Chapter 36 More work?

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In suns dream

"Are you there Charlie?" Sun calls out, looking around the dark room he was in. "Yes I'm here." Charlie answers, flapping his wings down to suns level. "What did you come here for?" Charlie asks. "I came to ask what you we're gonna tell me yesterday night, or was that 2 nights?" Sun thinks. "The threat is non other then ass ketchup" Charlie jokes as he answers his question. "Ass ketchup?" Sun thinks for a moment. "Oh, you mean ash?" Sun says with as chuckle knowing the joke. "Where did you get the joke?" Sun asks, stilling chuckling. "The writers called him that when he kept f*cking losing all the time. Then when he came to alola, the writer started calling him that from here on forward." Charlie explains to sun.

(Could you believe it? I actually found it 😆) "That's smart

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(Could you believe it? I actually found it 😆) "That's smart." Sun chuckles, then gets serious. "So, how do I stop him?" Sun asks. "You have your lycanroc, train together." Charlie answers. "Ok, I will....." Sun says and closes his eyes.

Next morning

Sun wakes up at the crack of dawn. *sh#t, what have I been doing all night?* sun thinks. In the living room, sun sees moon sipping some coffee on the table. "Hey moon, what are you doing this early in the morning?" Sun asks and pats her head. "I've made some coffee and besides, I'd like to get to school early to do some more studying." Moon answers and sips some more. "Help yourself." Moon offers, sun nods and gets himself a cup of coffee. "Where have you been all day?" Moon asks and places her empty mug on the table. "I actually got to see candy again, remember? The girl that gave you the fire stone to evolve eevee." Sun reminds moon. "You did?! Where is she?" Moon asks and stands up. "Relax moon, you'll be able to see her in school, she studies there too." Sun chuckles and rubs her shoulders. "How will I know?" Moon asks "I have a feeling you'll be meeting her in the morning. I have to work now." Sun says and finishes his kneading.

At the docks

"Alright people, we got to get these rails working." Sun orders, being the manager and all. "You got it boss!" The workers say and get to work. *these look like small 2 by 4's* sun thinks and holds one up, before placing it back down. Sun seemed to be working well, till the fat boss wanted to see him again. "What is it this time?" Sun asks and places his hands on his hips. "You sun, need to pull your weight more." The fat boss man says. *whose this fool think he is? I'm doing the best, just because I pasted out once, doesn't mean im a special needs person.* sun thinks and gives him an eyeroll. "Don't give me that attitude with me young man, just because burnet put you in charge, doesn't mean you get the treat me like this?" The fat manager says. "It's kind hard, because I'm doing the best I can to help with his project! I'm passed out once! Ok? Once! That was due to the heat." Sun says and crosses his arms.

"That may have been the case, but you need to start working more harder with less pay

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"That may have been the case, but you need to start working more harder with less pay." The business man says. "That ain't fair. We're all working as hard as we all can!" Sun says "show some respect to these brave men and women, who put their lives on the line for your stupid project!" Chairle growls through suns voice. "Ok sun, that's it! You're......!" The fat business man was stop mid sentence, due to the skinny one coming inside with the papers. "Sun, i have to say you're doing a great job, in fact everyone is. I'm giving everyone here and promotion and a raise." The skinny bussiness man chuckles, then announces on the P.A system. "What's going on here?" The skinny business man asks. "N-nothing the fat one answers, then gives sun a glare. Sun then gives him a glare, that seemed to scare him with suns red demon eye.

"Y-yeah, that's a good idea to give everyone raises

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"Y-yeah, that's a good idea to give everyone raises. H-here sun." The fat guy gives sun 5000 poke dollars. "Thank you." Sun says and pockets the money.


Sun meets up with lucas, who just gotten out of the water. "Hey sun, I need you here for a moment." Lucas calls out. "What's up Lucas?" Sun says and hands sun a fist bump. "Sun, what happened inside, what's with the promotion?" Lucas asks, looking confused. "Let's say my little friend convinced the short one to give all of us the raise. The skinny one seems more reasonable, compared to him n" sun answers, than points out. "You're telling me, say sun, how's that thing in you coming along?" Lucas asks. "You mean me?" Charlie growls through suns voice. "Yeah, that sorry." Lucas chuckles. "It's fine, i seem to be getting him under control." Sun answers and swallows some air. "Lucas!" Dawn calls out. Dawn rushes to lucas and gives him a hug. Empoleon seemed to be a little jealous. "How come you never hug me like that?" Empoleon asks, but to lucas it's just a squawk. "Calm down empoleon, you'll get some love too. Why do you have to embarrass me all the time?" Lucas asks his pokemon.

"Because I need love too

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"Because I need love too." Empoleon answers, but sun is the only one who can hear him. "Whatever it is, you just need to calm down. Me and Dawn are going out." Lucas says and holds dawn by the arm. He then puts his empoleon back on his poke ball. *did work end so fast?* sun thinks, then looks up at tbe mid morning sun. *I suppose it's about time for me to go.* sun thinks "heyy sun!" Susan calls out. "Susan?!" Sun calls in shock.

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