Sun wakes up *now it is time, training. We have till the end of this month yes, but it's best we train now or we'll be sorry we didn't.* sun thinks. "Lycanroc, wake up. It's time to do our training." Sun says, as lycanroc slowly wakes up. "What the hell sun? I know we need to train, but it's like the crack of dawn." Lycanroc protests and yawns. "No way boy, we wasted too much time, it's time for us to train like there's no tommorow. Our title depends on it." Sun says, lycanroc finally gets up. "I like the way that sounds, so how are we gonna do this?" Lycanroc asks. "Its easy, let's put on some rocky music while we do some training." Sun chuckles and that sounded like a good idea to lycanroc.
At the gym of ula ula island
Sun and lycanroc lifted up the weights and did some leg raises. "Come on sun, just a bit more. Keep pumping, don't stop!" Red motivates. Sun and lycanroc then do about 4 sets of different pushups. "Up and down! Come on sun, you got this!" Red motives and does the push ups with him, along with Charizard. Soon they were punching the bag and lycanroc brick breaks the bag along with sun punching the bag. "Faster! The more you use the fist, the more chances you have to throw the next one!" Red instructs. Lycanroc punches the bag faster and harder, sun feels the same energy lycanroc is feeling. The next work out was 4 sets of Tabata. Sun starts to feel the pain. "Come on sun, 30 more squats!" Red shouts, doing the work out with him. Lycanroc a bit in pain, but kept going as the work outs kept getting harder. Russian twists were next, along with bicycles. "Faster, faster, faster!" Red says as sweat begins to keep pouring down their faces. The final thing was lycanroc fighting Charizard without suns commands and sun putting his trust in him. Lycanroc fights Charizard, lycanroc uses stone edge, but Charizard gets out of the way on time. Lycanroc uses rockslide and rocks hit charizard, but then charizard uses flamethrower. Lycanroc was hit, but Charizard uses slash and cuts lycanroc. "Sh*t." Sun muttered, but closed his eyes. Lycanroc howls loudly and rocks fall from the ceiling. The rocks his Charizard hard, and for some strange reason lycanroc didn't end the fight yet and tried another move. Which was to use charizards seismic toss.
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Lycanroc grabs charizard by the neck and goes into the air. Spinning the charizard into the air and slamming it to the ground. "That wasn't a move a lycanroc can naturally learn was it?" Red asks. "Yeah....." Sun answers and charizard fainted. "That was impressive sun, I'd say you're ready." Red says clapping. Charizard gets up from fainting (anime logic) then pets lycanroc on the head. "You did good sun, you sure you're up for it though. Can't help to train a bit more harder." Red suggests. Sun gives lycanroc a rare candy, which leveled him up for some reason, since he's already like level 100 or something. "Alright sun, whenever you're ready, we can go check out that looker guy to see what other news he has for us." Red says and heals up his charizard. "Lycanroc, why don't we hit the showers?" Sun asks, lycanroc doesn't like water much, but agrees, since he doesn't want to stink.
After a shower
Sun and lycanroc rest in bed for a bit, feeling the pain in his legs and arms. "That was the most worst and exciting pain I've felt in my whole life." Sun says. "You're telling me, i haven't felt pain like this since I battled incineroar." Lycanroc replys.
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Sun was a bit tired too, so he took a nap too. After a few minutes of shut eye, sun wakes up to the sound of the tv. Sun looks over to see Susan at the end of the bed watching the tv. "Susan? When did you get back?" Sun asks. "Someone forgot to tell me they were leaving and left me in a cold hard bed alone?" Susan says, and sun sits up. "Sorry, I just needed to train lycanroc. "Say lycanroc, how were you able to do a seismic toss? You can't even learn that move." Sun asks and points out. "I just grabbed the damn charizard and did what he did to me 2 years ago." Lycanroc answers. "I know, but this isn't the anime. This is a book being written by a 16 soon to be 17 year old boy. And everything im saying is what coming from his head." Sun says, breaking the 4th wall. "Sun, enough of the 4th wall breaking." Susan demands, since it kinda annoyed her at the moment. "Sorry, but me and lycanroc did some training and he did a good job." Sun answers and kisses Susan's cheek. Susan blushes and slaps sun. "Don't do that again!" Susan playfully snaps. "Sorry susan, but sometimes love is the answer over all." Sun chuckles. "Are you hungry sun? Can I fix you a sandwich?" Dawn asks. "Sure." Sun answers *I hope it's a good sandwich.* sun thinks.
After his snack "Enjoyed that hamburger?" Sun asks, lycanroc still eating it.
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"Remember sun, you and lycanroc need to keep your eating habits at a minimum." Red reminds them. "Sorry red, but I haven't eaten since yesterday." Sun says and drinks some milk. "When ever you're ready sun, we should be heading out now." Red says and waits by the front door. "Shall we get going?" Sun asks his still eating lycanroc. "Just a bit." Lycanroc then shallows the 3rd and final hamburger and nods telling sun he's ready to go. "Ok red, we're ready to go." Sun says, lifting up his backpack. "I'm sure that looker guy is expecting you there." Red mentioned.
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