Chapter 28 Movie With Moon

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"Moon slow down!" Sun says and moon tugs sun quickly. "Where are we going moon?!" Sun asks and moon tugs him faster. "The mall has some great movies showing." Moon says and rushes faster.

At the movies

"2 small popcorn and sodas please." Moon says holding up 2 fingers.

After getting their popcorn, moon and sun sat in 2 seats

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After getting their popcorn, moon and sun sat in 2 seats. *it's been 2 years since moon was possessed by Charlie.* sun thought. *more moon, she didn't have to go through that.* sun thought and eats a bit of popcorn. *strange, this ash looks nothing like the ash in alola.* sun thought and watches the movie with moon. Halfway through the movie, moon rests her head on his shoulder. Moon closes her eyes and lets out a yawn. After the movie, sun and moon got some coffee from the coffee shop in the mall. "Hey moon, what have you been doing all day?" Sun asks "school." Moon answers and then sips her coffee. "Moon, how are you and gladion doing?" Sun asks "we're fine, he can get himself into trouble though." Moon answers and drink more of her coffee. "Almost done with school, I'll finally be a trainer like you some day." Moon adds and rubs her temples. "Hard having a bad bog as a boy friend." Sun chuckles and drink some more coffee. "Thanks for coming out with me." Moon says and kisses suns cheek. "Why did you want to go out today?" Sun asks "I was bored all day, gladion didn't see me after school, so I had to do my work at training pokemon at the aether paradise." Moon answers, with a bit of a lie in. "Moon, you need to be more responsible with your time management." Sun informs her. Moon rolls her eyes and drank the rest of her coffee. "Whose that kid in alola, the new guy?" Moon asks "ash...." Sun answers and goes silent. "What happened in kukuis place? It looked like a bomb went through there." Moon asks and says. "Let's just say, I took a little visit to teach Ashley a thing or two about touching girls." Sun answers and throws away his coffee cup. While walking home, sun tries to check if he got any messages from lillie, but none for the tike being. "Still thinking about lillie?" Moon asks "she's my girlfriend, why wouldn't I?" Sun asks and places his phone back in his pocket. "Least you care about her." Moon says and kisses his neck. "Ok moon, save the kisses for later." Sun says.

At home

"Moon, go inside. I have to go to akala island." Sun says amd moon gives him a small frown.

At the motel at akala island

"Sun? What are you doing here?" Anabel asks. "The ultra beasts, how many did you get?" Sun asks "about 3, 1 buzzwole, and 2 pheromosas. Why?" Annabel says "just making sure." Sun answers. "Got another one." Carl says and looker holds up the beast ball, containing the Xuikitree. "Hey sun." Looker greets.

"Hey sun, you still got that Nihilego?" Looker asks

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"Hey sun, you still got that Nihilego?" Looker asks. "Yeah." Sun answers. "That was made by your girl lillie, turns out lusamine wanted to make a clone of the perfect daughter." Looker explains. "Just came to check on the ultra beast activities." Sun says and crosses his arms. "The numbers are kinda high. We've been getting signs of life from all over the place.  Carl says and shows sun the numbers. "What the hell? How did the numbers go up that quickly?" Sun asks and looks up. "That pokemon Necrozma is still out there. And evil is afoot, unless we have the time stones." Looker explains. *time stones?* sun thinks and scratches his chin. "Time stones, the ones that separate night, to dusk, to day." Looker goes on. "You mean those are keys to opening up the door to Necrozma realm?" Sun asks and looker nods. "The door need to be open in order to stop Necrozma, it's in the mountains in ula ula island." Carl explains and shows his the map. "I haven't seen that part of the mountain before." Sun says and looker closer on the map.

"So, where's this door?" Sun asks and looks at the map again

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"So, where's this door?" Sun asks and looks at the map again. "The door is hidden somewhere in the mountain." Anabel says and takes the ultra beast ball and scans it in the computer. "Its a big one...." Anabel goes and writes down the DNA they've got. Susan was about to enter, till she saw sun and hides as sun leaves. "You're late Susan, where have you been?" Looker says "the League is packed, I had to escape." Susan answers and kicks off her shoes. "Aahhhh I'm so tired....." She goes and lays in bed. "There's no time to be lazy now susan, we need to make sure sun stays safe now." Looker says. "Whatever you say...." Susan says and starts to snore. "What are we gonna do with this kid?" Looker asks "cut her some slack, she worked hard on protecting sun." Carl answers and makes some more coffee.

On the boat

Sun gets a call from Lillie "Hey sun, sorry I missed your call, i was busy working." Lillie explains. "It's ok babe, you should sleep, I'll see you in the morning." Sun says and signs off. "Hey lycanroc, what do you thing we should do?" Sun asks his rock pokemon. "How about we train!" Lycanroc suggests. "Great, we should do that after work." Sun says and checks the time. *11:35 pm* sun goes and checks the moon above. *oh lunala, how did I ever get this power to understand pokemon?*

 *oh lunala, how did I ever get this power to understand pokemon?*

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sun thinks and lets out a sigh. Just then, sun get another phone call. "Hey sun, you want to come to the League tommorow and hang out with us and the girls?" Calem asks and sun smiles. "Sure Calem sounds like fun, and while I'm at it, I'll train lycanroc." Sun answers. "Great, see you there." Calem says and sighs off.

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