Chapter 7 Looker?! 🕵

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"Hello sun, it's really good to see you." Carl says with a smile. For some reason, sun rushes to Carl and hugs him. "Whoa...." Carl says not knowing what sun just did. "Nice to see you too." Sun adds. "What are you doing back in alola? Didn't you have to go back to unova?" Sun adds looking up at carl. "About that, I'm gonna need you to come with me." Carl says, which got sun confused. "What do you mean?" Sun asks. "It's very important." Carl answers and ushers him. Carl takes sun to the akala island motel. *I've been to this motel before.* sun thinks cocking an eyebrow. Carl opens the door "here's finally." Carl says to the man and woman.

"So he finally came

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"So he finally came." Anabel says and the man looks over at sun. "Sun, you are the chosen one." The man says. "Who are you?" Sun asks "I am the looker!" The man introduces placing his hands on his hips. Anabel rolls her eyes "hi I'm anabel, you already met Carl." Anabel says and looker waves two fingers at you. "Hey sun, now that you're here. We have an important mission for you." The looker says. Sun notices the woman and remembers the hairstyle. *is she?* sun thinks, but then shrugs it off. "Have you seen these beings called ultra beasts?" The looker asks "yes I have." Sun answers remembering the ultra beast that looked like lillie. "So you have? Then you've caught it right?" Anabel asks "yes i have." Sun says and rushes out to show them. Later, sun shows the ultra beast ball containing the ultra beast. Anabel gently took the ultra beast ball from sun. "What are you gonna do with it?" Sun asks which Carl gives sun a reassuring smile. "We're gonna analyze this to the computer." Anabel answers and places the ball in the computer. "This is a rare specimen you have here." Anabel says and starts writing the data. "What did you need it for?" Sun asks. "The data needs to been run through the computer, and thanks to you we have some ultra beast DNA." Anabel answers while writing down more data. "How many ultra beasts have you caught?" The looker asks. "I only caught 1." Sun answers truthfully. "So, you haven't caught anymore?" The looker asks. "I can't say I did." Sun answers. "When was the last time you went into the ultra beast hole?" Carl asks "I haven't been in the warm hold since 2 or 3 years ago." Sun answers. "How many ultra beasts are out there?" Sun asks "more then you know." Carl answers. "For now there are about 8 one of them being Necrozma." The looker says.

"Don't overwhelm the boy

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"Don't overwhelm the boy." Anabel says and finishes the data. "It's ok ms anabel, i can handle it." Sun says and looker gives sun a smile. "That's the spirit. If you ever need more work, then meet up with us." The looker says and hands sun his card. Sun holds the card. "Sure, I'll be seeing you around." Sun says and walks off. *I need money says, but its part time. Maybe this would be worth it.* sun thinks to himself. He gets home to see moon doing some last minute homework. "Hey moon." Sun greets "uh hi." Moon rolls her eyes and closes the book. "Where have you been all day?" Moon asks "I thought you didn't care." Sun says with a bit of confusion. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Moon answers rolling her eyes. "I can take care of myself." Sun says and sits next to moon. He gently grabs moons nylon feet and start massaging. Moon was gonna fight it and then let's out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." Moon says with a groan. "I can't say I blame you." Sun reassures "Mmmm I wish I was a kid again." Moon moans "you still are." Sun points out. "I'm 12." Moon points out "so, I'm just a year behind you." Sun says while kneading. I got another job opening today." Sun adds and cracks moons toes. Moon moans in a bit of pain, but slowly relaxes. "Did you have to make any application?" Moon asks while sighing. "No, just this job card." Sun answers and pulls it up.

Moon opens one eye and grabs it

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Moon opens one eye and grabs it. "Mmmm I'm sure you'd pick the right choice." Moon thinks and crosses her arms. "Hey moon, I don't know which job to pick." Sun says and kneads her soles. "If I had to pick, I'd pick the job I enjoy doing." Moon says closing her eyes. Soon, lillie showed up at the door. "Hey sun." Lillie slightly chirps. Moon quickly pulls her nylon feet away from suns lap. "I'll see you later sun." Moon says and picks up her school work. "How was work?" Lillie asks, resting her head on suns shoulder. "You're not mad a me?" Sun asks "no, not really. Ash was being a bit of a creep." Lillie says and kisses suns cheek. Later that night, sun signs up on the job card. "I'm sure you'll do fine sun." Rowlet says "thanks for believing in me." Sun says to the owl pokemon.

"Do you think we'll be able to get any breaks?" Sun asks "I don't know

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"Do you think we'll be able to get any breaks?" Sun asks "I don't know. But I've been seeing some supply trucks come out at night." Rowlet answers. "Supply trucks?" Sun asks with a cocked eyebrow. "Minerals for the monorail." Rowlet answers flapping his wings. "Coming to bed sun? Can you please stop talking to rowlet?" Lillie asks, feeling a bit annoyed. "Sorry love." Sun apologizes and scoots into bed with lillie. "Goodnight sun." Lillie says with a kiss on Suns lips. "Goodnight lillie pad." Sun says and kisses lillie back on the lips. Sun and lillie sleep while spooning together. "So that was sun?" Anabel asks. "Sure is, what a guy." The looker says with a smile. "He's a kid, cut him some slack." Carl says testing the blood sample they got.

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