Chapter 23 Hanging With Gladion

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Sun and Gladion go out onto the nice warm weather. "Feels great to see you again." Sun says and gladion smiles. "Yeah, i kinda missed you." Gladion chuckles. "I guess it has been a while since we had that island challenge." Sun says as lycanroc and silavally catch up too. "So sun, I hear you can understand us." Silavally says. "Yeah, I can. I don't know how. I hit my head." Sun answers. "Who you talking to?" Gladion asks, looking confused. "Nothing, I was just mumbling." Sun answers nervously.

At the poke park

Sun and gladion sit on the bench while their pokemon play. "You know, I wish that idiot hau would be here with us." Gladion says. "Didn't think his jealously would actually go this far, me giving up the league in order to save lillie." Sun says, looking back 2 years ago. "What do you think?" Gladion asks "we have to do our best to make sure alola doesn't go back the way things are." Sun answers. Gladion smiles at the idea. "What are your thoughts on ash?" Sun asks "he's weird, what the hell happened at kukuis place?" Gladion answers then asks. "I was teaching him a lesson on not touching lillie the way he did." Sun answers. "What?!" Gladion gets up and balls his fist. "What the f*ck! Did he do to my lillie!?" Gladion asks with anger. "I took care of it. Calm down big guy, it's over ok?" Sun reassures him.

Gladion calls down and bit

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Gladion calls down and bit. "How can you know that?! What if he touches her again?!" Gladion asks with anger. "He won't, I told him not to or he's dead." Sun answers. "I thought we were suppose to relax, nit get worked up on what some 10 year old reject dod to my girlfriend." Sun answers and gladion takes in a deep breath. "You're right, im sorry pal." Gladion says as he sits back down. They both look over to see lycanroc tland silavally playing with each other. "Funny how they play with eachother, like you and lillie use to." Sun mentions. Gladion slightly blushes "we did not!" He objects. "Sure you did, lillie told me." Sun chuckles. "Hey wimp! You wanna battle!" A sailor asks and sends out his blastoise. "Talking to me punk!?" Gladion shouts and calls over his silavally. Sun and lycanroc watch as well as other trainers did. "Hydro pump!" The sailor commands "air slash." Gladion counters. Silavally swiftly makes its way to blastoise while dodging the hydro pump. Silavally hits hard. *wow, that was strong!* sun thought. "Tri attack!" Gladion adds and silavally quickly attack and slashes blastoise. "Bite!" The sailor commands and bites down kn silavally on the arm and slams it on the ground. "Razor wind!" Gladion commands and sillavaly charges up the attack. Ice beam!" The sailor commands and blastoise shoots out a beam of ice hitting silavally. "Now!" Gladion shouts then silavally slashes blastoise and critically hits. "How strong can one silavay be?!" The sailor asks in shock. "Skull bash!" The sailor tries to counter the damage it got. "Tri attack!" Gladion commands and counters and hits the blastoise hard, causing it to faint. "How did I lose?" The sailor asks as he falls to his knees over his fallen blastoise.

Everyone cheers and claps "wow gladion, that was amazing!" Sun says and high fives him

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Everyone cheers and claps "wow gladion, that was amazing!" Sun says and high fives him. "I learned from the best." Gladion says with a wink. Sun rolls his eyes "that was nothing, I can take out a blastoise harder then you can." Lycanroc howls "sure, you wanna try me?!" Silavally asks. The two pokemon seemed to wanna fight, but before they could, gladion gets silavally back in its pokeball. "Lycanroc! You need to behave, you can't just go picking fights." Sun says ans lycanroc scoffs at him. "What's wrong with lycanroc?" Gladion asks "he's just mad, cause he thinks he's weak." Sun answers and gladion nods. "Well, midnight lycanrocs require a lot of patience, and time, and training." Gladion says. "Wow gladion that was amazing!" Ash says feeling cocky. "Beat it ash!" Gladion snaps and ash falls back. "What? I came to see a fight and turns out you were more tough then that sailor was." Ash chuckles. "Whatever, I don't need your opinion, come on sun." Gladion snaps and grabs sun by the wrist.

Ash was just left with his mouth hanging open

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Ash was just left with his mouth hanging open. "You're that mad?" Sun asks, gladion didn't answer as they made their way to the fair. "What are we doing here?" Sun asks "just needed to get away from it all." Gladion answers. He then turns over to a hotdog stand. "Two please." Gladion asks kindly. The man gives gladion 2 hotdogs and gives one to sun. "Keep the change." Gladion says and walks off while eating. After eating their snack. "So gladion, how was kanto?" Sun asks "i almost won the pokemon league." Gladion answers which shocked sun. "Wow you did?!" Sun asks "yep I did. I lost cause I wasn't strong enough. And also I didn't want to stay in kanto. I wanted to come back to see moons beautiful face." Gladion explains. "You did the right thing." Sun chuckles. "How come it took you 2 years to asks?" Gladion asks "well, you were with moon all the time, we hardly had time to hang out." Sun answers and ruffles gladions hair. The two boys laugh as gladions hair got messed up.

At home

"Did my boys have fun?" Moon asks and jumps on gladion. "We had fun today babe. Lillie stands on her toes to kiss sun. "Yep, alot of fun. We should do it again sometimes." Sun suggests and gladion smiles. Sum checks the time. "We should, go to bed now." Sun suggests. During the night as sun and lillie were spooning as well as gladion and moon. A Pikachu watches from the tree. Lycanroc woke up, he hears the pikachu. *what the hell does he want?* Lycanroc asks as he makes his way outside.

 *what the hell does he want?* Lycanroc asks as he makes his way outside

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