Sun wakes up in the early morning. "Morning sleepy head." Lycanroc greets and licks suns face. "Lycanroc stop kissing me!" Sun protests. "Sorry buddy, i just wanted to show my appreciation." Lycanroc answers. "Since when would you do that?" Meowth asks" sharping his claws. "Shut up cat, if you know what's good for you." Lycanroc threatens. "At it again are we?" Flareon asks. "Can it Flareon." Lycanroc says, growling at Meowth. "Hehe, if you're so confident. Why don't you do something about it?, Meowth asks mischievously. "Please don't fight." Rowlet begs, making sure a fight doesn't starts. Sun covers his ears and shouts "Shut up!" And everyone goes silent. "What's wrong sun?" Lillie asks and rubs her eyes. "The pokemon, they're fighting again." Sun says. "Some rather then others." Vulpix says. "Right Vulpix, but still you should Try to keep your distance." Sun explains. "Sun? You can talk to pokemon?" Lillie asks, feeling confused.

"Yes lillie, I always can. It's been going on 2 years." Sun explains. (To be honest I just made it up. It's comes as I write😅)
Sun drinks some water and kisses lillie on the cheek. "Are you sure you can?" Lillie asks, making sure her boyfriend tells her the truth. "Lillie, if I wasn't telling the truth, then I wouldn't he talking to them right now." Sun explains. "Maybe you're right." Lillie thinks, but then yet again lillie knows sun is no pokemon Whisperer. "Hey sun, do me a favor and show me that book." Lillie asks. Sun shows lillie the book, she reads the soldiers writing. "Wow sun, turns out the star stone is as powerful as mewtwos power. Turns out the star stone was made the same day mewtwo was made. And was meant to be given as a held item." Lille explains. "A rare held item?" Sun asks. "Yes, but it was lost during the war." Lillie says. "I remember the crystal lake? Were rick and Dennis looking for the star stone? To enhance its powers?" Sun asks. "Probably so?" Lillie says. "The sun trinket lycanroc was found in the snow then dipped in the magic water, the moon one was found by me and lucas, then the dusk one was found on poni island in the dirt, then I was given the rainbow stone. Probably found somewhere during the kalos war." Sun goes on. Lillie paid attention the whole time. "Sun, you should bring this up to mrs burnet. She knows alot about this sort of thing." Lillie suggests. "I'll take your offer on that." Sun says.
On akala akala island in Mrs burnets office
"So, why did you want to see me?"

"mrs burnet, I found these stones, do you know what these all mean?" Sun asks. "These were during the kalos war, but there is more story to it." Mrs burnet explains. "These stones fell into the wrong hands. They were used for evil. But these 4 stones are one of the keys to unlocking the mysterys of alola." Burnet explains. "So can you help me?" Sun asks "I wish I could, but this power is more then you know." Mrs burnet warns him. "Ok Mrs burnet, but promise me you'll be safe." Sun says, then leaves. "Wait sun, I think I know how you can find the last stone." Mrs burnet says. "What is it?" Sun asks. "If you read a book by one of the soldiers, they would say the north. But it's well hidden." Mrs burnet brings up. "Its under ground?" Sun asks. "I think you say that. I'm sure you could find it, if you look hard enough." Mrs burnet says, but still isn't sure. "Thanks, I should keep that in mind." Sun says and rushes off.
On the boat ride home
Sun opens the scroll, which was a map. "Hey lycanroc, this map can't show us the cave or underground place, but if I turn it upside down." Sun explains.

"There it is, but is it in kalos? Im gonna have to do a little more digging." Sun says to lycanroc. "So when will we go find this damn stone?" Lycanroc asks. "Not yet, we have problems to deal with in alola 1st." Sun explains to his Lycanroc. "Hey kid, can you not talk to yourself?" The captain asks. "Shut up you ********" lycanroc snaps at him, and he backs off. Not because he heard him, but because his lycanroc growls at him. "Thanks Lycanroc." Sun says.
At home
Sun lays in bed. "Hey moon, where's lillie?" Sun calle out. *oh yeah, she's at school* sun thinks, remembering her school shoes were missing. Sun closes his eyes for a bit, but then his phone rings. Sun picks up his phone. "Hello?" Sun goes. "Hey sun, could you come see me? Im pretty lonely and I could use the comfort." Mallow asks over the phone. "Are you sure mallow? Because I don't want to disturb you." Sun asks over the phone. "Please sun, I just need someone to talk to. I want to know ok?" Mallow says over the phone. "About what?" Sun asks. "About how did dusk dissapeared." Mallow asks over the phone. "Ok mallow, I'll see you in a bit." Sun says, then signs off. "Get up lycanroc, we need to go." Sun says. "Just 5 more minutes." Lycanroc begs. "Yeah sun, Lycanroc us warm." Rowlet adds.
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"Fine, i need to comb my hair anyways." Sun says and heads to the bathroom.
In the bathroom
*as long as I keep reading the book, the secrets of the past will be revealed and a one way ticket to Get that temple door open.* sun think, as he brushes his hair. * I just hope mallow can cope with the loss of her boyfriend. Who am I kidding? She lost her boyfriend and is miserable.* sun thinks in his head. *I just hope wherever dusk is, he's safe or alive.* sun thinks with a frown.