Chapter 79 Werid Hau

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On ula ula island at the prison

Sun goes into the prison, with officer Jenny behind him. As they walked, the whistles of the jail inmates can be heard. *horny.* sun thinks. They go to haus cell, and hau was waiting for them. "I knew you'd be back for round two." Hau says in a creepy tone. "Hau? What the hell did you call me over for? Did you just call me over here to waste my time? I'm really not in the mood for games." Sun threatened hau. Hau was just laughing and faba just rolls his eyes in the next cell. "You'll have to excuse him. He's been hitting his head lately." Faba says, sitting in his jail cell.

Sun didn't care, and stared at hau who was rocking himself back and forward

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Sun didn't care, and stared at hau who was rocking himself back and forward. "I'll get you a chair, if he tries anything, you should tase him with this." Jenny instructs, handing him a taser. Sun sits in the chair with a taser. Lycanroc sits next to sun and growls as a warning. "You called him didn't you?" Sun assumes. "What make you figure that out?" Hau laughs and turns around slowly. "Ash is gonna make you run crying. Lillie may not be mine, but at least she isn't with your ass." Hau says like hes about to cry, or maybe a bit of anger. The wind of the night was cold, hau seemed to laugh as the wind blows. "You sere never ment to be in alola anyways. Lillie was ment to be mine." Hau says with a laugh. Sun rolls his eyes "You are so childish, it's been 2 years and you're still obsessed with lillie." Sun says, and crosses his arms. "You stole her from me! She was meant to be my girlfriend! You should've died along with your brother." Hau shouts, which got sun mad. "Shut up you stupid little sh*t! I don't care about what you think! All you do is mess things up and ruin peoples lives!" Charlie shouts at hau. Hau was bit scared, since he forgot about suns inner demon. "Sun stands up, so he could get closer to the jail bars. "What are you gonna do about it?" Hau says with a cackle. Sun clentches the taser and wanted to stab hau with the taser. *think about this Charlie, we can get into some serious trouble if we do this now.* sun thinks to Charlie.

"Shut up

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"Shut up." Sun says and hits hau on the head with the taser instead. Hau yelps in pain, and he falls to the floor. "Stupid kid." Sun says to himself. Sun meets up with officer Jenny again. "Are you done?" Jenny asks. "Yeah, looks like me and him have a agreement about one thing. That he was the one that called ash to take me out." Sun explains. "What about that joof guy?" Jenny asks. "I don't know where he is. He must have left when the studio burned down." Sun assumes, handing back Jenny her taser. "You're free to go sun. I'll call you up incase anything else turns up. Sun walks out to see Emilio and Joshua in a cell. Along with lollie, giving him the death stare. Sun quickly leaves the prison. Soon, the sun was down and the night sky took over. Sun then gets a phone call from lillie. "Hey sun, sorry but I'm gonna be a little busy for a while, but don't worry I'll see you later." Lillie says over the phone. "I understand you're busy babe, I'll see you later I hope." Sun says, then signs off.

Sun looks up and long at the clear night sky

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Sun looks up and long at the clear night sky. "You know, somewhere down there, my dad is watching over us." Sun says, lycanroc does the same. "Easy for you to say, I didn't even know my father." Lycanroc says. "That's cause you were abandon by your father. And your mother." Sun says. "Whatever dude, as long as we're ready to fight ash, I think I can die a happy lycanroc." Lycanroc says. "Can we go home now? I'm too tired to to do anything right now." Lycanroc says. "I think we should, but maybe we can-" sun was then cut off by a sweet voice. "Heyyy sun!" The voice chirps and tackle hugs him. "Candy?!" Sun calls out, as she tries to make sun stay on balance. "Candy what the hell are you doing?!" Sun protests as he tries to stay on his feet. "I missed you so much!" Candy chirps as sun manages to stay on balance. Candy finally gets off him and gives him a big hug. "What are you doing here candy? A prison is no place for a school girl like you, they're are dangerous men in there." Sun warns, candy giggles on how protective he's being. "I came here to find you, Because i have something important to tell you." Candy answers. "What is it?" Sun asks. Candy pulls out a drink that lycanroc needed to take. "What's this?" Sun asks taking the drink. "It raises the pokemons speed. Midnight lycanrocs are more of a defense and attack, but needs more speed." Candy explains.

"Why is it in a can?" Sun asks

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"Why is it in a can?" Sun asks. "Its the one and lonely product I made. I don't know if it works, but I'm sure lycanroc would be willing to cry it." Candy explains. "I don't know, but ok. Here lycanroc, drink this up." Sun says and hands lycanroc the drink. Lycanroc sniffs the canned liquid. He didn't seem to hate it. Lycanroc drinks the canned speed drink. "Whoa! This is some real good sh*t right here!" Lycanroc howls and drinks the can very fast. "Wow, he seems to like it." Sun says and lycanroc feels his speed stat go up. "That's good, now you are much faster now." Candy says and claps her hands. "Sun, why don't you come over and stay the night?" Candy offers. "Sure candy." Sun says.

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