Chapter 5 Catching up

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Sun wakes up, but he checks under the bed. *no fans here* sun thought "sun, it's been 2 years." Lillie mutters in her sleep. She grabs sun by the waist and snuggles with him closely. Sun sleeps with lillie for an hour, but he then sneaks out of bed. Lillie didn't seem to notice, since she was out cold. Later, sun got dressed and checked outside on the porch. "What a lovely day." Sun says to himself while sipping some coffee. "Sure is brother." Moon says while doing yoga with mom. "Care to join us?" Mom asks with a relaxing smile. "No thanks, I'd rather give you a foot massage though." Sun answers. "Aw sun, I'd love that, but me and moon are busy. Maybe next time." Mom says. Sun chuckles and rowlet flys to the near tree. Sun then gets a call from dusk. "Sun, you do know we have work today?" Dusk says "oh crap, I forgot!" Sun says and rushes to get dressed. Sun goes to the docks to see the same man start at him for a bit. Sun looks over to see some scuba gear.

"Hey dusk, what the hell is this?" Sun asks

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"Hey dusk, what the hell is this?" Sun asks. Sun didn't know what scuba gear was. "You never seen scuba gear before?" A skinny man asks. "No, what is this?" Sun asks holding up the vest. "Can you swim?" Red asks "Not really." Sun answers. "Well, today you're you're gonna try." Brenden says. Soon, sun was suited up in a weird empoleon like scuba outfit. "If Lucas and empoleon saw this, they'd go nuts." Sun says feeling embarrassed. "Don't worry sun, cause after this we get 2000 poke dollars." Dusk says. "First of all, why do we need scuba gear?!" Sun asks. "Well this monorail is gonna be on top of the water. We just need to make the support for the whole thing." Dusk answers. "Seems reasonable. So it's not gonna be underwater?" Sun asks. "No, although that would be nice though." Dusk thinks and starts getting in the water. "Don't worry fellas. If you ever need to communicate, just speak through these." A worker instructs. He holds up two walkie talkies that go into the scuba suits and places them in the shoulder area. "Don't worry, they're water prove." The man adds. "Now, get in the water and start placing the area on when we should make the support systems." Another worker instructs. After a whole morning in the water, sun, dusk, and a couple of other men and women emerge from the water. "Shifts over! Call in the next!" A random worker says as the work bells ring. Sun changes into his regular clothes. "Hey dusk, I'm going home." Sun calls out "wait sun, here take your payment." Dusk says and hands sun 2500 poke dollars. "Dusk, this is more then what I've earned." Sun says. "The boss says you worked extra hard today. So, he gave you two interest in your payment." A worker says and his machoke pats lycanroc on the head.

Sun takes the money

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Sun takes the money. "See you around dusk." Sun says while waving bye. "We'll Lycanroc, I got a date tonight." Sun says to his pokemon. "Yeah you get her boy." Lycanroc says, but to others it's only a howl. "Lycanroc, keep it down. We're in public." Sun shushes. "Whatever....." Lycanroc growls while trying not to bite suns hand. When sun got home, lillie was cooking with mom for a bit. "Thanks ma'am, that was really fun." Lillie giggles. "Anytime." Mom says and tastes her stew. "Hey mom, wheres moon?" Sun asks. "She's out with gladion. Mom answers while turning on the tv. "Hey sun, ready for our date?" Lillie asks and stands on her toes to kiss sun. *I'm glad she Remembered.* sun thought to himself. After getting dressed, the sun went down to dusk. Sun checks his closet to see the dusk stone glowing.

*so the sun, moon, and dusk stone glow

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*so the sun, moon, and dusk stone glow. So, what comes next?* sun thinks for a bit. *sun, this is the point in time where we find the 4th key.* Charlie says to sun. *4th key?! What do you mean?* sun asks Charlie. *there is a 4th a final key. The rainbow stone. A very rare stone. Says to come out on the night after rainfall.* Charlie instructs sun. *Charlie, we can look for that another time. I ain't got time for that. I got a date.* sun says to his dragon friend. *NO! you're going to listen to me. Alola is in danger! We need to open the door and destroy necrozma once and for all!* Charlie snaps at sun. *geez dude, why you so fired up?* sun asks. *I'm sorry, but we're this close to saving alola.* Charlie apologizes and gives a low growl in his mind. *after this date, we'll find that rainbow stone.* sun reassures Charlie. Lillie knocks on suns door. "Hey sun, we have some extra time. Why don't we have a sit down?" Lillie says and pats suns bed. Sun sits on the bed next to lillie. "What's on your mind?" Lillie asks placing her hand on his shoulder. Sun warmly blushes since it's been a while since he felt her cool touch. "Thanks lillie, I've been better." Sun answers. "I had to swim under the water for so long." Sun adds while feeling his arm muscles get sore. "Oh my poor sunny bunny." Lillie coos. Lillie kisses sun on the cheek. "Im sure our date will be great." Lillie says and rests her head on suns shoulder. "I need you in my life sun." Lillie says and sun kisses her head. "Im so glad to have you in my life." Sun adds feeling like it's been so long since they loved each other. Lillie pecks sun on the lips and sun wanted more. But then, the door bell rings. "Oh, um hi. Well I'm sure they'd be pleased. Sun! Lillie! There is someone at the door for you!" Mom calls out. Sun and lillie go to the door. "Ash?!" Sun yelps out.

"Hi" ash greets

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"Hi" ash greets.

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