Chapter 15 Brother/Sister Bonding 👫

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Sun looks at his stones he brought with him. *best to keep these, just for safe keeping* sun thought and stuff them in his bag again. "Hey sun, well how do I look?" Moon asks while blushing a bit.

"Ignore the mythical

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"Ignore the mythical." Moon tells you and pouts. "You look amazing." Sun says and kisses moon on the hand. "Thanks sun, I have a feeling this was a good idea." Moon smiles and hugs. "Let's go down for dinner." Sun says and takes moon by the hand. At the lounge, every guest seems to be enjoying the buffet. "I'll grab a seat and you go get some food for yourself." Sun says and hugs moon again. During the dinner hours, sun also saw a pokemon show. "Hey moon, look, a live performance." Sun points out as moon eats some fish a chips. "Typical moon." Sun says and chuckles due to how silly moon is eating. "Go grab something to eat." Moon says and eats her fish. Sun grabs some chicken and fried rice. "This smells great, I hope there'll be more later." Sun says and chows down. "Hey sun, can you remember the last time I did a battle with Flareon?" Moon asks "you did a couple of times, you're a strong independent woman." Sun answers. Moon giggles and eats some more. "Ladies and gentlemen, the dance floor will be open in a bit." A man announces. "It's great to finally have fun for once and not worry about anything." Moon says and rests her head on suns shoulder. The dance floor soon opened. "Care to dance with me?" Moon asks, blushing a lot. "Are you sure? I haven't remembered the last time we danced?" Sun asks "you did learn to dance with lillie." Moon points out. "Still a shortie, but ok." Sun teases and moon gives him the puffy cheeks. Sun slow dances with moon for a bit, but was tired after an hour since slow dancing wasn't his thing. Sun later goes up to the DJ and places a song request. The DJ nods and places the record on the stereo.

The music started playing and everyone seemed to like the beat. The music soon picked up and everyone started dancing. Some sweet moves sun saw, even saw got up on a table and did some amazing moves, moon never saw him do before. "Go sun!" Moon says clapping. Lycanroc did the same thing sun was doing, soon both trainer and pokemon were join in perfect motion. After 3 hours of endless dancing from different music, sun and moon went back to their room. "Oh man, that was amazing." Moon says and slips off her heels from dancing too much. "What's amazing is you not wearing goth clothes." Sun chuckles and moon gives him the buffy cheeks. "Sun, you should shower, you did sweat a lot." Moon says with a bit of annoyance in her voice. Sun chuckles and takes the tower while getting into the shower. After showering, sun spoons with moon in bed. "See you in the morning sun." Moon whispers and goes to sleep. The next morning, sun and moon got up and dressed up to go to the pool area.

Moon does some sun bathing while sun teaches his lycanroc how to swim

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Moon does some sun bathing while sun teaches his lycanroc how to swim. "Ok boy, you got this. Swim to me." Sun instructs. "Im trying....." Lycanroc says while doing the doggie paddle. *since Lycanroc is a rock type, it's best to teach him how to swim, so he can unlock his full potential.* sun thinks as lycanroc tries to stay a float. "Come on boy, you're Almost there!" Sun calls as the paws of his pokemon get closer to suns hands. Soon lycanroc was able to swim "you're doing did! You can swim now!" Sun cheers and lycanroc barks. "Wish I could swim, but I'm a fire type." Flareon says and lycanroc splashes Flareon "hey!" Flareon growls and warns to come in after him. After the pool are, moon and sun did some tennis. "How's the vacation?" Sun asks as he wacks the ball. "It's cool, sadly tommrow is the last day since weekends don't last forever!" Moon answers and hits the ball back. "You can say that again." Sun says and hits the ball back. The ball went back and forward, till sun slipped up and moon won. "Hopefully you don't mind losing to a girl." Moon teases. After playing sun gave moon a little foot rub, which she loved. Sunday soon rolled around and they pack up early so on Monday they can leave early. "Hey sun, thank you so much for this lovely vacation." Moon says and lays on the bed with sun. "You're amazing" sun says and kisses moon on the cheek. "Moon." Sun calls out "hm?" Moon sounds in question. "Why have you been acting different lately?" Sun asks while trying to stretch his legs. Moon places her legs on suns lap so he could massage them. "I have been busy lately. I know when I was young I was sweet and happy, but times have changed." Moon says while sun massaged. "But I didn't know you were a great dancer, or has enough will power to teach your lycanroc how to swim." Moon says with a amazement. Sun massages his sister till she napped. Outside, sun and lycanroc enjoyed the last few hours of freedom, the wind blows gently. "Lycanroc, you need to control you temper too. Try to take a deep breath." Sun suggests. "Whatever." Lycanroc answers without looking at sun.

"You know it's a funny feeling, I always wonder what is going on through moons mind

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"You know it's a funny feeling, I always wonder what is going on through moons mind." Sun says to lycanroc. "That girl is full of secrets." Lycanroc chuckles and so did sun. "Come on boy, let's get some rest, we need our strength to get home tommorow." Sun says and starts going back inside. "Wait for me sun!" Lycanroc calls out and chases after sun to get a good spot in the bed before Flareon takes the whole bed.

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