Chapter 45 What Was Recovered 🔎

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Sun goes to police station, what he was not what he expected. Nanu waits for sun outside, he frowns when he sees sun. "Hey sun, Jenny is waiting for you." Nanu says, let's sun in. "Jenny?" Sun calls out, Jenny turns with a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry sun, he was a good trainer." Jenny apologizes, and gives sun, dusks hat. Sun starts to tear up. "No.....No that's not true." Sun cries as jenny places the hat in his hands. Sun falls to his knees and starts to ball. Jenny knees to suns level, gives him a hug. "Ssshhh, it's okay." Jenny comforts. Lycanroc howls loudly.

"One down, 5 more to go, then alola"

Soon sun stops crying, lays on officer Jenny's lap

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Soon sun stops crying, lays on officer Jenny's lap. "I uh, got you some water." Nanu offers, and gives the cup to sun. "Thank you." Sun says through his tears. "First my dewott, then my father, and now my brother." Sun says, and sips the water. "Still haven't found the body. Must've froze up and disappeared." Nanu assumes and leaves the room. "Sun? Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say." Jenny says with sorrow. "There's nothing to say." Sun snaps a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm the one that brought him here, and it's all my fault." Sun says with guilt. "Sun, you can't blame yourself for what happened." Jenny answers and reaches out for him. "Jenny, please tell my family. I have to go to the aether paradise." Sun asks, and leaves. "As you wish sun." Jenny says , with a smile. *What do I do now Charlie?* sun asks in his head. *destroy the evil 1st, then we'll come up with something* Charlie answers in suns head. *tell dad, dusk is with him now.* sun asks in his head.

At the aether paradise

Sun goes to the dining room. "Hey, you're back." Lillie says with a smile, but slowly turns into a frown. "Sun? What's wrong?" Lillie asks. Sun shows lillie, dusks hat. "Oh no." Lillie says, and hugs sun. "Sun, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he'd be....." Lillie begins, as sun cries a bit.


"Lillie? Is sun okay?" Lusamine asks. "He lost his brother." Lillie answers with a frown. "Oh honey, im sorry." Lusamine apologizes. "It's fine." Sun answers, looking down at his food. "I just didn't think I'd lose him." Sun adds, and eats a bit more.

"Sun, you can stay here as long as you want

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"Sun, you can stay here as long as you want." Lusamine offers. "Please eat, rest, take a break from training." She adds, and kisses his hand. "Thanks." Sun says and eats the rest of his rice.

In bed with lillie

Sun snuggles with lillie. "What about work?" Sun asks. "Sun, you need a break, you can't work. Not without me knowing you'll be ok." Lillie answers and kisses his cheek. *I wonder how mom and moon are taking this* sun think and nuzzles with lillie. "This kinda reminds me of the time we snuggled when at the festival plaza." Lillie mentions, looking out the window. "I know, before the madness." Sun adds and sighs. Sun places dusks hat on the night stand, next to his. "Will you have a funeral?" Lillie asks. "I don't know, they couldn't find his body." Sun answers with tears. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Lillie apologizes. "I'm fine, I just want to go to bed." Sun says and kisses lillie. "It'll be ok sun, I know you can get through this. No matter what." Lillie says and kisses sun on the lips. "Thanks lillie, let's have some more sleep." Sun says, and rests his head in lillies chest. Sun and lillie slowly drift off the sleep.

In suns dream

"Dusk!?!" Sun calls out, sun looks around im his dream. "He's not here sun." Charlie says, which got sun confused. "What do you mean?" Sun asks, sweat running down his forehead. "Normally, when someone dies, at least for you. They end up here." Charlie answers. "How? Is dusk alive?!" Sun asks. "I don't know, it's hard to tell, But I don't know if he's even here in alola." Charlie answers, he then places a hand on suns shoulder. "It's fine, I guess I'll have to face the music. My brother is gone. I don't even know if he's alive." Sun says, with tears in his eyes. "Child?" Suns dad calls out. "Father!" Sun, rushes to his dad and hugs him. "What's wrong child?" Suns dad asks. "I lost dusk!" Sun cries in his arms. "You lost dusk?" Suns dad asks. "Dusk is gone somewhere. We don't know if he's dead or alive" Charlie answers suns question.

"Child, dusk is fine

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"Child, dusk is fine. Im sure he's alive." Suns dad reassures. "You don't know that." Sun says, looking down. "You did your best, but you were missing the star stone" Charlie mentions. "And you didn't say anything!" Sun snaps. "Just because I can tell the future, doesn't mean I know everything. Sure I go out to see over alola, but I don't know where that stone is." Charlie explains to sun. "I guess that makes sense." Sun says and hugs his dad again. "I knoe child, but you can do it. You gotta be strong now." Suns dad says and kisses his forehead. "I love you." Suns dad days as he slowly wakes up.


Sun wakes up and rubs his eyes. "Morning baby." Lillie says and kisses his head. "Lillie, i have a feeling about something." Sun says. "What is it?" Lillie asks, sun looks away from Lillie. "It's nothing." Sun answers, then gets up to brush his teeth. "Sun, come check this out!" Lillie calls out.

Sun and lillie watch the news

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Sun and lillie watch the news. They're calling off the search, due to the lack of findings. Sun felt a bit mad, he couldn't believe what they were doing. *how could this happen?! They're just giving up. They didn't even...... F*ck it* sun thinks, then Sun then felt his phone ring.

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