Chapter 70 Ash Has It Bad

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Lycanrocs POV

Lycanroc follows ash in the night, ash runs and hides from whatever was following him. "Pikachu? Do you see anything?" Ash asks. "Pika?" Pikachu responds, and squits it's eyes in the darkness with the moonlight being the only source of light. "Hello?! Is anyone there?" Ash asks, but sees no one, so he decides to make a run for it. Lycanrocs eyes glow red in the dark, and ash felt uneasy when he saw them. *What is that?!* ash panicked, Pikachu runs behind him. Lycanrocs are known to run after prey, so he starts to pursue ash. Lycanrocs foots steps kept getting closer.


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ycanroc then howls a bit, ash felt really uneasy, but stopped running. "Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" Ash commands. Pikachu uses thunderbolt, but hit nothing "come on Pikachu, let's get back to the studio." Ash ushers him and they both run off. *oh ash, don't think for 1 second that I'm gonna let you go* lycanroc growled and follows ash.

Next morning now on Sun's POV

Sun wakes up, but couldn't find lycanroc. "Lycanroc!? Where are you?!" Sun calls out all over the League. "Sceptile? Have you seen lycanroc?" Sun asks, sceptile nods no. "Tyranitar, have you seen lycanroc?" Sun asks "no i haven't." Tyranitar says, then eats its poke food. Sun shakes up a bunch of treats, but lycanroc hasn't came back. "Sun!" Red calls out. "What is it?!" Sun calls out. "Dusks ring! It's gone!" Red answers loudly, sun rushes to dusks room to see an empty glass case. "Where the hell did his ring go?!" Sun shouts, not only that, there was well seen finger prints on the case. "Calem, what did you found?" Sun asks. "These finger prints are gonna be able to lead us to whoever stole the ring." Calem says "has anyone seen lycanroc? Any of the ladies seen lycanroc?" Sun asks, feeling stressed the f*ck out. "Don't worry sun, we'll be able to find him." Green reassure sun.

Back to lycanroc POV

Lycanroc follows ash to the studio and hides in the darkness of the trees and shadows of the ally ways. Ash meets up with joof as they both think they've gotten away with it. Lycanroc growls then enters the studio using its stealth moves and it's every good camouflaging skills. "Did you get it?" Joof asks, sitting back down on his chair. "Yes I did." Ash answers, pulling out the ring.

"What the hell? This doesn't look like the ring sun has been using

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"What the hell? This doesn't look like the ring sun has been using." Joof points out. "That's the problem, but I got what I got." Ash says, while the two idiots argue over a ring, lycanroc was gonna leave to warn sun, but then stopped when he saw the Charmeleon. *Hey, hey, are you ok?* Lycanroc asks the chained up pokemon. *Hi...* the sacred pokemon says weakly. *What are you doing here?* Lycanroc asks, licking the blood off its face. *I'm stuck here for the rest of my life. I'm so hungry.* charmeleon answers, and places it's nose to lycanrocs nose for comfort. *I'm so sorry this had to happen to you.* Lycanroc says, and looks at the Charmeleons scar on it's right eye. *It's okay, not like anyone is gonna give a damn about me* charmeleon says. *I promise you, I'll get you out of this.* Lycanroc says, but Charmeleon didn't believe him, due to feeling hopeless. Lycanroc hears some voices coming closer. Lycanroc quickly gets out of the studio before any body sees him. Making its way back to the pokemon League.

Back at the pokemon League Suns POV

"So, what are the results?" Sun asks. "Seems like it belongs to an 11 year old boy." Calem answers, looking closer at the finger prints.

"Ash?!" Calem calls out in disbelief

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"Ash?!" Calem calls out in disbelief. "What the hell?!" Sun shouts, then checks the finger print himself. "Why that stupid, cocky, son of a b*tch!" Sun shouts, then slams his fist on the counter. "I'm coming for him!" Sun shouts, then was about to leave. "Wait sun, you don't know what he is capable of. You might be walking into a death trap, and you don't have a pokemon with you." Calem calls out. Sun stops for a moment. *we have to stop him!* Charlie growls in suns mind. *we can't, if we go we both die! Ash has a ring!* sun protests in his head. Charlie then shows sun a flash back 2 years ago. When hau stole the League from sun, when he had to give up in order to save his girl. Costing him, his ring and his dignity. Just then lycanroc begins to claw at the door. *Lycanroc?* sun thinks, then check through the glass of the double doors. "Lycanroc!" Sun calls out, quickly opens the door to let his rock pokemon in. "Where have you been?!" Sun shout, hugs his pokemon, bht there was no time for that. "Sun, we don't have time to waste, ash has one of the rings. Him and joof plan to use the power against alola!" Lycanroc shouts. "Ok, you got it!" Sun says. Sun and lycanroc make their way to mele mele island. "What else did you get from them?!" Sun asks his pokemon while running. "All i got was that they got the ring to harness the power! Then their gonna try to use the power for evil and abuse every pokemon and people out there!" Lycanroc explains.

Both lycanroc and sun rush to the docks

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Both lycanroc and sun rush to the docks.

Back at the league, Lucas POV

"Where is sun?" Lucas asks. "He left! He's going after joof and ash." Serena answers. "Why the hell is he doing that?" Lucas asks. "They stole dusks ring and now they're gonna get it back. I'm not so sure, what if he's walking onto a death trap?" Serena says. "Red!" Lucas calls out. "Yeah?" Red calls back. "Be ashes back up, he might need it." Lucas says. "You got it lucas, I'll knock ash and joof like a full wallet." Red says, then balls up his fist.

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