Chapter 48 4-8 Looker Missions

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Carl drives the car into the boat to be transported. "Sun, what do you think about fighting or catching?" Carl asks "you mean this ultra beast mission?" Sun asks. Carl adjusts his chair and relaxes for a bit. "Have a girlfriend?" Sun asks. "No, I'm too caught up in my work." Carl answers, as sun does the same thing Carl does. "Carl, do you think we'll ever be done with these missions?" Sun asks "only when we know the world is ok." Carl answers. "The world will never be ok. Problems will just keep coming." Sun points out. "We should focus on thr mission for now." Lycanroc says as the boat starts to dock.

On poni island

Sun and Carl look at the ultra beast they have to catch. "We need to find that stakataka." Carl says and drives the car. "We should park the car and continue on foot." Carl adds, then once they were outside the long grass.

Sun and Carl get low to get out of the stakatakas way

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Sun and Carl get low to get out of the
stakatakas way. "Is that the ultra beast we need to look for?" Sun whispers. "Yeah, now just Follow my lead." Carl says and sends out her servine. "Good idea." Sun says and sends out his lycanroc.

Lillies POV

*Why does mother need all this?* lillie asks, but then gets a phone call from kukui. "Hello?" Lillie asks over the phone. "Hey lillie, will you be coming in for more research?" Kukui asks. "Yes mr kukui, I'll he there shortly. I'm just doing some Aaron's for my mother." Lillie answers, then signs off. *once I give these machine parts to mother, I gotta go see kukui* lillie thinks. Just then, ash shows up, with joof being in the back round. "Hey lillie." Ash greets with a smug smile. "Ash? Can you not do that? You're a nice guy, but we can't fall in love." Lillie point out. "None of that matters, all I know is that me and you belong to together." Ash says, then comes closer to her. "Excuse me, young man. If this young lady doesn't like you, you shouldn't push her to like you." Nurse joy points out. "Nobody asked you nurse joy!" Ash snaps at her.

"Young man, i will not be taking this from you

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"Young man, i will not be taking this from you. I'm afraid it's time for you to leave." Nurse joy points out. "Uh, excuse me nurse joy, can you heal my pokemon?" Joof comes in. Ash grabs lillies hand and rushes out of the pokemon center. "Ash, stop it! I don't want to be with you!" Lillie snaps at him. "Maybe, this will change your mind." Ash says and shows lillie a necklace. "Excuse me?! You think you can just buy me!?" Lillie asks with a bit of anger. "Lillie, a beautiful girl like you deserves a beautiful life." Sun says and tries to kiss her, but she places her hand on his lips. "No ash, im done with this!" Lillie snaps and tries to walk past him. But like ash, he wouldn't give up. He takes to advice from joof. "Come on lillie, at least let me prove it to you." Ash says and lillie wasn't having it. "Ash, your charm is starting to annoy me." Lillie points out. "Lillie, i love you too much." Ash says, trying to flirt his way to her. "Ash, i know we had those feelings, but for the past view days, you've been acting really creepy."Lillie says and tries to pull himself away from ash. "Come on lillie, I can take care of you." Ash begs and pulls her in closer. Lillie tries to fight him, but ash then kisses her on the forehead.

Lillie pushes ash and slabs him

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Lillie pushes ash and slabs him. "That was stupid ash, don't ever do that again!" Lillie snaps. Vulpix then uses ice beam, freezing ash. "Come on snowy, let's leave ash to melt once the sun let's him." Lillie says, still blushing. "What the hell was that?!" Joof asks, with a bit anger. "I did what you said asshole. I tried, but the necklace didn't work." Ash says, his lips making him talk. "Now what?" Ash asks. "I don't know, after this, we're pretty much out of options." Joof points out. "Come on man, let's try something else." Ash pleads. "Fine" joof says and sends out his charmeleon. "Flamethrower and make it fast!" Joof demands. The charmeleon did so.

(Sorry sinoh ash I'm talking about the alolan ash

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(Sorry sinoh ash I'm talking about the alolan ash.)

Back to Ash and Carl

"Whoa, that was an intense battle." Sun says "remind me to never anger your lycanroc." Carl says and sends his servine back into the ball. "Now, what do we do?" Sun asks "we should head back, still plenty of day light yes, but we shouldn't push our luck incase another attack is coming our way." Carl answers, rushing back to the car.

Back on akala island

"Did you get the stakataka?" Looker asks. "Yeah, we did." Sun says, carl hands looker the beast ball. "Do you have what I'm looking for?" Sun asks. "Yeah, turns out the star stone is the last stone you need, but didn't you say you had a book?" Anabel asks. "Yeah...." Sun answers. "In a page, you might find what you're looking for." Anabel says with a smile. "Its never easy with you is it?" Sun asks. "Nope." Anabel giggles. "Thanks again sun, here you go." Carl hands sun $7500 poke dollars. "Susan should be at the league, she needs you for something later." Carl adds. "Good job sun." Looker says, sun smiles.


"Hey lycanroc, we should check on lillie, i did promise her I'd see her." Sun says. "Sure, whatever you say." Lycanroc says. Sun dials lillies number on speed dial. "Hey lillie, are you at home?" Sun asks. "Ash, I need your help. I need to tell you something." Lillie says with worry over the phone. "Im at kukuis place." Lillie adds. "Stay there, I'll be there soon." Sun says and signs off.

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