Chapter 68 Aftermath Of The Fire 🔥

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In suns dream

"I'm sorry Charlie, don't be mad." Sun apologizes. "It's ok, I'll be fine. I just haven't seen a fire like that since my mother died" Charlie says. Charlie hugs sun and sun hugs him back. "I never thought I'd be hugging my inner demon." Sun says and Charlie soothingly growls. Sun wasn't scared, in fact he felt comfortable with being with his inner demon. "I am still vengeful for my mother." Charlie mentions. "I know buddy, but for now let's just focus on ash and joof. Those monsters." Sun says and Charlie understands, but then had to wake up.

Sun wakes up

Sun wakes up with lillie. Lillie was still sleeping in his arms, sun gently runs his hand up and down her back. Lillie smiles and snuggles deeply. "Mornin." Sun says in a sweet tone, trying not to wake lillie. Moon was eating a mellon, so that made lillie sleep due to the soft bites she was taking.

"Morning moon, sorry about last night

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"Morning moon, sorry about last night." Sun says. "I didn't even know i was resting a full day." Moon mentions, going back a few chapters. "I guess time goes by when you're having fun, I was just working all day." Sun says, and moon eats her Mellon fast. "Where's gladion?" Sun asks, moon shrugs. "He left again. I can never understand that man sometimes." Moon answers. "You want to have a mellon?" Moon asks, sun nods no. "I'm good." Sun says, then gets out of bed, leaving lillie without her warmth. Mom just left, since her work bag was gone, but moon already made breakfast. "You can cook?" Sun asks. "Yep, here you go sun." Moon says, handing sun a plate full of flapjacks. "Thank you moon." Sun says, then puts some syrup on them. Lycanroc shows up with Vulpix and moon purrs some poke food for them. "How did the fire happen?" Moon asks. "For the last time it was some assh*le that wanted to annoy and harass people, but then he got mad with power." Sun explains again. "Was he really harassing people? For what reason?" Moon asks, since it was kinda chaotic last night. "I don't know, he's trying to make sound pr something. I think is has ass kissers too, but they ain't in alola. So that's good news for me." Sun answers, remembering the houses that were burned. Lillie then shows up from suns room. "Morning darling." Lillie says, then kisses sun on the cheek. "Morning lillie, did you sleep well?" Moon asks. "Hungry." Lillie says, then lillie gives lillie an omelet.

After breakfast

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After breakfast

Sun goes outside and lycanroc sniffs the air. "You smell that?" Lycanroc asks. "Now that you mentioned it, yeah." Sun says, then looks for the source. "You see that smoke?" Sun asks. "I thought the fire was over." Lycanroc says. "There might be after fire." Sun says "come on, let's go." Sun adds.

The small town

Sun and lycanroc go to the small town and see some houses burned down. "Those poor people." Sun says, and frowns. "You did your best to save them." Lycanroc reassures him. "Yeah, but what if we had a better plan then just fight that poor charmeleon." Sun says, then looks at a small piece of rubble. "Sun, you shouldn't have to ve so reasonable for anything. You need to just try to save those you can." Lycanroc says. "I know I should, but I can't help but feel like it's my fault." Sun says, then sees a bit of an ember. He puts it out with some dirt. "We should probably check on those people." Sun says.

At the community center

Sun meets up with the 5 families that lost their home. They seemed really understanding, and sun gave them some money. Sun then bumped into candy. "Sun!" Candy shouts and hugs him tightly. "Hi candy, how've you been?" Sun chirps and hugs her back. "What are you doing here?" Sun asks. "My family came for a visit, so I decided to bring them here to stay." Candy explains and kisses sun on the chin, due to her small height of course. "You should come visit sometimes. I'm really sorry for what happened to your brother." Candy says. "It's fine, I'll be ok." Sun says frowning.

"What the hell was that?" Sun asks, hearing something from outside

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"What the hell was that?" Sun asks, hearing something from outside. "Aw arceus, it's joof again." Sun says, he then goes outside.


"What the he'll is your problem?! Haven't you destroyed of these people's lives already?!" Sun shouts, lycanroc bareing his teeth at him. "Clam your tits sun. Im just hear to make a name for myself!" Joof shouts, as the sound gets turned up louder. Sun sends lycanroc to attack the boom box, but joof sends his Charmeleon. "Come any closer and I swear to arceus. This community center will go up into flames!!" Joof warns, which the Charmeleon had to do what it's trainer told him. "You son of b*tch! I'll kill you!" Sun shouts, but joof just laughs. The sacred Charmeleon was begging to not hurt anyone.

The two stayed still for a what seemed like forever, but then sirens were heard

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The two stayed still for a what seemed like forever, but then sirens were heard. "Sh*t!" Joof shouts, then gets the hell out of out of there. The cop cars zoomed past sun as the chased joof. "That was a brave thing you did sun." Candy says, and hugs sun tightly.

After losing the cops

Joof made it back to the studio and ash was waiting for him. "Sun got the cops on me. I managed to escape." Joof explains. "So what do we do now? Sun is unstoppable. There's no way to beat him." Ash says. "I have an idea, we have to take what's around his finger." Joof says, and ash says "go on."joof gives ash a smugly grins at ash. "So we-" joof starts and whispers into ashes ear. Ash seems to like the idea that joof was saying.

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