Chapter 55 Another Ultra Beast Attack

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On the boat

The sun soon set and the night sky has finally token over. *did he see what I was doing to anabel?* sun thinks, then slowly looks at carl. The boat ride was somewhat awkward. "You and anabel close?" Carl asks. "I uh, no. Why you ask?" Sun replys. "You two seemed pretty close even though we've been working together before her." Carl answers. *is Carl jealous I spend more time with anabel?* "I just thought you'd work better with us rather then her." Carl says. "Carl, are you jealous that I'll spend more time with anabel?" Sun asks. "Course not dummy, but I just thought we make a good team. They day we chased joof with our car." Carl replys.

The boat ride may seem calm, but that's only not to scare the driver

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The boat ride may seem calm, but that's only not to scare the driver. "Speed up, will you my good man?" Carl asks, which the driver nods.

Carl's walkie talkie

"Carl? Carl! Come in! You have sun with you?" Looker says. "Yeah, we're ready. What's your status?" Carl asks. "Sh*t! I need you to come quick! A xurkitree is zapping anything!" Looker shouts over the walkie. "I'm not sure how much croagunk can take!" Looker adds, before sighing off. "We have to hurry." Carl says as the boat docks. "Looker,where are you?" Carl asks, but only gets static. "The cemetery" Charlie says though sun. "You ok there bud? Ah, sun we should go." Carl says, taking the demons advice.

At the hau'ol cemetery

Sun and Carl stay down, fog rolls in. "Sun, get down." Carl says, as the
xurkitree flies past them. "What do we do?" Sun asks. Carl sends out servine. "We should strike it by surprise." Carl whispers. "Leaf blade!" Carl commands, servine doing what it's told. They caught the xurkitree by surprise, the xurkitree attacks back with a thunder punch. It didn't really effect servine, but it did get damaged. "Lycanroc use rockslide!" Sun commands, lycanroc howls as rocks fall from the sky.

The rocks hit the xurkitree and it counters with a thunderbolt

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The rocks hit the xurkitree and it counters with a thunderbolt. "Sh*t! It's strong!" Sun shouts. "Croagunk use revenge!" Looker shouts, and croagunk hits xurkitree with double damage. "Servine, use leaf storm!" Carl commads, and servine makes a storm of leafs and hits xurkitree. "Poison jab!" Looker commands, croagunk jabs it's poison fist in the xurkitrees stomach. "Foolish humans." Sun hears the ultra beast says. "Stone edge!" Sun commands, lycanroc punches the ground. The xurkitree was hurt real bad, but then uses power whip to hit all 3 pokemon. "Croagunk!" Looker calls out, but the poison frog gets up. The xurkitree then uses a zap cannon, which misses due to its poor accuracy. But it did hit a mountain, which causes some rocks and dusk to blow out. "It's getting away!" Sun shouts, Carl pulls out his ultra beast pistol. He then takes a few shots, before the xurkitree flies away and gets back into its worm hole. "Damn it! We almost had it!" Carl shouts. "Did we fail?" Sun asks "no sun, we just need to rethink and try to find it again. It would be away for long." Looker answers. Sun looks down. "So, now what do we do?" Lycanroc asks, but to looker and Carl it's a howl. "Sun, what is lycanroc doing?" Looker asks. "He's talking" Sun answers. "You can talk to pokemon?" Carl asks. "Yeah, I can since I was 11. That was 2 years ago and I've been talking to pokemon sense." Sun explains, but then slows down a bit. *my fathers grave....* sun thinks as he reads the words on the tombstone. Carl notices, and feels abit sorry for the kid. "Your father?" Carl asks. Sun nods, and walks off. "Wait sun, you forgot your money." Looker calls out. Sun stops and looks back. Looker places the money on suns hand. "Good job today, you did so much." Looker says, which raised suns spirits a bit. "Go home, rest up. The night is still young, we'll talk more soon." Carl says and puts his servine back in the pokeball.

On route 2

Sun sees sun and green standing by the route. "Hey red, hi green. What brings you two out here?" Sun asks. Red turns slightly red and so does green. "Hi sun, uh aren't you suppose to be at home?" Red assumes, trying to get rid of him.

"Hi sun, are you here to support me and reds relationship?" Green asks with a smile

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"Hi sun, are you here to support me and reds relationship?" Green asks with a smile. "Green!" Red says through his teeth. "Calm down silly." Green giggles and pets his head. "Sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to make sure if mallow got home safe." Sun says. "Yeah, don't worry. Susan toke charaziard and flew her back to akala island." Red answers. "Ok, I'll leave you to it." Sun says, then goes home.

At home

Sun goes to his room, lillie laying in his bed. "Hi sun, did moon tell you about the pokemon talent show?" Lillie asks. "No why?" Sun asks. "She and gladion are doing this couple's thing in a talent show. Interested?" Lillie asks, sipping her tea. "Nah, I never really was into that talent show crap." Sun answers and picks up the book. Lillie didn't really care, since her mother made her do talent shows when she was 6. Lillie lays her head on suns chest as her reads the badge or the rifles the soldiers used in the kalos war.

"Hey sun, what have you been doing all day?"Lillie asks with a yawn

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"Hey sun, what have you been doing all day?"Lillie asks with a yawn. "I did a bunch of stuff. The writer is trying not to make these chapters seem short, so he makes us do things that last longer." Sun explains, breaking the 4th wall. "Oh, well that was smart of him. I guess." Lillie giggles, kisses sun on the lip. Sun and lillie did a bit of reading, but nothing really star stone worthy of help, so they just went to bed. Sun spooned with lillie. "Good night lillie." Sun says, then kisses her cheek. "I love you too." Lillie says and shuts her eyes.

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