Chapter 81 What Was My Dream About? 👁

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Morning, sun wakes up

Sun sits up in bed, candy still around his arms. *What was that dream about? Dewott.....* sun thinks with a tear rolling down his face. *I promise, lycanroc will not fall. We'll fight through it, together.* sun thinks. Lycanroc gets up with a yawn. "So, what's the plan for today? I heard you needed me." Lycanroc says. "Mallow might need me. So I'll call her up for a date. I just hope dusk still loves her." Sun hopes and gets out of candies arms. Sun calls up mallow. "Hello?" Mallow asks. "Hi mallow, would like to go on a fun date? You look like your could use one." Sun says. "Yes please sun, I'll see you tonight." Mallow says, then sighs off. "So Mr sun is a player?" Candy giggles. Sun through a pillow at her and she laughs.

"Who did you call?" Candy asks

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"Who did you call?" Candy asks. "I called my brothers girl friend mallow." Sun answers. "Why are you calling his girl?" Candy asks. "I had to, she's too lonely. I need to be there for her." Sun says. "Hey sun, did you feel anything last night? You were hot and started boiling. Are you gonna be ok?" Candy asks. "I'm gonna be fine. I need to go." Sun says and kisses candy on the forehead. "I'll see you around." Sun says and makes his way out.


"Sun, were you thinking about anything last night?" Lycanroc asks, knowing sun isn't himself. "I need to speak to hala." Sun says and heads off to mele mele island.

At halas house

Sun knocks on the door. "Hala, let me in!" Sun calls out. "In a minute sun, im coming!" Hala calls out. Hala opens the door, he looks a little more older then he did 2 years ago. "Sun, welcome." Hala says and allows him to come inside. "Have a seat." Hala says and lets sun sit on the chair. "You're not mad at me for putting hau in jail?" Sun asks as hala calmly sets some tea on the table. "No, I kinda expected this from hau. All he ever talked about was marrying lillie, but there's a problem, he wasn't mature enough." Hala says and gives sun his tea. "Is there poison in this?" Sun asks, which kinda offended him. "Sun, I would never do that. Besides, what can I poison you with?" Hala answers with a chuckle.

Sun believes him and takes a sip out of his drink

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Sun believes him and takes a sip out of his drink. Hala site across from him. "So sun, what did you dream about?" Hala assumes. "How did you know?" Sun asks. "I can sense some sadness in your life. You had a dream of doubt." Hala says and sips his tea. "I had a dream about dewott and my dad." Sun answers. "And Charlie, your inner demon." Hala says. "How did you know about my demon?" Sun asks. "You turned into him 2 years ago. You still have him, you can control him now." Hala says. "I can, but sometimes when I get mad, he comes out. I hit hau on the head, and I made him bleed. But it wasn't me doing it." Sun explains. "Sun, my grandson was always vain, but I never expected evil. Hau isn't coming out I know, but I just wish he didn't become what he did." Hala says with regret. "You don't need to feel so responsible, you tired to change him, but he wasn't in the mood. Nor will he ever will." Sun says and pours some more tea. "If haus father ever knew, he'd be really disappointed in him." Hala says, then drinks his tea in one gulp. "Tell me about my demon." Sun says, which hala got a book to shoe him. "This demon, was just a poor soul. The poor thing lost his mother. In the fire and when you opened the casket and you seemed to look like the man that buried his ashes years ago." Hala explains.

"From that day forward, he vow revenge for his mother

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"From that day forward, he vow revenge for his mother." Hala adds and sun listens closely.  "The demon has chosen you to be its host, you have a special power. That ring is the reason your lycanroc listens to you. Also, that lycanroc is special." Hala explains. "Your dream is related to doubt. You scared lycanroc is gonna meet the same fate dewott did." Hala says and lycanroc looks up to what they were talking about. "Sun, I think it's best if you trained your lycanroc, trust. Because if your lycanroc doesn't trust you, how are you gonna be able to win that pokemon match?" Hala asks. "You're right hala, lycanroc needs to learn some self respect. That power may go to his head, and he might not listen to me anymore. I'll make sure that won't happen." Sun says.

Lycanroc smiles, and eats his poke food

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Lycanroc smiles, and eats his poke food. "I think he gets the message too. We just need the time to learn that we can be one." Sun says, then drinks the last bit of tea. "Sun, i think it's time for you to leave. I got some work to be done later." Hala says and sun had to go.


Sun checks the time. "Sh*t sr need to get ready, I think mallow will meet me at her restaurant." Sun says and rushes back home.

Lucas POV

"Hey lucas, are you done fixing the pipes, I don't want the place to blow up!" Red shouts. "I got! Ok!" Lucas shouts back as the League seemed to be fixed up. "Good job Lucas, now if the pokemon battle gets too intense, the place won't go up in flames." Red says.

Plz 🗳💬🙂 your support helps our books grow.📚 sorry, but sunshine is in a bit of depression right now. Plz forgive him. He promised to make 3 tommorow. Have a merry xmas and a happy new year🎉

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