Chapter 60 More Monorail Work

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(This is a sneek peek of another spin off I plan to do)

On mele mele island, by the docks.

"Hey empoleon, ready for another swim?" Lucas asks. "Empoleon." Empoleon responds. "Hey lucas, how's it been?" A worker calls out. "Ay yo, I'm back for extra pay."  Lucas says. "Have you seen sun lately? Is he even alive?" The worker asks. "He's fine, just had a bit of an accident today." Lucas responds, he then notices the sun going down.

"We should get to work

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"We should get to work." Lucas suggests, then changes into his swimming stuff. "You ready for this?" A worker asks, putting on his scuba gear. "I am, but I haven't been underwater in the dark before." Lucas explains. "You'll get the hang of it baby." A woman says, putting on her gear too. "Empoleon...." Empoleon says to lucas. *What does sun know about talking to pokemon?* lucas thinks. "Seems like your empoleon is ready to swim." The worker assumes.

In the water

*the water is so cold, I can't feel my fingers* lucas thinks as he floated in the water. They had to make sure the 2 by 4s have no weaknesses. Lucas hangs on to empoleon. The penguin pokemon swims fast in the water, covering a few miles of water. *Hey lucas? Do you see anything yet? Any weaknesses?" A swimmer asks over the swimsuit walkie talkie set. "Not yet, it's way to dark to see anything." Lucas responds. "Here, let's use lantern." The woman says and commands her water pokemon to shine the way. The water was getting colder as the moon started to rise. "We best finish the job faster. Before any of us get hyperthermia or drown or worse." The man says. "You got it, heading back now." Lucas says. "Empoleon." Empoleon says through the water, turning the other way around. "Oh sh*t do you see that?!" The woman points out. Lucas turns around to see 5 sharpedos coming towards them, teeth bared and coming fast.

"Empoleon use metal claw!" Lucas commands, empoleon does what it's trainer says

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"Empoleon use metal claw!" Lucas commands, empoleon does what it's trainer says. Just then a swimmer got eaten in front of Lucas and empoleon. "Sh*t, you two! Get your asses back at the docks!" The man says over the build in walkies. "Empoleon quickly!" Lucas yells, blood turning the sea red. Empoleon swims fast like a speed boat, Lucas grabs onto empoleon and the woman follows behind. The man who was swimming with them was unsure on what to do. "Grab my hand!" Lucas calls out. The man reaches out and Lucas grabs his hand as the empoleon speeds it's way back to the docks. All 3 workers emerge from the water. The three quickly climb out of the water, workers helping them up. "Wait, wheres the 4th guy? Where is he?" A man asks. Lucas nods no, with some sadness in his eyes. "No way, no F*cking way!" The man says in disbelief. He then starts calling out to him, but all they saw was blood and the sharpedos swimming away, this got lucas thinking. *why would they send us out there if they knew what was in the water?* lucas thought, then got a bit pissed.

In the office

"Oh I'm so sorry Lucas, what happened?" The skinny manager asks. "Where is he? Where is that short bastard?" Lucas asks. "Is that the way you talk to your manager?" The fat business man asks. "You knew sharpedos would be out there! You let us go out there to die! Someone is dead because of you!" Lucas shouts. "I have no idea what you're talking about." The fat bussiness man denys. Lucas grabs him by the collar. "A man is dead! It's all your fault!" Lucas yells. Lucas felt too much anger for a boy his age. The moon was above his head, Charlies presents filled the air.

  "You think just because you're in power, we can't have feelings?! I'll rip your heart out old man Mark my words

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  "You think just because you're in power, we can't have feelings?! I'll rip your heart out old man Mark my words." Charlie says through lucas, which was unusual. Lucas put him down and felt like he wasn't there, the fat manager was white as snow. "Ok ok, I'm sorry. I'll send the money to his wife and kids." The fat manager says and rushes to the phone. "Lucas, what was that?" The skinny manager asks. "Nothing, I just need to rest." Lucas answers, rushing out. "Wait lucas, you forgot your extra pay!" The skinny manager calls out. "Give it to the man who lost his life!" Lucas calls back.

Back at the pokemon league

Lucas sits on the couch and places his hands in his face. "Lucas? What's wrong darling?" Dawn asks. "I saw someone die." Lucas answers, feeling a bit of trauma. "What? What happened?" Dawn asks, sitting down with him. "That bastard wanted us to work out there to die." Lucas mutters. "Empoleon." Empoleon says to dawn, but she couldn't hear it, since she doesn't have the ability like sun.

(I know you like to hear what pokemon think, but we have to keep it real.😅)

At dinner

Dawn serves everyone chicken and fried rice. Lucas just stares down at his food. He thinks he's the reason that man died. If he commanded empoleon fast enough. "I just wasn't fast enough, I was so close man. Maybe, if I was just a little bit faster.....i could've save him. I could've saved him. It's my fault, I'm the reason this poor man is not at home with his family." Lucas says, feeling blame.

Dawn pats lucas on the shoulder

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Dawn pats lucas on the shoulder. "You can't blame yourself on what happened. Things just happen." Dawn reassures him. "Yeah, but I can't help it." Lucas answers. "Sun, thank Arceus you're out of bed." Dawn answers. "Can you please talk to him and empoleon? Somethings got him spooked." Dawn whispers. Sun nods and sits down with Lucas. "It's ok buddy. I'm here for you. Just eat and rest. You deserve it." Sun says with a smile. That seemed to calm lucas a bit.

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