Chapter 18 More Monorail Work

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Sun wakes up on a cold cloudy day. *oh great, lillie!* sun thought in his hear and checks her phone.

Lillie: sun, what you get this text, I want you to know that you need to do some more monorail work. Mother says she needs all the help she can get. I'll make you some dinner.

Sun: sorry babe, I was just sleeping. I was thinking about doing some work anyways.

Sun gets off his phone and puts on those smelly muddy clothes again. *best I get to work now, don't want to be late.* sun thought. At the dock, the workers didn't seem to notice sun or lycanroc, since they're busy themselves. "Get to work." One worker says and sun lifts up another 2 by 4. "Come on people!" A manager says and everyone gets to work. *so much for the vacation* sun thought as his lycanroc helps even though they got into a bit of a fight. "I know what I did was wrong, but it's better then being weak." Lycanroc explains. "I boy, I know." Sun answers "but you listen here, I need you to stop trying to kill people. So please listen to me." Sun adds. A worker looks at sun like hes crazy. "Can you manage?" Lycanroc asks as the two set up the 2 by 4 for the swimmers to take. "Yes I can. Thank god we're not doing the swimming task today." Sun says and lycanroc agrees. "Sun, we need you here!" Another worker says and gives him another 2 by 4.

*another one?* sun thought as he carried it with his lycanroc

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*another one?* sun thought as he carried it with his lycanroc. After half a day of carrying 2 by 4s back amd forward from the ocean to where to 2 by 4s are set up. "Break time!" The manager calls out. Sun and lycanroc sit down and ate some of the lunch the workers are serving. *this sure beats eating some of the sh*t we get at the lookers motel* sun thought thinking about the black coffee he was served. "Hey sun." Red waves him over. "Hey red." Sun greets while red eats the hamburger he got from the cafe. "What do you need?" Sun asks "I just needed to tell you how it's not easy having ladies in the league without one of the guys getting a little too excited." Red explains and finishes his sandwich. "Ok red, what do you want me to do about it?" Sun asks "I need you to come to the league when you can." Red says and cleans his hands. "I'm gonna take a piss." Red adds which was unnecessary. Sun finishes his work. After a whole day of work, sun meets up with lucas who stops red from smoking. "It's just one!" Red says and lucas answers "so one turns to 2 and 2 will turns to 5 and then the next thing you k know you're smoking the whole pack." Lucas explains and crosses his arms. "Whatever." Red says ans walks off. "Hey Lucas, how was work for you?" Sun asks. "If you're asking about swimming with my empoleon? I'd say we did just fine." Lucas answers and before he could rush off, sun was about to say something. "Make it quick." Lucas says. "Did you ever think dawn was gonna come back to you?" Sun asks and that got lucas thinking.

FlashbackBefore all this, I met dawn at the age 4

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Before all this, I met dawn at the age 4. I was no younger then her, but we both loved pokemon. I use to go over to her house, all we did all day was play with toys and go outside. At the age of 8 on valentines day, she kissed me on the cheek and gave me a box of chocolates after I gave her flowers. It was a good kiss, till by the age of 10, which was a year ago. Now I'm 11, and so is dawn. And now that I see her now, I just wanted to tell her about my feelings.

End of flash back

"That was a little longer then reds." Sun chuckles. "Well you asked, so that's what I gave." Lucas says and rushes off. *best to get back home.* Sun thought and walks home. After taking a shower and getting changed, lillie was chopping some vegetable like she said she would. "Hey sun, how was work?" Lillie asks and finishes chopping the carrots.

"What are you making?" sun asks looking over lillies shoulder

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"What are you making?" sun asks looking over lillies shoulder. "Meat and vegetable stew. Nothing special." Lillie answers and kisses suns cheek. "Hey sun, can you check on moon?" Mom asks as she cuts the meat into chucks. Moon was in her room, sitting on her floor. "Cute pajamas sissy." Sun chuckles as moon brushes her hair. "Whatever, just braid my hair for me." Moon says and lets sun sit on her bed. As sun braids moons hair "you were out again weren't you?" Sun asks as he made moons hair over lap each other. "I was, but it was for a good reason." Moon lies and made sure her skateboard was under her bed. "Just promise me you'll be more careful." Sun says and finishes braiding her hair. To finish it, he places a flower on her ear. "Thanks." Moon says as they both hear their mom call then over for dinner.

Sun and his family enjoy some stew

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Sun and his family enjoy some stew. Later, sun and lillie got in bed again. "Hey lillie, how did I do?" Sun asks "I wasn't there. But I'm sure you did fine." Lillie answers and kisses suns lips. "Hey sun, mother wants to see you tommorow. She says she's got some important things to tell you." Lillie answers. Sun then reads the book acerola gives him. After reading a good amount of minutes, sun places the book down and drinks his water. "Goodnight lillie." Sun says and gets in a spooning position. Lillie unbundled her pony tail as she nuzzles her body against suns body. "Good night sun." Lillie says with a yawn.

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