Chapter 30 2-8 Looker Missions📂

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Sun wakes up and gets changed into some fresher clothes. Sun then gets a phone call from the looker. "Hello?" Sun goes, looker starts to speak. "Hello sun, I need you to come to the motel." Looker says, then signs off. Sun goes to the motel. "Sun, thank god your here. We need you to catch this celesteela, it's been found near the woods of poni island." Carl says and shows sun it's stats. "When did this ultra beast show up? How do I know if they're more?" Sun asks and Carl shrugs. "The readings sun, the ultra beast machine will let us know if anymore ultra beasts come into alola." Anabel answers. "Catch it, and return it here." The looker says, which sun understood.

On poni island

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On poni island

Sun looks around with his lycanroc. "Ok lycanroc, remember your training. We don't need to faint it." Sun says and lycanroc doesn't answer. Sun looks over from the bushes, he saw the celesteela. "What's it doing?" Sun asks his lycanroc. "It's sensing the area.....trying to find a place to rest...." Lycanroc whispers, trying not to give away their position. "Ok, we need to come from the side, he won't see us coming." Sun says and lycanroc prepares to attack. "Lycanroc! Use brick break!" Sun commands and lycanroc chops the celesteela and it dodged out of the way. "Lycanroc! Use crunch!" Sun commands and lycanroc bites down on the celesteelas arm and slams it to the ground. The celesteela gets up and uses flash cannon and hits lycanroc hard. "Sh*t! Lycanroc, use rockslide!" Sun commands and lycanroc howls as rocks fall from the sky. The celesteela gets hit, but gets back up. The celesteela uses giga drain amd drains lycanrocs power! "Lycanroc, use rockslide again!" Sun commands and lycanroc howls as rocks fall from the sky. The celesteela went down again, but got back up. The celesteela then used double edge! Lycanroc was hit by celesteelas body and sends it scraping through the ground. Lycanrocs eyes turned bloody red, isn't rage. "Lycanroc, are you ok?!" Sun asks as the celesteela came at them again. "Lycanroc! Quickly use stone edge!" Sun commands and lycanroc hits the ground, sharp rocks erupt from the grass. The sharp rocks hit celesteela with a critical hit! Lycanroc then jumps into the air and hits the celesteela with a brick break. Before lycanroc can do more damage, sun throws the celesteela.

Sun looks over at lycanroc, he look like he wanted to kill the celesteela

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Sun looks over at lycanroc, he look like he wanted to kill the celesteela. "What the hell is your problem?!" Sun shouts at lycanroc. "He hit me!" Lycanroc aggressive growls and tries to grab the beast ball. Sun pushes his lycanroc back "stop! This is not the way we do this!" Sun shouts and lycanroc growls. Sun firmly says "Bad Boy!" Sun scolds and lycanroc was at 1st angry, then sad. "You need to calm down, stop. Didn't the training teach you anything?!" Sun scolds some more. "Now please, just listen to me." Sun says to his pokemon. "I really don't want to have to get rid of yoy. I don't want you to be dangerous. I want you to be brave, but obedient." Sun reassures then walks off. Lycanroc, stayed silent the whole way over there.

At the motel in akala island

"Tis done looker." Sun says and tosses the ball to looker. "Careful! We don't need this ultra beast in akala island now, do we?" Looker strictly says. "Now, where's the payment your promised me?" Sun asks and holds out his hand. "Here you go sun, 5 G, just like you asked." Carl says, handing the money. Sun pockets the money in his bag. "Anything else?" Sun asks, crossing his arms. "No, but you should keep in touch, in case you have more questions." Anabel says ,thanks again for stopping that teacher, who knows what kind of problems he would have cased." Looker adds and sun didn't want to here it. *do it for the money.* sun tells himself.

At the league

Dusk and red are looking up at the sky while drinking some soda. "Hey sun, you're back!" Dusk calls out a tosses sun a soda. "Hey dusk, enjoy your time with mallow?" Sun asks and opens up the soda.

"Sun, where have you been all day? I haven't seen you this morning?" Dusk says and sips some more soda

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"Sun, where have you been all day? I haven't seen you this morning?" Dusk says and sips some more soda. "I was doing some pokemon work." Sun answers and sips his soda. "Hey sun, you have another challenge today." Brenden says and shows sun the file. "Do I have to? It's getting late and I'm tired." Sun whines and rubs his temples. "Sorry sun, but as pokemon league champ, your under orders. Unless you want to drop the Crown and leave the League to some random chump." Brenden says and sun rolls his eyes. Sun looms over at the sun that's starting to set. "It has to be today right? Not tommorow?" Sun asks amd brenden nods. "Brenden baby, are you done?!" May calls out from the League. "In a moment may, I gotta tell sun who he has to fight today!" Brenden calls out to may. "Enough of the stalling, just tell me who it is." Sun demands. "Well, it's a she, she's about 5'0 with some pink and black hair." Brenden describes. "Moon?......." Sun asks, wishing he wasn't hearing what he thinks he was just hearing. "That's your sister no?" Brenden asks. "Yes, but how? She's still in trainer school." Sun says and goes inside. "What do I do if she win?" Sun asks and looks at lycanroc. "We'll do what has to be done sun, we can't back down from a fight." Lycanroc says and sun nods in agreement. "When is moon coming?" Sun asks. "She should be here at any moment, she sounds tense over the phone." Brenden explains. *1st Charlie possessing her, and now this.* sun thinks as he hears the League doors open. "Hello sun, I'm here to challenge the pokemon League." Moon says with determination.

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