fancy clothes. "You look amazing." Sun says to moon and she rolls her eyes. "Sorry about that, took me a while." Mom says, sun and moon where amazed to see what their mother was wearing. "You're beautiful." Moon says and mom smiles with a blush. "Why don't we let's walk and enjoy the weather?" Sun says "in these heels?" Moon says with a bit of annoyance. "Sure sun." Mom says with a smile. After a short walk, sun and his family make it to temple with flowers and see the tapu koko statute. "Still remember this place?" Moon says "I sure do, me and lillie touched hands in a tapu temple." Sun answers and mentions.

Soon moms boss came around

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Soon moms boss came around. "Oh, hi amy." Mom greets and looks down at the floor. "Hello cat scratch girl." Amy teases and pets moms head. "Hows the extra work coming along?" Amy asks "it's fine..... I uh was wondering....." Mom was then cut off by Amy's phone going off. "Hold that thought." Amy says and takes the call. "Sorry, I have a problem at the office, see you tommrow." Amy says and rushes off. *Wow, she is fast on heels* sun thinks with a pink blush on his face. Lillie and gladion show up. "Sorry, we're late, we had to find outfits for this." Lillie says with a blush. Sun kisses lillie on the lips and moon kisses gladion on the lips too. "What was that for?" Gladion asks in shock. "You're cute in that suit." Moon giggles and kisses gladion some more. Lillie and gladion pay their respects to their great grand father that helped lusamine make the aether paradise. "You miss him don't you?" Sun asks and lillie nods and hugs him. "Hey lillie!" Sun greets and hugs lillie. "Hi ash, Pikachu." Lillie greets, but doesn't hug ash back. "Whose this?" Moon asks. "Ash....." Gladion answers and pulls him and lillie apart.  "Ash, please do me a favor and leave us alone. We're on our way to dinner, its kinda important." Gladion says and ash gives off that same stupid smile.

"See you around lillie

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"See you around lillie." Ash says with a wink and lillie blushes a bit. "So, whose hungry?" Gladion suggests and asks to forget what just happened. Mom smiles and so does moon.

On akala island

"Welcome everyone!" Mellow greets and gives sun hugs. "Whose hungry? I hope you all saved room for dessert as well." Mellow giggles and shows what they made. "Looks so good." Sun says and sits with lillie. "Here you go sweetie." Mellow says and gives sun his plate.

Sun loves the look of the food

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Sun loves the look of the food. "Hey sum, get up while it's still hot." Moon says and and eats some of the chicken. "Wow dusk, you actually cook pretty well. How long did take for you to make this?" Gladion says and then asks. "It took me all morning to do this." Dusk answers and eats some of the mash potoates. "Can you please pass the butter?" Lillie says and suns hands the butter to lillie. "Mother never let me and gladion eat like this. She says we have to make sure we eat only what she gives. Anything else will make us fat." Lillie says with a bit of shame. "Don't worry lillie, it's nice to have a nice meal once in a while." Mellow says to comfort lillie. "I can see everyone dressed up." Dusk says as he was only in a dress shirt and slacks. "Hey sun, how's the League coming along?" Gladion asks "it's doing goos, but me and lycanroc have to train more." Sun answers and lycanroc eats his poke food as he wants to get stronger. "Hey dusk, where did you learn to cook?" Sun asks, since he didn't know he could. "I learned from a really good teacher." Dusk answers and holds mellows hand under the table. "Mellow blushes and holds dusks hands as well. "Um dusk, can I speak with you in the kitchen?" Mellow asks and grabs his wrist into the kitchen.

In the kitchen

"I can't do this, we have to tell them. It's better of we do now then later." Mellow says and her face turns bright red. "We have to tell them dusk, if we don't, we might not be able to get to do this again." Mellow says and dusk nods. "You're right mellow, we should tell them." Dusk agrees and kisses mallow deeply on lips. *I wonder what they're talking about?* sun thinks and eats the rest of the chicken. "Hey sun, don't mallow and dusk make a nice couple?" Lillie whispers and sun smiles at the thought. Dusk and mellow came out of the kitchen. The two of them were holding hands. "Mom, and mallow have something to tell you." Dusk says and he looks at mallow who gave him a reassuring look.

(I know this is a scene from the anime! I just have to work with what I got

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(I know this is a scene from the anime! I just have to work with what I got.)

"This has been going on, for quite a long time now. Me and mallow all this we made together. We just wanted to say......." Dusk beginnings and and everyone's eyes slowly grow.

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