Chapter 4 Ash?! 🙀

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Sun, red, and brenden approach the docks as some people get off the boat. "Lillie? What are you doing here?" Sun asks. "Well, I'm here to see an old friend." Lillie says giving sun her usual smile. Just then, ash got off the boat. "Lillie!" Ash calls out and hugs her. Lillie giggles with joy. "Hi ash, pikachu. How've you been?" Lillie asks with a smile. Sun felt a little jealous, due to the fact lillie was hugging another guy. *I think we should eat him....* Charlie growls *No Charlie, this might be just a misunderstanding* sun says to Charlie.

Sun looks at your reader "I know, lillie is in her Z power form, we just can't find images without them kissing in it

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Sun looks at your reader "I know, lillie is in her Z power form, we just can't find images without them kissing in it.....yet." Sun tells you with a sigh. "Also, this has nothing to do with ashs storyline. And besides, this is the writers fanfic." Sun adds and goes back to his reality. "Come with me ash, we got so much to catch up on since you left." Lillie says and takes ash by the hand. "Sun, are you jealous?" Red asks crossing his arms. "He is......" Brenden points out, trying not to laugh. "Yes I am.....Lillie is my girlfriend." Sun answers putting his hands in his pockets. "Don't worry sun, why don't you and lillie go out tommorow?" Red suggests "yeah, it's been a while since you two been on a date." Brenden adds. "Yeah, I think I'll do that." Sun says taking their suggestions. Sun calls lillie "hey lillie, I know you're busy, but can we go out on a date tommorow?" Sun asks with hope. "Yeah sure, gotta go." Lillie answers on the phone and hangs up fast. "Well, that was usual of her." Sun says to himself. "When do we get paid?" Brenden asks. "By the end of the week." Red answers trying to light a cigarette. Sun slaps it out of his hand. Sun nods towards you. "I'm going home....." Red says walking away with a bit of stress. "Hey sun, I'll catch up with you later." Brenden adds before running off. Sun looks over to see the same man from the work site. *why does that mean look so familiar?* sun thought and heads off. *Hey Charlie, its been awhile since I seen that woman. Was she an angel?* sun asks in his mind. *I don't know. I haven't thought about her. She's not dead, so maybe not an angel.* Charlie answers, but leaves sun hanging. Sun shrugs it off as he makes his way to moons school. "Hey gladion, this is how you meet up with moon?" Sun asks as gladion gives sun an innocent look.

"Yeah, I usually meet moon after school and wait for her to change by the lockeroom

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"Yeah, I usually meet moon after school and wait for her to change by the lockeroom." Gladion answers feeling embarrassed. Gladion and sun look over to see moon in her school uniform as she heads to the lockeroom. "Hey moon-" sun gets cut off by gladions hand covering his mouth. "What the hell?" Sun asks with a bit of anger. "Moon does not like to be seen with her uniform on." Gladion answers and lowers his hand. After a few minutes, moon approaches gladion and kisses him deeply on the lips. "Hey baby, I've been missing you." Moon giggles and winks at him. "Sun? What are you doing here?" Moon asks not even hugging him like she use to. "Hey moon, I just been wondering about your graduation." Sun answers. "It'll be during class, nothing special. I guess we'll celebrate after." Moon answers kissing her boyfriend. "Hey baby, let's go get a drink and relax." Gladion suggests and lets moon hold in to his arm. *now why are there changes going on? Damn, will it ever get better?* sun asks himself. Sun heads home and takes off his work boots. *moms not home.* sun thinks to himself. "Think what ever you want. I'm getting some chips." Lycanroc says and rushes to the cabinet. Sun takes a shower to get the dirt and grime off him. After a while, mom comes home. "Im home!" Mom calls out removing her heels. "Hey mom, uh what's in the bag?" Sun asks "just some premade food. I really don't feel like cooking tonight." Mom answers and hands sun a sandwich.

After eating his sandwich, sun sits with mom on the couch

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After eating his sandwich, sun sits with mom on the couch. He grabs her feet and starts massaging. Mom let's out a sigh of relief. "How was work?" Sun asks "mmm it was alright. Thank you." Mom says closing her eyes. "Sorry I haven't been home often. I've been busy lately." Sun apologizes. "No need to worry. I've been Mmmm busy too." Mom moans and reassures her son. "Hey mom, there's been a lot of changes in alola." Sun says "what do you mean?" Mom asks opening one of her eyes. Sun kneads the soles of her feet, and sighs a bit. "There's this new kid named ash, he just came to alola." Sun says. "I don't think we met him. Are you close friends with him?" Mom asks "no" sun quickly answers. "I guess we won't be seeing him around here hmmmm." Mom sighs and mumbles. "If you ever Mmmm need lunch served to your worker friends, come and tell me." Mom offers with a smile. Sun remembers the lunch they served 2 years ago when making the league. "Sure mom, I'll keep that in mind." Sun says and finishes the massage. "Thank you." Mom says wiggling her toes. The night soon comes, and lillie giggles as she explains her day to sun. She can't stop talking about ash. Sun rests next to lillie "baby, let's try to sleep ok. Is ash staying at a hotel?" Sun asks "he's staying at kukuis place. I'm staying with you, so it's no problem." Lillie answers. Lillie cutely yawns "yeah, a date sounds nice. I'll make the reservations." Lillie says before sleeping. Sun closes his eyes taking in the scent of lillies hair. "Goodnight lillie." Sun says as the stars gleam in the night.

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