Chapter 24 Light Work

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Lycanrocs point of view

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Lycanroc growls and warns him. "Sun needs to know, ash is not meant to be mocked at." Pikachu answers and sits on the tree. "Yeah? And who beat up?" Lycanroc says and howls a bit. "Don't push your luck lubber boy!" Pikachu leaves and runs off.


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Sun wakes up to go to work. *need the money.* sun thought. Sun looks in and sees moon sleeping alone. He looks over and sees a post it note on her head. "When home." Sun whispers, sun smiles and kisses moons cheek. When sun did, a small smile grows on moons face. He pulls up the blanket to cover moon from the cold morning. Sun changes and goes to the docks. "Morning manager." A worker greets and sun sees the worker who was a bit of a cheater. Turns out, he changed his life and toke suns advice. Sun couldn't recognize lucas in his scuba gear. "Hello sun, are you gonna swim with me and empoleon today?" Lucas asks. "I don't know, maybe later." Sun answers. "Ok, you're you're the boss." Lucas says and walks into the water. "I hate the water." Lycanroc growls and stares at empoleon enjoying the water. "Calm down, we're not going into the water today." Sun reassures and pets his head. "Come on, let's get those two by fours." Sun says and races lycanroc. The workers are still weirded out by sun talking to lycanroc. The sun glows hotter and hotter. Seems like the two by fours were getting more heavy and heavy. Sun felt Charlie heating up his body. "Sun.......feel your power. Use it." Charlie growls and sun couldn't stay awake. "Sun! Sun!" A worker says and holds up his fingers.

"Oh sh*t! He's going into shock, Lucas, call

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"Oh sh*t! He's going into shock, Lucas, call......" The last thing sun hears before blacking out.

At home

"How did this happen?!" Mom calls out "sorry ms, but sun needs to rest." Lucas says. "I wish you the best of luck." Lucas says and leaves the house. "Lillie! Get sun and ice pack!" Mom says "yes ma'am." Lillie says and rushes to the freezer. Mom places the ice pack on suns head, and strips him down to his underwear. "He's heating up. The day must've gotten to him and the heat was too much to bare." Lillie assumes as she saw sun carry 2 by 4s before.

Moon comes home after school

"Moon, stay back. Sun is in shock." Mom says, which got moon by surprise. "I need to go ma'am, kukui needs me for more work." Lillie says with sorrow. "It's ok lillie, go work. Me and moon will stay with him." Mom reassures. "What happened to him?" Moon asks "he worked too hard and pasted out." Mom answers, lycanroc whimpers over his trainer. "What the hell those stupid people done to you?!" Lycanroc howls, but to mom and moon it was only a howl.

In suns head

"What the hell?! Why did you call me back here?!" Sun shouts "sun? What is going on?" Sun dad asks. "Charlie made me faint!" Sun accuses. "Not this time sun! I called you here cause last night lycanroc and Pikachu had a conversation." Charlie growls "what the hell is my pokemon talking with a pikachu?" Sun asks. "Not just any pikachu, ashes Pikachu." Charlie answers to correct sun. "What the hell?! Why?!?" Sun asks in confusion. "Cause what's gonna happen to lycanroc, the same thing that happened to me." Dewott says to answer suns question. "You mean ashes Pikachu is gonna kill my lycanroc?!" Sun shouts and holds dewott. "Sun, all you have to do is just train harder." Dewott says and pats sun on the shoulder. "Lycanrocs are meant to be trained to unlock their full power. But your lycanroc is special, you must realize lycanroc is disobeying you, because you need to be connected to your pokemon." Charlie explains and pats suns head. "My child, not every trainer is perfect. You must make sure lycanroc listens to you." Suns dad says and sun obeys his dad. "Wake up child, remember, train your lycanroc. Every trainer knows that." Suns dad says as sun slowly begins to wake.

2 weeks later

Sun wakes up and moon gasps. "Sun! You're ok!" Moon says amd hugs sun as he got out of bed. "Mom! Suns awake!" Moon calls out. "I'm ok, and you know what you are?....." Sun asks. "Huh?" Moon sounds "ticklish!" Sun quickly answers and tickles moons ribs. Moon screams and laughs really hard. Mom giggles, seeing the two being playful. After tickling moon, sun feels like he was asleep for 4 hours. "How long as it been?" Sun asks "you've been out for 2 weeks." Mom answers, showing sun the calendar.

"I don't believe this?!" Sun says in shock

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"I don't believe this?!" Sun says in shock. "Don't worry, you've gotten pay, but how did this happen." Moon explains. "I passed out due to the heat." Sun lies and grabs some soda from the fridge. "Sun, you should call dusk and tell him what happened." Mom says. "Hey dusk, sorry I haven't been to the League in awhile, I was a bit sick." Sun lies a bit. "That's ok sun, by the way, why not next sunday, you dress up nicely to mellows resturant for Sunday dinner." Dusk offers. "That's great! I should tell them now." Sun says and sighs off. "Hey mom, moon, dusk wants us to meet up at mallows restaurant for Sunday dinner." Sun announces and they smile. "Well isn't that a surprise, can't wait to see a reject of my brother after 2 years." Moon says and crosses her arms. "Give him a chance, he might have some catching up to do with you." Mom giggles and tickles moon forcing that slight frown into a laugh. "Where's lillie?" Sun asks "she hasn't been back yet, she does come here and check on you from time to time." Mom answers being sorry for sun. "Let's just wait for sunday." Sun says and goes outside with moon in the hammock.

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