Chapter 65 Why Are The Ultra Beasts Attacking

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10 hours before the fire Sun's POV

Sun wakes up in the bedroom of the ultra League. *the days seem to go by fast, so much to do though.* sun thinks, then gets out of bed. *I feel like crap.* sun thinks, rubbing his head. "Morning sun." Dawn chirps. "Hi." Sun grumbles, so does lycanroc. "Care for some breakfast?" Dawn asks. "Sure." Sun answers.

At the breakfast table

Sun eats his breakfast, but then starts something. "What hell am I doing with my life right now? Nothing seems to matter." Sun says out of frustration. "Oh dear...." Dawn goes, lucas eating more slower. *best we not say anything.* red thinks and so does everyone else. Suns walkie talkie goes off. "Sun? Sun? Are you there?" Carl asks.

Sun picks up his new and improved walkie

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Sun picks up his new and improved walkie. "Sun here." Sun replys. "Sun, Anabel needs you at the library." Carl instructs, then sighs off. *why in the world does Carl need me to do that?* sun thinks. "Sorry about my temper. I just gave been having my off days. I gotta go now. I'll be back." Sun says, but he doesn't actually know when he'll be back.

At the library

Sun meets up with anabel. "Hello sun." Anabel greets, giving him a hug. "Thanks Anabel, uh what did you need me for?" Sun asks. "The Ultra Beast numbers seem to increase a bit. We need to find a reason why." Anabel answers. They both log into the computer. "Sun, I notice you are a bit unstable sometimes." Anabel points out. "Why you say that?" Sun asks. "Your inner demon. You call it Charlie, the name of a child that was once alive during the kalos war." Anabel explains, which surprised sun. "Go on." Sun ushers. "The child was burned inside the house, along with was in with his mother. His ashes were buried under the sea in a casket." Anabel explains. *smart girl* Charlie says in suns head. "How did you know?" Sun asks. "I did some research. I actually saw a dragon in the sky, but didn't know which pokemon was it." Anabel adds, but keeps going. "I knew it had to do something with you, but since your the only person that is the chosen one, I assumed the inner demon was in you." Anabel says, but then sun yawns. Anabel looks into suns mouth to see a fiery face of the Dragon.

"I was right, it lives in you

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"I was right, it lives in you." Anabel says. "How often does that happen?" Anabel asks, not sure if Charlie shows himself often. "No meer mortal can find out. Only my main man sun can. I thought he was the man that killed my mother, but I was so wrong. Turns out, he wanted to save alola. Do something I can never do." Charlie growls through suns mouth. Anabel checks the time, and starts typing stuff on the computer. "Your demon isn't an ultra beast nor a pokemon at all, but it was something that was ment for evil." Anabel explains, looking at the different ultra beasts. "Why do they seem to he attacking more often?" Sun asks. "The numbers seem to be rising, could it be that Necrozma is behind all this?" Anabel asks. "I did know about the ultra worm hole incident you had 2 years ago." Anabel mentions. *Carl was there, so that's why she knew. No need to be vain.* sun thinks. "Sun, I'm bored, can we do something else?" Lycanroc asks, but to anabel it was just a bark. "No lycanroc, this is important." Sun answers, lycanroc wasn't happy, but didn't complain either, just lay down on the floor. "Look sun, even eye witnesses are seeing the ultra beasts." Anabel points out. *recent news shows more sightings of these mysterious pokemon showing up around alola, we still don't know the reason why this is happening." Sun reads aloud.

*another one?* sun asks to himself

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*another one?* sun asks to himself. "I thought that was the only UB-01." Anabel says. "Huh?" Sun asks. "Oh, I mean Nihilego." Anabel answers. "Wasn't it lusamines projects? A project to replace her real daughter for a clone of her?" Anabel asks, making sure she got this right. "Yeah, sad to say. I wish lillie grew up differently." Sun answers, feeling bad for his girlfriend and the way she grew up. "You're sweet sun, no wonder lillie picked you over hau." Anabel says. Sun squinted his eyes "how did you know that?" Sun asks. "Call it a hunch, Carl told me." Anabel answers. "Oh....." Sun says, feeling a bit awkward. "Hey sun, look at this. Turns out these ultra beast get come out of the ultra worm holes at night mostly. Maybe if you get a blood sample from UB-01 we can probably figure out a way to make that cure calem has been talking about." Anabel suggests. "Can I just get a blood sample from the one I have in the PC box?" Sun asks. "I think it has to be from a wild one. I think that because UB-01 evacuates itself after it gets caught." Anabel answers. Sun was about to say something, but then he got a text from the fat manager at the docks. *ah, not this guy again.* sun thinks in his head.

Sun reads the following words on his phone

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Sun reads the following words on his phone. *sh*t I can't lose this position now. I need to tell anabel.* sun thinks. "Hey anabel, I need to head to the docks. The monorail guys are just pissing me off. I'll see you around." Sun says, but before anabel can say anything, he was already gone. *sometimes i don't get that boy.* anabel thinks, but resumes her work on the computer. A faint sound of purring can be heard, as it gets closer and closer to anabel. "Finally, I never thought we'd leave, And trust me, I think the readers were getting a bit bored too." Lycanroc mentions while running. "Can it boy." Sun snaps, but lycanroc chuckles.

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