Sun wakes up in his bed at the League. "Good morning." Serena greets, which was kinda strange for sun. "Morning darling." Sun greets, feeling woozy. He then plants a kiss on serenas cheek. Serena slightly blushes, but keeps it. "Is breakfast ready?" Sun asks, Serena nods no. "Wait...." Sun then rubs his eyes, fixing them. "Serena?!" Sun shouts, being surprised that he kissed her and not lillie. Serena smiles with a blush still. "It's fine, calem understands that it's a friendly kiss." Serena reassures him. "Is dawn making breakfast again?" Sun asks. "Yeah, it'll be done in 20 minutes." Serena answers.
After breakfast
"Hey sun, you did mention about waiting for a week to make sure lycanroc was feeling ok. You should probably train." Calem mentions. "What about the monorail work?" Sun asks. "Don't worry about it, Lucas and red have got it covered." Calem adds. Sun points at the manager badge he got. "I know, but somethings are more important." Calem reassures him. "Hey sun, the League gym is open and cleaned from the sweat. You and lycanroc can train there together." Green says. "Thanks green." Sun replys.
In the ultra League gym
"Ok lycanroc, let's start off with some weights." Sun says, lycanroc smiles a bit. Lycanroc was surprisingly strong.
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"See sun, it's easy as mallows apple pie." Lycanroc says, sun does the same. "You're not too bad yourself." Lycanroc adds. Sun and his lycanroc lift up the weights till their arms got really sore. "Ow, is this the type of pain you feel when punching rocks?" Sun asks, still lifting the weights. "No, since my hands look soft, but my hands are as hard as rocks." Lycanroc says, feeling a little vain. "Yeah, but your fur is soft and fluffy." Sun points out, lycanroc growled a bit. "Yeah, I saw how moon was being all cuddly with you on the floor." Sun adds, which angered lycanroc a bit. "Whatever champ." Lycanroc says *sassy.* sun thinks, then chuckles. "Still thinking on that charmeleon?" Sun asks. "Yeah, there's just something about him. I don't know what it is?" Lycanroc answers. "Do you like him?" Sun asks. "No, just don't know how to think then he's being abused. All my life, I had a good trainer with a kind heart, but this poor charmeleon didn't get the chance to experience that." Lycanroc explains. Sun smiled when lycanroc said that he was a good trainer.
After working out and in the shower
Sun rests with lycanroc for a bit, in nothing, but sweatpants. " Hey lycanroc, I should give u this for your speed." Sun says. Sun hands lycanroc some carbos. "Am I slow?" Lycanroc asks.
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"Well, you are the midnight form of your evolution. So you tend to use your attack and defense, rather then your speed." Sun explains. Without another word, lycanroc drinks up the carbos, feeling a bit faster. "That should raise your speed up, even just a bit." Sun assumes, lycanroc licking his lips from the drink. "Hey sun, how was the training?" May asks. "It's fine, how's susan?" Sun answers, then asks. "She had to do some things, she told me to check on you." May answers, slipping off her shoes. Sun says in bed, while may kneels on the bed. "How did you become champion and become so good? You seem to always win." May asks. "I don't know, me and lycanroc always come up with a plan. Then, we train till we throw up and till we get sore." Sun explains then chuckles. "But how sun? You're so cool." May says. "To be honest, I don't know sometimes, all the trainers are more then capable of beating me, but seems like me and lycanroc got to edge of things." Sun says rationally. May lays with sun, intertwining their legs together. "Hows brenden? You 2 getting along?" Sun asks. "He's such a sweet heart. I'm surprised he hasn't had a girlfriend before." May answers. "He's a charmer I know." Sun chuckles, closing his eyes for a bit. "Awwww, you're getting sleepy." May coos, feeling like sun is a little kid. "I trained all morning, I'm just beat from all the weight lifting I've been doing." Sun says. "Right lycanroc?" Sun asks, lycanroc nods and sits on the floor. "Oh right, your Blaziken has a special ability when it mega evolves." Sun points out. "I sure do." Blaziken says, but to may, it just says "blaziken." And may giggles to that cute voice he has.
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"Sun, do you ever think we're gonna stay in the league forever?" May asks. "I don't know, I have to retire someday. I should have a choice to be what I want to be?" Sun answers, feeling a bit down. "And you do honey, you have every right to be what you want to be." May says with a mother like tone. "You're gonna be a great mom someday." Sun says, petting her head, her bow tweaks. "Thank you baby." May smiles and blushes. "You plan to have kids with brenden someday?" Sun asks. "If he wants that too." May answers, letting out a small yawn. "Now look whose getting tired." Sun chuckles. Sun and may took like a 20 minute nap. Before sun or may could go into a deep sleep, lucas comes knocking at the door. "Hey sun, come out! We're having a meeting in dusks office." Lucas calls out, sun moves out of bed. Leaving may resting cutely. Sun covers may in some blankets and lycanroc follows sun out of the room.
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Sun puts on some clothes and meets up with his crew in dusks office. "What did you call me in for?" Sun asks, feeling a bit tired. "Sun, we need to talk to you about the rings we got. Turns out there's more then meets the eye." Red says, sun was shocked to hear that. He then looks down at his ring, feeling a strange power coming from it. "What kinds of backstory?" Sun asks.