Chapter 59 5-8 Looker Missions

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Sun picks up the walkie. "Yeah Carl?" Sun asks. "It's back, the xurkitree is back. It's ok ula ula island, by the powerplant. Seems like it's eating the electricity." Carl answers and signs off. "Hold that thought lycanroc, we have a mission to do." Sun says. "Fine." Lycanroc says, both trainer and pokemon rushes out of the house.

On ula ula island, by the powerplant

Sun meets up with Sophocles. "Sun, thank Arceus you're here." Sophocles says. "What's going on here?" Sun asks. "Some ultra beast is sucking the power out. You have to stop it!" Sophocles begs. "Don't worry dude, I'll get it." Sun reassures him.

In the power plant

"Why is it so dark in here?" Sun asks. "Seems like that thunderbolt explosion from yesterday exposed a weak point for the ultra beast to get at." Sophocles assumes, with a bit of an educated guess. *my bad.* sun thinks, thinking it was his fault he let this happen. "Sun, watch out!" Sophocles points out. Sun looks over to see the same xurkitree attack him.

"Sh*t sophocles, stay back! Me and lycanroc got this!" Sun shouts, pushing the chubby kid out of the way

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"Sh*t sophocles, stay back! Me and lycanroc got this!" Sun shouts, pushing the chubby kid out of the way. "Lycanroc, use rockslide!" Sun commands and lycanroc howls for a ton of rocks to fall from the ceiling. The xurkitree is pissed off when sun did that, then used discharge. Lycnaroc endures the hit, but felt a bit of a burn. "Lycanroc, use stone edge!" Sun commands, lycanroc hits the ground for sharp rocks to emerge from the ground. The xurkitree is hit, but still stands. "What the hell? The xurkitree seems to not feel any damage!" Sun points out. That hit Sophocles "sun, it's getting the power from the electricity from the power plant! Break the wires and it should cut off it's power!" Sophocles points out. Sun realizes what he needed to do. "Lycanroc, use crunch on the wire!" Sun commands, lycanroc does what he's told and bites the wire then it cuts in half. Once lycanroc did, the xurkitree got some of it's power cut, but lycanroc felt more weak. The xurkitree sends a thunderbolt to lycanroc *remember, lycanroc is weak. I advice you not to train it. It might just end its own life trying to win a fight.* sun remembers what nurse joy said. "Lycanroc!" Sun takes the hit from the xurkitrees thunderbolt, shocking sun. "Sun!" Sophocles calls out. " Tyranitar, earthquake!" Calem commands. "Calem!?" Sun calls out, still in shock. "I knew he was someone you knew. Servine, use leaf blade!" Carl commands, servine uses its leafy tail to attack the xurkitree.

"Carl? Calem? What are you doing here?" Sun asks as the servine and Tyranitar attack the xurkitree

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"Carl? Calem? What are you doing here?" Sun asks as the servine and Tyranitar attack the xurkitree. "I was going to get some ingredients for the formula, tell Carl told me you be here." Calem explains. "I needed the back up, looker and anabel were needing some alone time." Carl adds, scratching his head. "I know, help me up." Sun says and calem helps sun to his feet. The xurkitree is very weak, and tries to absorb more power. "Servine, quickly use slam!" Carl commands, and servine slams it's tail on the xurkitrees head. "NOW!" Carl shouts, and throws the beast ball. The ball shakes for 3 times and caught! "Got it!" Carl shouts, the xurkitree was caught. Carl calls up looker. "Hey looker, sun found the xurkitree. I should be heading back to the motel soon." Carl says, then signs off. "Thanks sun, thanks for saving my life."Lycanroc whimpers and licks his trainers face. "Thanks sun, you did me a big favor, take the day off." Carl says and hands sun a lit of money. "Ok sophocles, you can come out now!" Sun calls out, Sophocles peeks out from the boxes. "Are you sure its safe to go out?" Sophocles asks. "Yeah, the problem has been caught." Calem says. "Tyranitar return." Calem commands, then gets back into its ball. "Thanks sun, I owe you one." Sophocles says, handing sun and calem some moeny. "You too carl-" Sophocles began, but Carl was gone. It was like he disappeared. "Damn, the guy can move." Sun mutters, then slumps a bit. "You sure you're fine sun, you should come back to the League." Calem suggests, then sun blacked out.

At the league, sun wakes up in bed.

"Dusk!" Sun shouts, then shoots up in bed. "Whoa whoa, calm down sun. You're safe?" Susan reassures him. "What happened?" Sun asks. "You passed out 2 hours ago and Calem dragged you here." May answers, giving sun some medicne.

(I know it looks like protein, but it looks like medicine

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(I know it looks like protein, but it looks like medicine.)

Sun sips the medicine. "Thanks, but why did I need the medicine? I'm not sick." Sun asks. "Your heart, it was beating like a machine gun." May answers, making sun sips every last drop. "I guess you can say a job well done." Lucas says, arms crossed. "Hoe did you know?" Sun asks. "Oh no, not whatever the hell you're doing. The monorail needs some more hands on work, they'll be extra pay involved for workers that show up early." Lucas explains. "Great, I should go?" Sun says, trying to get out of bed. "No, that's not a good idea." Susan says, laying sun back down on the bed. "Please susan, I feel fine. Besides, lycanroc needs the exercise." Sun protests. "No sun, you need to rest, and lycanroc will be just fine." Susan says to sun. "Don't worry sun, I'm on it. I vouch for yoy." Lucas says. "Thanks lucas." Sun says wit a smile. "Thank you." Susan kisses lucas on the cheek. Lucas lightly blushes. "Hey dawn! I'm going to the monorail, I'll be back before supper!" Lucas calls out. "Ok lucas, I'll see you later bunny face!" Dawn calls out. Lucas leaves the pokemon League to the docks in mele mele island.

 *I sure hope the manager is in a listening mood* sun thinks with some regret

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*I sure hope the manager is in a listening mood* sun thinks with some regret.

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