"This is it sun, place the 4 stones by their spots and we should be able to open the door." Dusk says. "Are you sure about this?" Sun asks. "I'm more then sure. Come on now." Dusk ushers him. Sun places the sun stone on the top, the moon stone on the bottom, the rainbow on the right, and the dusk on the left. "Wait, somethings not right! There's something that needs to go in the middle!" Red points out. *another stone?! Then? Where is it?!* sun thinks, but before he could the cave starts to fall apart. "Sh*t, this place is falling apart! Quickly, grab the stones amd lets get out of here!" Red shouts and busted the door open. Dusk and sun take the stones and place them back into his backpack. The floor starts to fall apart, then sun and is on the edge. "DUSK!" Sun shouts, then tries to grab his hand, but was too late. "SH*T!" sun then falls into a cave river of freezing cold water.
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In suns head
"Wake up!" Suns dad calls out. "What happened? Where am i?" Sun asks. "You're back here again." Suns dad answers with a chuckle. "Where's Charlie?" Sun asks "he's out doing something." Suns dad answers, the pulls him up. "Why did dennis do that to you?" Sun asks, which kinda surprised his dad. "Bad people do bad things. Sometimes we can't stop what happened." Suns dad says and pats his sons shoulder. "Dad, am I dead?" Sun asks. "Are you child?" Suns dad asks. "I feel like I drowned in some ice cold water." Sun answers, feeling cold. "What happened to you child?" Suns dad asks. "We were at the temple, but dusk fell and I fell into a cold river." Sun answers, but then rubs his temples. "You should fight death sun, dewott did and so can you." Suns dad says, then kisses his forehead. "Wake up child. Wake up." Suns dad says and slowly drifts into the darkness again.
Sun wakes up
"Look, he's waking up!" Susan points out. Sun felt inside a warm blanket. "Oh thank Arceus, you're okay." Candy says and kneels. "Have some soup." Candy says and sun drinks it up. "What happened? How did I get here?" Sun asks and looks over at lycanroc who was by the fire, then by Susan who was wearing a night gown, then himself, with nothing but boxer shorts. "You were out cold for a while, your clothes are drying in the laundry." Candy says. Ursuring offers lycanroc some coffee, which is not for pokemon, but hey f*ck logic.
Flash back to 5 hours ago
"Charaizard! Grab sun!" Red commands. Charaziard grabs sun from the water. "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, he's gonna freeze to death!" Susan points out. "If he's alive, grab him and let's go!" Brenden shouts. "What about dusk?!" Red shouts "leave him! He's dead! We'll get the body later, but we gotta go!" Brenden called out. Red picks up suns and rushes out of the cave.
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*thank Arceus we got sun before he reached the waterfall.* red thinks, but looks back at the sheer drop. *we need to save dusk, but we need to get sun to safety or our champ is gone* red thinks and jumps out. "Hey, are you folks ok?" Candy asks. "Please help, sun is hurt." Brenden says. "Wait the champ sun?!" Candy asks "yes, please, take sun and Susan. We need them safe." Brenden says and red hands sun to candies ursuring. "What about you 2?" Susan asks "we're gonna try to recover dusks body." Brenden answers, looming sad. Brenden and red go on charaizard and fall around the mountain.
End of flash back
"That's how you ended up here." Susan finishes. "Its night?!" Sun goes, looking out the window. "You were out for 5 hours honey. Please eat." Candy kisses sun. "Eat some more." Candy offers sun some more soup.
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Eat spoons some more soup and eats it while it's still hot. "I thought i lost you at 1st." Lycanroc says to sun. "I thought i lost you too." Sun says to lycanroc, but Susan thought he was talking to her. She blushes slightly. "Sun, you should rest. Also, we got your phone. Thank arceus it's water proof." Susan adds and gives sun his phone back. Sun calls lillie. "Hey lillie, I'm fine, im at candies house. You can come visit me if you want." Sun says through the phone. "Sun! Oh my arceus, im coming over right now!" Lillie shouts over the phone. *geez babe, I know, but I'm fine* sun thought. "Lillie im fine." Sun tries to reassure her. "Stop it, I'll be over there. I'll just have to ask moon." Lillie says and signs off. "Some girlfriend." Susan giggles. "Can it susan." Sun chuckles, and puts his phone away. Soon, lillie shows up. "Sun, wheres sun?!" Lillie asks the gypsy woman. "He's in the living room, you're his girlfriend?" The gypsy asks. Lillie nods fast. "Ok, come in. I bet he's waiting for you." The gypsy adds.
At the studio
Ash meets up with joof. "Hey joof! Where the hell are you?!" Ash calls out. *ugh his music sucks.* ash thinks, even though he's cocky, he knows what good music is. "What the hella do you want?" Joof says after making another shitty song. "You call that music?" Ash asks with his arms folded.
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"What you want?" Joof asks. "I need some more ideas. Lillies not into it." Ash says, and joof forgot. (Since he's busy being an idiot) "oh about that, I think I got what you need." Joof answers and let's ash in to show him. "This better be worth it." Ash adds. "Oh it is, believe me." Joof says, closing the door ans shows ash what he's been looking for. "This should to the trick." Ash says with an evil laugh, so did joof.