Chapter 37 Susan

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Susan flashes her camera at sun, taking his picture. "What the hell was that for?!" Sun asks, rubbing his eyes. "Ahh Arceus, you got it in the eyes!" Sun shouts in a bit of pain. "You're do cute when shocked." Susan giggles and pockets the picture. "What are you doing here susan?" Sun asks, as his eyes fixed. "I came to see you, and catch up with you." Susan answers. "Can we do that another time? I gotta find out what ash is doing." Sun says, trying to make sure lillies alright. "Come on sun, why don't we just catch up over a coffee." Susan offers with a smile. *ugh, having too much coffee makes me need to piss.* sun thinks "fine." Sun answers, because he wanted to not disappoint susan. "That's great sun, come with me." Susan says and grabs his hand.

At the coffee shop

Susan and sun take their seat with their coffee. "Thanks again for coming with me. Hey sun, what have you been up to lately?" Susan says, then asks. "I've been working on the monorail. The problem I've been dealing was with timing." Sun says, then sips his coffee. "That's interesting, hey sun, the looker wants to see you later on." Susan says and sips her coffee. *again?!* sun thinks "haven't I have been hanging there too much?" Sun asks. "Well, you did help them a lot." Susan mentions. "Say, how do you know the looker?" Sun asks, with a cocked eyebrow. "I uh, the looker is a old friend of mine." Susan says and blushes. "He told me to give you this." Susan gives sun about 2000 poke dollars.

Sun rolls his eyes

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Sun rolls his eyes. "Fine, but im gonna need some answers from looker about yujo." Sun says and pockets the money. "Susan? What's with the camera?" Sun asks "oh, this? This is for taking pictures of the sites in alola." Susan lies. *I gotta tell sun the truth, but when will looker give me the word?* Susan thinks, feeling like shes hurting sun. "That's amazing susan." Sun says and goes to the bathroom to take a piss. "Ready to go?, Susan asks as sun drys his hands. "Susan, where are you from?" Sun asks, trying to get a conversation started. "I'm from johto, I was born and raised there." Susan says truthfully. "You came from the same region my brother came from." Sun points out. "Your brother dusk? " Susan asks "yeah, the one with the backwards cap." Sun answers and pets her head. Sun and Susan pass the school, sun looks over to see moon and candy talking. *hope she invited her to catches up.* sun thinks, while walking still. "How are you and lillie?" Susan asks "she's fine, glad you remembered." Sun answers and pets her head again. Susan looks at suns neck. "Is that the half of a heart shaped necklace?" Susan asks "yeah, I bought it for her, I think on Christmas." Sun says, but forgot which book he gave it to her.

"That's nice of you to do for your girlfriend

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"That's nice of you to do for your girlfriend." Susan says. "So, where are we going now?" Sun asks. "Well, we have some time to kill, why not just go to the arcade." Susan points out. "That's nice." Sun agrees and he leads the way.

At the arcade

"Lana? Since when do you play video games?" Sun asks with a chuckle. "Hey, get out of the way loser!" A pink hair guy says. "Hey asshole, how about say excuse me next time?!" Sun calls out. *the f*ck is that kids problem?* sun thinks, Lana smiles when she sees sun. "Hey sun, whose this?" Lana asks "im susan, photographer extraordinaire." Susan answers and shakes her hand. Lana smiles again "well sun, you're quite the ladies man." Lana adds "uh uh thank you. Sun says, slightly blushing.

Susan goes in and waits for sun

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Susan goes in and waits for sun. "I'll catch up with you later sun, I'm just gonna take this phone call." Susan says and checks her phone. "You come here often?" Sum asks "sometimes, when I need a break from fishing." Lana says and hugs sun. "And sun, be careful out there. You don't know, who can hurt you." Lana says, then walks off. *What does that suppose to mean?* sun thinks, he then goes inside to play some of the arcade games.

After playing

"That was good sun, you won most of the time." Susan hugs sun. "Ok, ok, susan, how about that meeting thing?" Sun mentions. "Oh you're right." Susan says and rushes with sun to ula ula island.

Lillies POV

Lillie finishes her work and closes the research note book. Ash then creepily starts to massage her shoulders. Lillie slightly blushes. "Uh ash, you do know I have a boyfriend, and he's only allowed to give me massages." Lillie says. "Come on lillie, it's just a little stress reliever." Ash says, trying to make it seem like not a big deal.

(😆 sorry, I love this ash, I just had to find a picture of how stupid he's being

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(😆 sorry, I love this ash, I just had to find a picture of how stupid he's being. It's also a dirty joke, did you get it?) Lillie pushes ash back. (the alolan ash, not the kanto ash) "ash please, i love sun. I need to take some time off this ok." Lillie says, trying to make an excuse. "Lillie, you know I can treat you way better then sun can do." Ash says, with a bit of charm. Lillie blushes, but then gets out of his trick. "No ash, I love him." Lillie says and rushes out of the house. *I know he's not meant to be trusted, but those eyes.* lillie thinks in her head and fans herself. "Hey lillie, what are you doing outside?" Kukui asks. "Im just getting some air. I did your research and found some many pokemon sample." Lillie answers and rushes off. Kukui opens the door "what's her problem?" Kukui asks, ash shrugs. "Shes playing hard to get." Ash says "what?" Kukui asks. "Nothing." Ash quickly says.

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