Sun meets up with the looker "Hey there, where's what you owed me?" Sun says and looker smiles. "Yes, we have what you want." Looker answers and anna gets up. "Here, turns out rick and Dennis have been hiding in a place in kalos." Anabel says and sun takes the paper from anabel. "This is the location?" Sun asks. "I can't say for sure." anabel answers. "Somethings better then nothing." Sun says being grateful. "I'll take what I can get." Sun says and pockets the paper in his bag. "Hey sun, before you leave." Carl calls out and hands sun some money. "Carl, I take." Sun says "I insist, and Carl hands the money in suns palm. "Thanks carl." Sun says and runs off. "You sure this kid is the chosen one? He's just a kid." Carl says "he is, he's as brave as a pyroar." Looker answers. "But he is a bit like a deerling in head lights." Looker mentions.
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"He is cute though." Anabel says with a small blush on her face. "What?" Looker asks "nothing anabel." Anabel quickly says as a huge blush explodes on her face. *someone likes him, I know I do, but not what anabel is thinking.* Carl thinks and walks out. "I'm gonna check if there are anymore ultra beasts." Carl says.
At home
Sun meets with lillie whose sipping tea on the couch. "Hey lillie, how are you doing?" Sun asks as lillie smiles at him. "I'm fine babe, I'm just tired after working all day." Lillie answers as sun sits with lillie. "You still work for kukui?" Sun asks "yep, I'm his Apprentice." Lillie answers and nuzzles her face in suns neck. "Has ash been staying away from you?" Sun asks and grabs lillies socked feet. Sum starts give lillie a foot massage. "Mmmm he stays with kukui as he does his island trails." Lillie answers while enjoying herself. She moans slightly. "He's doing the island challenge too?" Sun asks "mmmm, he wants to become champion." Lillie mentions. "He tried that, but I guess he'll be wanting the rematch soon." Sun says while kneading his girls feet.
Back at the motel 1 hour later
"What have you got for us?" Looker asks "that kid ash, he's gonna ruin everything." Susan says. "So, what can you do about it?" Carl says "I think I'll visit sun tomorrow. Check on how much he's training, ash is gonna be shocked to see how much stronger sun is." Susan says. "You're gonna give sun some tips? You are an experienced trainer." Looker says. Anabel smiles while daydreaming. "Anabel? Anabel?" Susan asks and soon she snapped out of it. "Oh um yes, sun could use the help." Anabel says and smiles.
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"Is she drunk?" Susan whispers "no, I'm sure she isn't." Looker whispers back. "I'll have to be heading back now." Susan says and goes back to the league.
After 2 hours after lillies foot massage.
"Thank you sun." Lillie says and rests her head on suns lap. "Make sure ash keeps his d*ck where it belongs." Sun says and brushes lillies hair. Lillie purrs as sun brushes lillies hair. "That's new, when did you do this?" Lillie asks as sun rarely brushes her hair. "I did this for moon a couple of times." Sun answers "I just thought you liked taking care of your own hair." Sun explains. "Hey sun, what were these scissors doing on the night stand?" Lillie asks "I feel like someone has cut my hair." Lillie says a bit scared. *how can she tell if a piece of her hair is gone?!* sun panicked in his head.
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Lillie shows sun the scissors. "I don't know, I think I was cutting some vines from the plants and I put it there." Sun lies, she has no idea what has been doing. "Ok, I believe you." Lillie and and rests her head on suns lap. "Where's moon shouldn't she be back by now?" Lillie asks "she's out with gladion or something." Sun says, but as soon as he did, his phone rings. "Hey moon." Sun greets over the phone. "Hey sun, do you need anything from the store?" Moon asks "Chips!" Lycanroc howls, but to lillie and moons it's just a howl. "Chips, why you asking?" Sun asks "well, I'm coming back from gladions place and I was wondering if you wanted something." Moon explains. "How was school?" Sun asks "oh, school? It's um great!" Moon lies and hangs up. "That was weird." Sun says and kisses lillie on the cheek. "Hey sum, are you hungry? I can make us something to eat." Lillie offers. "I guess I am." Sun answers and lillie puts some slippers on before cooking. *I should Check on moon and her school status. But then again I should be going to work tomorrow.* sun thought.
At dinner
Mom and moon came back as soon as lillie finished cooking the sausages. "How wants hot dogs?" Lillie asks with joy.
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At the dinner table, it was silent. Everyone was just trying to stomach the hot dogs lillie made, while trying to avoid eye contact. After an awkward dinner, meowth talks with sun "hey sun, how come rowlet gets to mess stuff up around the house?" Meowth asks "no meowth, he's just getting use to the house and has trouble finding his way around." Sun answers, knowing how rowlet gets. "Ok, how about battling? Will I ever get to battle again?" Meowth asks. "You want to?" Sun asks and pets him. "Sure, I would like the see how strong I've gotten." Meowth answers and licks suns hand. "We'll do that some day." Sun answers and Meowth rushes off as lillie got out of the shower. "Were you talking to meowth?" Lillie asks as she dries her hair. "Yeah, he's interesting in fighting again." Sun answers and reads the book again. Lillie giggles and kisses sun on the cheek. "Go to sleep, you have lots of work to do tommorow." Lillie yawns before sleeping. *maybe you're right* sun thinks and puts down the book.