Chapter 39 3-8 looker missions

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"HOLD ON!" Carl shouts, then shifts into 3rd gear again. Joof gets in his and tries to make a break for it. Suns foot hits the radio, causing some epic chase music to start at a loud volume.

"WHOOOOOO YEAAAHHH!" Carl shouts as the car drifts after joofs car. "CARL WHAT THE F*CK!? WATCH OUT!" Sun shouts, Carl dodging people and crashing into small places. "THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO GET THEIR FAST?!" Carl shouts and makes a hard left after joof. "I WANT YO MAKE IT THERE IN ONE PIECE!" sun answers loudly. "SHOOT HIM, WHILE I TRY TO MAKE HIM GO OFF THE ROAD!" Carl commanded. Sun pulls out his pistol and starts to shoot at the tires. Joof, knowing sun has a gun, turns to thr right before the 2nd bullet could hit. Now their driving on a dirt path. "THIS IS GONNA BE A BUMPY RIDE!" Carl shouts, dodging pokemon and rocks. Lycanroc, sticks his head out the window. Joof puts his middle finger out of the window. Sun shoots off his middle finger. "HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?!" Sun calls out. "Ahhh you son of a-" joof was then cut off by carl, crashing into joofs car. "F*CK YOU!" joof shouts and does a dab (so 2016🙄) then turns to the right. Now on a highway, "CARL! WATCH OUT, GET BACK ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD!" sun shouts and embraces for any impacts. "HOLD ON SUN, I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING YOU'LL NEVER DO IN A MILLION YEARS!" Carl shouts, then does a loop. The car flips 2 times, then sticks the landing. "WHOOO, I FEEL SO ALIVE!" Lycanroc howls. Joof looks back on his rearview mirrors, the black car still keeping pace. Joof, tries to shake them off by going to the other side of the road. "KEEP UP WITH HIM!" sun shouts, then tries to take aim, at joofs head. Sun takes the shoot, but a tank got in the way. "Sh*t!" Sun shouts, then the tank tries to get the car off the road. "WHO THE F*CK IS THAT!?" Sun shouts. "I DON'T KNOW!" Carl answers, then gets an idea. "SUN, TAKE THE WHEEL!" Carl demands "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!" Sun shouts in protest. "JUST USE THE WHEEL TO CONTROL THE CAR, AND USE YOUR FOOT THE PUSH DOWN ON THAT PEDDLE." Carl instructs, then sticks half of his body out the window. "CARL?! WHAT THE F*CK?!" sun shouts, as Carl jumps out the car, onto joofs car.

Carl lands, but joof tries to shake him off the car

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Carl lands, but joof tries to shake him off the car. Carl brakes the glass on the front of the car. Joof closes his eyes, so glass doesn't get into his eyes. "HOLD ON CARL! IM COMING!" Sun shouts, then pushes the tank off the highway. A loud expolsion erupts from the bottom of the highway. "Sh*t!" Lycanroc yelps, as he hits his head on the top of the car. Sun then pulls put the desert eagle. "SHOOT THE TIRES!" Carl shouts, but joof drives back on the right side of the road. Carl pulls out a knife, the tries to stab joof through the front of thr window. Joof couldn't see and him and Carl drive off the highway! "Carl!" Sun shouts, but the car sticks the landing. "WE GOTTA GO AFTER THEM!" Lycanroc shouts, and sun does just that. "OH Arceus! YOU CALL THIS MUSIC!?" Carl shouts, still trying to stab him. "F*CK YOU OLD HEAD!" joof shouts and pushes Carl to the hood of the carl. Joof tries to get Carl off, but Carl stabs the knife into the hood. Carl then pops open a grenade and throws it into the car. "SH*T!" joof shouts, Carl gets up on the car and jumps back on top of there car. Joof jumps out of the car, the grenade goes off.

Sun stops the car, Carl flies out of a bit

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Sun stops the car, Carl flies out of a bit. Sun gets out to check on carl. Carl gets back up "I'm ok." He reassures sun. "He's getting away!" Sun then, pulls out the pistol. Sun aims, and was about to take the shot, till Carl grabs the gun. "What the hell?! Thought you wanted to kill him as much as I did?" Sun shouts. "Sun, look." Carl points, as joof disappears into the crowd of people. "If you shout now, you're gonna kill many people in the process." Carl warns, sun lowers the gun. "Here." Sun gives Carl back his gun. "We got what we needed." Carl says and shows sun the connections. "What are these?" Sun asks "the reason how teachers are teaching students about the ultra beasts." Carl answers. "Quickly now, let's go." Carl says calmly, as sirens got be heard in the distance. "What will looker say about the car?" Sun asks "will cross that road when we get there." Carl answers, making a roar joke. "I think I had enough of driving for one day." Sun answers with a chuckle.

Back on akala island

"What in the world happened to the car?!" Looker shouts. "We ran into joof, but he got away." Sun answers with regret. "Did you get what we asked for?" Anabel asks calmly. "We managed to get the connection box." Carl answers and hands it to her.

"Thank Arceus

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"Thank Arceus." Looker says and takes it from carl. "What do you need it for?" Sun asks "the reason the teachers were doing this, was because of what they've been paid and told to do." Anabel answers. Sun stands there in the night sky. "How has it been?" Sun asks "the whole day was like 3 chapters long, which is what the writers are trying to do, but right now you should go home and rest." Anabel smiles. She plants a kiss on his cheek, here something for your trouble." Anabel says. "Later sun." Carl says. "I guess we can say, job well done." Lycanroc says, him and sun high five eachother. "You said it boy." Sun says and gives him some poke beans.

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