Sun makes his way to the docks, but as soon as he got there, work started already. "Hey sun, have your heard about that worker that died a week ago?" A worker asks. "Lucas told me." Sun answers. "Sun, did someone die?" Lycanroc asks. "Yeah, but you were resting at the time." Sun says to lycanroc. The worker was a bit weirded out at the way he talks to pokemon. To the worker, it was just a howl. "Mr sun, get back to work right now!" The fat manager says. "Now now, sun has to choose what he wants." The skinny manager says. "I'll fix the monorail trains." Sun answers.
In the station
"This here, is where all the trians will enter and leave." A worker says.
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Sun goes into the monorail with a bunch of the other workers. As sun starts to build in the monorail. Sun works on the steering anf the wires. *this doesn't seem to hard, I guess I can get use to this.* sun thinks, as he places the wheel on the henches. "Sun, but careful, you don't want to fall." A worker warns, sun looks down at the floor. Their was an unfinished floor board. *yeah, I'd be just the right fit to fall through.* sun thinks, and backs up.
Lunch break
Sun and lycanroc eat the burgers the cafe makes. "Hey sun, you did well. In fact you should have a bit of a raise." The skinny manager says. "Thanks, but you don't need 2, just because I'm a manger I don't need to get the special treatment." Sun answers, eating the sandwich. "No no, sun everyone is gonna get one. I really like the way this is working. At the pace we're going, we should be done with this by the time the summer comes around. Or sooner." The skinny manager says. "What's your name?" Sun asks. "Manger john, the chubby one is tony. Hes a bit of a money hungry guy." John answers, giving sun a drink on his tab. "Thanks john." Sun says through his full mouth. "Enjoy your lunch sun." John says with a smile. "Can sun please come to my office?" Tony says over the intercom. *great, what does this assh*le want now?* sun thinks. "Keep your cool sun, we can't get into any trouble." Lycanroc says, making sure sun can keep his cool.
In the office
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Sun meets up with tony. "Shut the door." Tony demands, which sun did. "Have a seat." Tony says strictly. "Ok, what did I do?" Sun asks, crossing his arms. "Not what you did, what your friend Lucas did." Tony says. "What lucas did was unforgivable." Tony adda, sun cocks an eyebrow. "You mean towards you?" Sun asks, making himself look smarter than tony. "Watch your mouth manager, I can fire you anytime i want." Tony threatens. "You can't, since I know alola better then you." Sun replys. "You let poor defenseless people go into the water at night. Let sharpedos attack them and one ended up dead. A man who had a family and came there for over time just to make a little extra money. He didn't know a bunch of shark pokemon would attack him." Sun snaps, that got Tony mad. "Shut up your worthless piece of....." Tony was cut off by john coming in. "Sun, i made everyone some coffee, I just wanted to bring you a mug." John says joyfully. "John! Get the hell out of here!" Tony shouts, then throws a bust at him. john quickly shuts the door before the bust could hit him.
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Sun looks over at the broken bust, but tony snaps his fingers. "You like to think you're so smart, but the truth is you're not. You're just a stupid spoiled brat that has nothing bit free time and uses it to his advantage." Tony says to sun. Suns eyes go red, but lycanroc stops him. "Remember, that's what he wants." Lycanroc whimpers. Sun takes a deep breath. "You like to assume things don't you. Just keep telling yourself that." Sun says, then gets up from his seat. Once sun left, john peeks back in again. "Tony, what the hell?! You broke my bust!" John shouts. Some workers overheard that. "I didn't know John had a bust.* one whispers, the other one laughs. "Im proud I didn't have to sink my teeth into him." Lycanroc says, which kinda surprised sun. "Since when were you the calm type?" Sun asks. "Since the day I almost died." Lycanroc answers, then steals a bag of chips from the concession stand.
Sun meets up with lucas. "Hey Lucas." Sun chirps. "Hey sun, looks like your shift is almost over." Lucas says, then looks at the setting sun. "Hey lucas, what you did to Tony was the right thing. Wish i could kick his ass the same way you did." Sun brings up. "Sun, I choked him, not kicked his ass." Lucas chuckles. "You know what I mean." Sun laughs, then pats lucas on the head. "I'll see you around sun." Lucas says, getting ready to build the monorail train. Sun pulls out one poke bean.
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"Here lycanroc you've earned this." Sun says then gives the bean for lycanroc to much to munch on. "Hey sun, can we hit the hay? It's been a pretty long day." Lycanroc says as the orange sky soon turned to a black night sky. "Yeah I think we should." Sun says, making their way home. Just then, suns walkie talkie went off again. "Hello?" Sun asks. "Sun, we need you at the motel again. We got another mission to do." Carl says, then sighs off. "Damn it, sorry lycanroc, we have another night mission to do." Sun says, which lycanroc sharpens his teeth. "Just the way I like it, a night mission." Lycanroc laughs. "You're a strange pokemon." Sun laughs.