Sun finishes his time with lillie and lillie fixes her messed up pony tail. "That was great sun, who knew you were a great kisser." Lillie says and sits up in bed. "I don't know lillie, I feel empty without dusk." Sun answers, knowing that his kisses aren't gonna be the same. "You think about dusk when we kiss?" Lillie asks. "No, I just feel a bit empty." Sun says. "The day is still young, best I should do something instead of staying around here all day." Sun states. "Come on sun, you barely stay at home. You deserve a chance to rest." Lillie tries, but sin kisses her hand. "Sorry lillie, I just need to do something today, and something good is happening today." Sun assumes. "What makes you say that?" Lillie asks. "I don't know, I got a good feeling about something. Suns walkie talkie then goes off. "Hello?" Sun asks. "Sun, sun! You'll never believe it, but ash is leaving today!" Red shouts over the walkie. "Quickly! You gotta be there to say goodbye and f*ck you! Hahahaha!" Red laughs and signs off. "You guys must really hate him?" Lillie assumes, sun kisses her forehead. "You know it babe." Sun says and rushes out of the house.
At the docks
"Hey ash, good bye and f*ck you! You aren't no champ and sun will always be the best and longest champion to ever live!" Lucas says with a cocky tone. Ash covered his eyes to hide his crying.
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"Whatever....." Ash says and leaves quickly on the boat. "Ash, you suck and I hope you never come back!" Red shouts. "Hey ash! F*ck you and go to hell!" Brenden shouts. "See you never!" Calem shouts as the boat starts to leave. Sun made it just in time. "Hey ash, you suck as a trainer. You're a dumb kid, and you'll never be champion!" Sun calls out and points the middle finger at him. All the boys waves the middle finger at ash as the boat gets smaller and smaller.
After ash leaves
Sun and lucas sit on the edge of the docks. "You know something lucas?" Sun asks. "What?" Lucas replys. "While passed out in the hole we went in, I had a dream lillie had to leave. I don't know what it meant, but she told me she had to go." Sun explains. "Maybe its a sign or something, i don't know, what I do know is that lillie isn't going anywhere, not of a long time." Lucas says as the boat was long gone. "Hey sun, I know you love lillie, but sometimes she has wants too. You should sit down and take the time to talk to her." Lucas suggests, sun nods in agreement. "Sun? Did you kill joof?" Lucas asks. "What? No, his charmeleon did." Sun answers. "Really? I never would have thought." Lucas says, and thinks for a moment. "Where is the charmeleon?" Lucas asks. "He's with me now. He's my charmeleon now." Sun answers.
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"Hes at home, being as happy as he could be." Sun says. "Hey sun, you know that tm I gave you a few hours ago?" Lucas asks. "Yeah?" Sun replys. "You could use it on charmeleon. Since you're not the original trainer, I think it's best that you teach him this move so he could trust you better." Lucas explains. "Thanks Lucas, I appreciate your help." Sun says and checks his watch. "Oh dear, it's lunch time an lillie needs me, see you around." Sun says and rushes off.
At home
"I hope you like honey garlic shrimp!" Lillie calls out. The scent of honey garlic fills the air. "Smells great in here lillie." Sun says as he looks from behind. "They seem about done." Sun says. "Hold on, let the flavors settle in for a while." Lillie says. "It smells good, I hope everyone likes it." Sun says as his mouth begins to water. "Hold on, let me plate it." Lillie says and takes the shrimp from the pan and onto the plate. "Enjoy sun, i hope you like it." Lillie says with a smile. "Lillie, you're an angel." Mom says and kisses her cheek.
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"Oh, um thank you ma'am, its been a real pleasure severing you." Lillie says with a huge blush. Moon just shuts up and eats.
After a good lunch
"That was some dinner wasn't it?" Moon asks. "That was great I know." Sun answers, but then realized he had something else to do later. "Hey lillie, are you gonna stay here tonight?" Sun asks. "Sorry sun, but I'm afraid I have to see kukui later, but I'll stay over tommorow night." Lillie says, she kisses sun on the cheek. Sun watches lillie slip on her shoes and leave the house. "Hey moon, can you hold the fort? I need to be somewhere tonight." Sun asks. "Sorry sun, but I'm busy too. Mom will have to hold down the fort." Moon says and leaves the house the same way lillie did. *wonder where moon has to go? Whatever, I need to say my goodbyes to.* sun thinks and rushes out of the house.
At kukuis house, lillies POV
"Kukui I'm home!" Lillie calls out. "Lillie, thank goodness you're here. I got a surprise, but it'll have to wait till morning when my sexy wife comes back." Kukui says with a chuckle. Lillie smiles and feels really tired. She slips of her shoes as she rests on the couch. "Tired lillie?" Kukui asks. "'s Ben a long couple of days." Lillie says, feeling tired from the work she's been doing. "Well lillie, I think you deserve an early night." Kukui says. "Thanks kukui." Lillie says and kisses his cheek.
In the loft
Lillie changes into her pajamas, and lays in bed. *can't believe ash use to sleep here.* lillie thought, since he's gone now. But he bed smelled a lot like ash. *ash.......* lillie thinks a bit dreamy. She snaps out of it and goes to sleep.
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