Chapter 61 So Much To Do And So Little Time⏳

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Back to suns POV

Sun sits with lucas, all lucas did was eat some of his food. "I felt like I was possessed or something." Lucas says. "When?" Sun asks. "I don't know, I felt like I was being possessed by something that made me threaten the manager." Lucas explains, sun knew what he meant. "Like the way moon was possessed 2 years ago?" Sun asks. "I think so, I don't know." Lucas answers, eating little by little. "Sorry lucas, I didn't know it phased you that much." Sun apologizes. Sun then looks at the time. "Hey lucas, it's getting late, you should go to bed." Sun suggests. "You're right, I need a shower 1st." Lucas answers, then eats the rest of his food quickly.

In suns league room

Susan sits in his bed, reading a book. Sun didn't care, he just climbs into bed. "All i did was nothing." Sun says, Susan looks at him. "Why do you say that?" Susan asks. "I just stood in bed and rested." Sun replys. Sun then spoons with susan, Susan blushes, but didn't fight it. "Goodnight sun." Susan says "Goodnight susan." Sun says, then slowly drifts off to sleep.

In suns dream

"What the hell?" Sun says, looking around the dark misty place he was in. "Hello sun, nice to see you again." Dewott greets. "Dewott? Hey buddy, it's been a while." Sun greets amd hugs him.

"It's been years

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"It's been years. I forgot how long it's been." Dewott answers. "Don't worry dewott, Emilio is in jail and rayquaza is set free. Back to hoenn it goes." Sun reassures him. "Sun, what you did today was so brave. You toke the hit for lycanroc." Dewott praises. "I should've done to same for you." Sun regrets, but dewott pats sun on the shoulder. "It's ok sun, you did something for your loyal pokemon." Dewott reassures sun with a smile. "Can't believe i lost you at 8 years old. Im surprised emilio had that legendary pokemon." Sun thinks out loud. "Yeah he was some spoiled brat i know." Dewott adds, feeling the same pain sun was feeling. "I was supposed to be your best birthday gift ever, but I just wasn't strong enough." Dewott regretfully says. "You did your best dewott, no need to feel sorry." Sun reassures. "I just hope you and lycanroc can do better then I did. Ash might be too strong." Dewott informs. "I know" sun answers. "And sun, make sure that charmeleon can be well taken cared of." Dewott adds, before walking off. "Dewott!" Sun calls out, but then the alarm rang.

Sun wakes up

"Damn...." Sun says, feeling his head beat in a bit of pain. "Here you go sun." Susan says, giving sun a headache pill. "You seem to be missing someone. Did you date anyone before lillie?" Susan asks. "No, I was just missing my dewott." Sun answers, feeling a but tired still. "What happened to your dewott?" Susan asks. "He died during a battoe when I was 8." Sun answers. "Breakfast!" Dawn calls out. "We'll talk about it another time." Susan says with a reassuring smile.

At the breakfast table

Sun stares at his plate for a bit

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Sun stares at his plate for a bit. "Sun, are you feeling ok?" May asks. "I'm fine, I'm just tired. Is lycanroc feeling better?" Sun asks, eating his eggs. "He's fine, just needs to rest it's jaw." Red says, grabbing a cup of coffee. "What do you plan to do today?" Brenden asks. "I don't know really, I can't train my Lycanroc and I assume lillie is busy today. Hold on." Sun replayed, then checked his phone.

Sun: hey lillie, you doing anything today?

Lillie: sorry sun, kukui has got me doing some pokemon rescreach. I'll see you another time.😢

Sun signs off his phone. "Yep she is busy today." Sun says, and gives out a sad sigh. "It's ok sun, why don't you help green with watering the plants around the League." Red suggests. "Sure." Sun says, then goes outside.


Sun meets up with green and her Venusaur. "Hey green, need some help?" Sun asks. "Yeah sun, that would be nice if you helped." Green answers, handing him and water container. "This is the only part of the ula ula island mountain that hardly snows. And is the warmest." Sun says, which got green interested.

"Hey sun, I have a huge crush on red

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"Hey sun, I have a huge crush on red. Im sure you know that." Green mentions, blushing a bit. "I think I knew that before." Sun points out. "When did you know?" Green asks, blushing a bit red, she might as well be callee red. "He told me." Sun answers. " red did have a thing for me?" Green asks, as a smile grows on her face. "Yeah, he was sad when he had to leave for alola. But now you're here. Don't waste this chance." Sun suggests, watering thw plants outside. "Do me and favor and see if red wants to kiss me." Green says. "I don't red if he's willing to, but I'll see what I can do." Sun says. "You're talking about reds crush on green?" Charaizard asks. "Yeah, but don't tell him." Sun says. "Don't worry, he can't understand what I'm saying anyways." Charaziard laughs with amusement. To green, charaziard was just growing while sun was hurting talking to him. "Charazard? Where are you buddy?" Red calls out. "Hes here." Sun answers, calling red over. Green feels a blush growing as red approaching them.

Red sends charazard back into his ball, and gives it to green

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Red sends charazard back into his ball, and gives it to green. "Here green, tale care of charaziard for a bit." Red says, then green blushes hotter when red gently brushes her hand with his. "Come on sun, we got to fix the battle field before you could have another pokemon battle." Red says, bring sun with him. Once the 2 boys left, green kisses reds pokeball. *yes, he likes me too.* green thinks, Venusaur then refocuses her. "Oh, sorry." Green giggles, stuffing the pokeball in her pocket.

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