Chapter 49 Judgement Day

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At kukuis house

Sun calls out, lillie wasn't busy, since she already finished work. Lillie hugs sun, sun pats lillie back. "What's wrong lillie?" Sun asks, lillie looks up at sun. "Ash kisses me again." Lillie answers honesty. "Why the hell would he do that?!" Sun asks, with a bit of rage. "Trying to be a simp." Lillie assumes, but she didn't know about joof. "What the hell?!" Sun goes. "Don't worry sun, I froze him. He's not going anywhere for a long time." Lillie reassures him. "Where is he?!" Sun asks "I don't know, I assume hes still doing his island challenge on ula ula island." Lillie answers honesty. "I'll be on my way lillie. I'll see you soon." Sun says, then rushes out. "See ya." Lillie calls out, waving.

On ula ula island

Sun looks over on another route, he sees ash with joof training and taking tips. "So, you and joof are working together?!" Sun asks, lycanroc barring it's teeth at them.

Ash was scared

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Ash was scared. "Stay away from me!" Ash demands, but sun wasn't having it. "Don't be scared of him ash. He's just Trying to seem tall, but he's just a scared little boy." Joof jokes, which pissed off sun. "What you gonna do about it kid?" Joof asks, sun glares. "You wanna test that theory?" Sun asks, lycanroc snickers at that idea. "You don't scare me." Joof says. "Joof, we shouldn't waste our time with this. I got an island challenge to do." Ash adds, but joof was a cocky bastard. "I bet I can win against you in a pokemon battle." Joof claims. "You wanna battle me b*tch?" Sun asks, lycanroc ready to bite down on him. "Yeah, let's settle this, right here right now." Joof says, then sends out his charmeleon. Sun was shocked to see joofs charmeleon. "What the hell did you do to this poor pokemon?" Sun goes, seeing the scar on the poor things face. A scar like lycanroc.

"Bloody thing doesn't listen and always loses

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"Bloody thing doesn't listen and always loses. Everytime it loses, it gets a beating." Joof says. "This is not how you should treat your pokemon!" Sun objects. "F*ck You sun, you can just walk away!" Joof suggests, but sun doesn't back down. *im sorry charmeleion.* sun apologizes in his head. "Flamethrower!" Joof commands, sun counters "stone edge!" Lycanroc punches the ground. Sharp rocks erupt from the ground, the flamethrower hits the rocks instead. "Brick break!" Sun commands, lycanroc jumps out of the rocks and chops the charmeleon. "What the f*ck was that you worthless piece of sh*t?!" Joof shouts at his charmeleon. "Use slash!" Joof goes, charmeleon rushes at lycanroc with sharp claws. "Crunch!" Sun counters, then lycanroc bites down on charmeleons claw, and slams it to the ground. "Get up, you're f*cking nothing!" Joof shouts a the already weak charmeleon. *doesn't he heal his pokemon after ever battle?* sun thinks. "Dragon rage!" Joof quickly commands, then charmeleon blasts lycanroc, but only loses 40 HP. "Rockslide!" Sun commands, lycanroc howls, then rocks fall from the sky. Charmeleon then is hit, joof get mad. Joof walks to go charmeleon, then smacks it and starts hitting it. "You piece of sh*t pokemon! I should've left you to die!" Joof says, beating the pokemon. "Hey! Hey! Get off of him!" Sun shouts and pulls joof of the charmeleon. "Get off me! You're not his trainer!" Joofs yells, sun balls up his fist and punches joof im the face. "What the hell is wrong with you!?! The fight wasn't over. There is no reasons to beat your charmeleon!" Sun yells, with joof rolled his eyes to. "Man, whatever. Come on ash, let's go." Joof then puts his charmeleon back in its poke ball. "If I were you, I'd heal the poor thing." Sun advices, but joof scoffs at that. *help me.....* sun can hear chameleon faintly say. Sun feels sorry for that Pokemon. "Now, of you excuse us, me and ash have another island challenge to win." Joof says, ash just remained silent."sun, is that chameleon gonna be ok?" Lycanroc asks. " I don't know lycanroc, i can't just take away a trainers pokemon, even if he is abusing it." Sun explains to lycanroc.

Sun pets lycanrocs head

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Sun pets lycanrocs head. "It's ok boy, this will never happen to you." Sun reassures him. "You don't know that." Lycanroc says and sits on the ground. "I haven't see a pokemon fight so weakly." Lycanroc says "besides ashes Pikachu?" Sun adds with a chuckle. "Yeah, besides ashes Pikachu." Lycanroc answers with a sad smile. "Let's go home." Sun says and picks up his lycanroc.

At home

"Hey moon, back from candies place?" Sun assumes. "Yea, how did you know?" Moon asks and lays back. "What's wrong with lycanroc?" Moon asks, lycanroc tries not to make anyone notice. "We had to fight an abused charmeleon." Sun answers. "You mean, a trainer was abusive?" Moon asks. "Sadly yes, the world has changed the last 2 years." Sun answers, he then sits with moon. "You knew about dusks disappearance?" Sun asks, making sure Jenny kept her promise. "Yeah, I can't believe he's gone. You should've seen moms face. She fell to the floor crying." Moon goes. "I'm sorry that happened." Sun apologizes, thinking he could've done more. "Sun, you did your best. Nobody is gonna blame you. I'm sorry me and Flareon weren't there to help." Moon says. "Moon, what's done is done. Best we get some sleep." Sun suggests, then gets up. "Come on, I'll brush your hair." Sun offers, moon was happy and takes suns hand. As sun was brushing moons hair, he can hear Flareon talking to lycanroc.

"It's ok lycanroc, sun is a great trainer

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"It's ok lycanroc, sun is a great trainer. He'll never do that to you." Flareon reassures him. "I just didn't want to fight the poor thing." Lycanroc says, placing his face in his paws. *poor lycanroc, he doesn't need to experience abuse by a someone else's trainer.* sun thinks, as he brushes moons hair to sleep.

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