Chapter 83 Memory With Lucas

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Sun wakes up with lillie in his bed. "Missed doing this?" Sun asks and kisses lillie. "You know how much I missed this." Lillie answers. "I'll take care of you later lillie, right now I need to be training." Sun says, but lillie grabs him before he could fully leave the bed. "Lillie, babe you know I have to go now. I'll be back I promise." Sun says and lillie finally let's him go. Lillie playfully slabs his back as he gets up from the bed. "Sun, why don't you and lillie spend some time together before moons graduation?" Mom asks. "I think I will, but not at this moment, I got some things to do." Sun answers and hugs his mom. "How's amy?" Sun asks. Mom blushes and hides her face "she's fine, can I tell you, she is a very attractive woman." Mom says and quickly puts her heels on and leaves the house. *somebody is in love with their boss. Haha, I just hope they turn out ok.* sun thinks before leaving the house. Before leaving the house, sun sees a pie mom made. *help yourself.* the note says and sun takes a slice before leaving the house.

Sun just went to the League to some reps at the gym

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Sun just went to the League to some reps at the gym. Although maybe eating that pie wasn't such a good idea.

After the workout and a short trip to the toilet

"That was one hell of a work out. I'm on fire." Sun says and sits on the couch. Lucas sits next to him. "Where's susan?" Sun asks, looking around. "She said she had some business attend to." Lucas answers, then dawn shows up with a smile. "Hey ladies, back from shopping already?" Lucas asks. "Yeah, who knew these 3 handsome men would be such a bit help to us." Serena says. All 3 boys blushed and placed the stuff on the table. "Next time, invite lillie with you." Sun chuckles. "We'll keep that in mind." Green says. "If she wants to comes." May adds, then takes brenden by the hand. Dawn sits next to sun, putting his in between. "I'm so tired." Dawn says slipping off her boots and places her socked feet on suns lap. Sun massages dawns feet and she moans. "Hey sun, the league gas been fixed. The gas pipe was leaking and me and red had to fix it." Lucas explains. "Oh, well thanks lucas. I'll be sure to give you a bonus." Sun chuckles, still kneading dawns feet.


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When I was young, I always dreamed about being something. I never was good though, since my dad was never there for me. And when he was there, he would hit me and beat me with a belt. But usually after that happens I would hang out with berry or dawn. I learned this skill from my das, even if he did beat me, I always learned from him. If I did something wrong, he would use the belt as a whip. Then I met you, thank arceus I met the likes of dusk 1st. He told me a lot of great things about you. Now I know, that I can be something, although I was beaten 2 years ago, I still pulled through it and I became something larger then what my father never thought I would be.

End of flashback

"Lucas, im sorry that happened to you." Sun apologizes as he kneads dawns heel area. Dawn gasps and moan, so she couldn't say anything. Hell she was asleep, so she didn't hear any part of his story. Lucas and sun laugh as dawn begins to snore.

"Hey lucas, you know you matter more then anyone else in this world

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"Hey lucas, you know you matter more then anyone else in this world. You deserve so much love." Sun says and Lucas smiles. "Thanks sun, coming from you means a lot." Lucas says and turns on the TV and places it to a low volume. Dawn snores cutely as the TV was just background noise. "Hey sun, what's for dinner?" Sun asks like he knows. "Ah sun, always hungry. Yes, but dinner won't be for another few hours, it's still morning. So you're gonna have to wait till dawn wakes up." Lucas says, but that didn't answer his question. Sun just rubs dawns feet and watches some random tv show on the TV. "Hey sun, when dusk asked if I wanted to be apart something in bigger then life. And if that meant leaving my home region, trust me, I have no regrets." Lucas says and empoleon gets a bit jealous when he's talking to sun. "Uh lucas, empoleon wants your attention. You two should spend more time together." Sun suggest and finishes the massage he gave to Dawn. Sun left the League and left dawn feeling happy and snoring for a good long while. *Sun, you should know that, this match has to be in your favor. Meaning you have to make a statement a day before the fight. You should make a promo or something.* Charlie suggest.

*You're right dude, I should

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*You're right dude, I should. Thanks for the advice.* sun says and was about to go home. Sun made it to the docks, but then his phone rings and he checks it. "Yeah carl?" Sun asks over the phone. "Sun, we need you here. We have one final task for you. We'll double your pay. Just need you this one last time." Carl says over the phone. "Sure carl, I'll be over in a bit. I hope you're right about this." Sun answers, then signs off. "Okay lycanroc, the looker needs us this one last time. Are you ready to do a last minute mission?" Sun asks. "Whatever, as long as we are able to train." Lycanroc says and licks suns face. *a little friendly are we?* sun asks and pets his pokemons little furry head.

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