Chapter 32 Hanging Out With Lillie💑

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Sun lays in his bed, then hears a beep on his phone.

Lillie 😊: "Heyy sun, I hope to hang out with you."

Sun 😘: "yeah lillie, I would love to see you on akala island."

Sun lays his phone down on the night stand. *wait for me babe* sun thinks and closes his eyes.

Next morning (lillies POV)

Lillie goes to akala island, near battle royal dome. Lillie sits on the bench while waiting for him. "Hey lillie!" A voice calls out and lillie looks up to see ash. "What is a beautiful girl like you doing all by her lonesome?" Ash flirts. Lillie blushes and looks away from ash, ash sits on the bench with lillie.

"Who are you waiting for?" Ash asks and places a hand on lillie back

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"Who are you waiting for?" Ash asks and places a hand on lillie back. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend." Lillie answers. "Well, here i am." Ash says and lillie rolls her eyes. "Ash, I can't do this." Lillie pushes suns hand away. "What do you mean?" Ash asks and places a hand on her knee. Lillie blushes, feeling ashs warm hand. "Sun is my boyfriend, ash. I'm not gonna do this with you." Lillie tries to reject him, but ash kept pulling her in. "Ash stop! Ok! I just want to wait for my boyfriend." Lillie protests. "Come on lillie, I'm better then sun. I can treat you better." Ash says and lillie couldn't fight it. "He's gonna be mad." Lillie says with a smile. "I don't care if he does, as long as I have you." Ash says with a smug smile. Lillie looked into ashes eyes and lillie lightly blushes. "Ash.....why did you come to alola?" Lillie asks, looking at the ground. "I came to see you babe, you know how much i mossed you." Ash answers, he places his hand on her chin. "Sun, can you just go on with your island challenge?" Lillie asks and ash sees his watch. "Oh crap, you're right lillie!" Ash says and rushes off to route 7 with his Pikachu.

*Thank goodness he left

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*Thank goodness he left. I check take his charm.* lillie thinks with a sigh of relief.

Back to sun POV

Sun walks over to the town lillie was at. "Hey lillie, did you miss me?" Sun greets and kisses her cheek. Lillie blushes an even deeper red. Lillie wraps her arms around his neck as his lifts her off the ground. Lillie giggles as sun kisses her chin, Sun gently places lillie back down on the ground. "I missed you so much sun, I was worried I wouldn't be able to see you again!" Lillie says to sun. "When do you think ash is gonna leave?" Sun asks with chuckle. Not knowing the fact that, lillie and ash were just talking a few minutes ago. "So, what did you want to see me for?" Sun asks. "I want to show you something?" Lillie says and holds suns hand. "Lillie, isn't it nice for once to just not worry about anything?" Sun asks and looks at her hair. "What happened after rick and Dennis and lollie? Yeah, for the once the news isn't talking about this sh*t." Lillie answers and covers her mouth. "Wow lillie, i don't think I ever heard you swear before." Sun answers with a chuckle. "Shut up." Lillie looks away blushing. "It's ok lillie, we don't have to tell your mother." Sun chuckles again. "So, this is the place?" Sun asks, looking over the belly on the beach of akala island. "Wow lillie, where did you find this?" Sun asks "I was walking on mu way over here, and I saw this." Lillie answers and looks at the late morning sun. "Would like a foot massage later?" Sun chuckles "yes please." Lillie answers and kisses sun on the lips while standing on her toes. "Oh yeah, and I almost forgot. I made this for you before going to bed." Sun answers.

"Thank you sun, i love it!" Lillie giggles and kisses sun more

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"Thank you sun, i love it!" Lillie giggles and kisses sun more. Sun places his hands on her hips and starts rubbing them. Lillie deepens the kiss on suns lips. "Hey sun, you know the comfy you gave lillie shows you love her." Lycanroc says like smart ass. Sun ignores what his lycanroc says, instead, he kisses lillie on the neck causing her to gasp for a bit. They pull away after they kissed. "Thank you so much sun, I really love you." Lillie says and kisses him. "Hey lillie, do you ever think we can get married?" Sun asks and holds lillies hand. "When we're ready darling." Lillie answers and she nuzzles into his chest. "Still can't see why you picked me over hau, you and him were childhood friends." Sun brings up, which kinda shocked lillie. "Hau was a little too cocky, he's almost as cocky as ash, but I loved you more." Lillie explains. "Yeah, i still remember the time you were starring at me through the bushes." Sun chuckles and lillie gives him, her angry face. "Hi lillie! Hi sun!" A voice calls out, they both turn to see lana. "Hey lana, long time no see." Sun chuckles and hugs her.

"Have you two came down to fish with me?" Lana jokes and shows what she got

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"Have you two came down to fish with me?" Lana jokes and shows what she got. "Nice comfy." Lana adds, making lillie blush. "That's good prize." Sun says, looking at lanas catch of the day. "Are you gonna eat it?" Sun asks, Lana smiles and nods. "Well, I best not keep you two. Have a nice day, see you around!" Lana says and rushes off. "We need to make more chapters with lana in it." Sun suggests and places his hands on his hips. "You're right sun, i gotta go back to the lab, kukui needs me for some more Aaron's" lillie says and kisses his cheek.

At home

Sun waits for moons to come back, just then, he heard his phone ring. "Hello?" Sun asks "hello sun, I need to see you by the ula ula island jail, someone needs to see you." Jenny says through the phone.

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