Chapter 8 The Woman In My Dreams 💭

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Sun wake up with the sun on his face. Lillie still snoring cutely as if the night was still among them. *she's So cute when she sleep.* sun thought and pecks her forehead. Sun gets out of bed with out lillie noticing. Sun goes ti work on the monorail. Later that day, sun meets up with Carl after work and gives him the work paper. "Are you sure about this, kid?" Carl asks, making sure sun wants this. "That's what I like about you carl, you're always honest with me." Sun says and smiles. "See you later sun." Carl says and gets on a boat. Dusk shows up not knowing what sun was doing, and hands him some money. "Here sun, take this money and take the day off." Dusk says. *too bad I would be able to relax, I still got more work to do.* sun thinks to himself. Later that day, sun goes to the motel in akala island, to meet up with the looker. "Ah, there you are. I was worried you weren't gonna show up." The looker says. "See, I told you sun was trustworthy." Carl telling the looker. Anabel hands back the ultra beast ball. "What information did you get out of this ultra beast?" Sun asks. "We'll tell you alittle later." Anabel answers.

"Me and Carl are going to scout around to check for any ultra beast activity

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"Me and Carl are going to scout around to check for any ultra beast activity." The looker says "why do you and anabel catch up and know each other a little more?" Carl adds. Sun slightly blushes a bit. "Sure." Sun answers and hides his face. Anabel slightly blushes too. Later, sun and anabel walked together, catching up on somethings that happened. "Anabel, this is gonna sound crazy, but were you the one spying on me 2 years ago?" Sun ask, anabel blushes. "Yes I was, I've been watching you for a while. You're the chosen one." Anabel answers. "Why am I the chosen one?" Sun asks cocking an eyebrow. "We'll tell you later." Anabel answers looking away. "What's wrong anabel?" Sun asks "I'm just tired. Being on my feet all day can take it out on me." Anabel answers truthfully. "Lets go back to the motel room, we should check some more data before looker and Carl come back." Sun suggests. Back at the motel, anabel sits on the bed filling a bit tired.

Sun checks out anabel for a moment and knew what she needed

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Sun checks out anabel for a moment and knew what she needed. Sun kneels down and lift up her left leg. Anabel jerks her leg away while blushing "uh sun, what are you doing?" Annabel asks. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted a foot massage." Sun suggests "well, I am kinda tired. Looker was always making run errands all the time." Anabel say shyly while blushing. "O-ok, just be gentle." Anabel says laying on the bed. Sun gently removes anabels loafers reveling her black socked feet, anabel blushes and hides her face. Sun then knead her arches which caused her to moan a bit. On the other side of akala island looker and Carl are taking are of business with another ultra beast. "Carl catch it!" The looker shouts as Carl throws the ball. "Mmmm oooohhhh sun that feels nice." Anabel moans trying not to have an orgasm. "Ah sun Mmmm sun be gentle." Anabel mumbles as sun massages the soles of her socked feet. Anabel hides her face while reading a book. Sun just focuses on the massages. "How were you about to get away from me?" Sun asks while presses his knuckle into the ball of her foot. "Wh-what do you mean?" Annabel asks keeping her moans to herself. "I tried to ask you who, are you, but you ran away all the time." Sun answers and massages all over her feet. "It's called cardio." Anabel giggles and sighs with pleasure. After a good hour of massaging, sun stopped and anabel smiles at him. Without saying anything, anabel grabs sun by the collar and kisses him. Just then, looker and Carl came back "hey sun, guess what we got?" Carl chirps and holds up the ultra beast ball with the ultra beast in it.

"What's going on here?" Looker asks folding his arms

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"What's going on here?" Looker asks folding his arms. Anabel and sun blush and she pushes him away. "Nothing." Anabel quickly answers and hides her legs under her. "What did you catch this time?" Sun asks "we're gonna need a blood sample first." Carl asks and walks to the computer. Anabel quickly puts her loafer back on before anyone asks. "Looker, im gonna go get some dinner, I'll see you in a bit." Anabel says and walks out, but not before giving sun a quick kiss on the cheek. Looker stares at sun, which was a bit of jealously. "Im gonna get some air, sun, Carl, clean up the mess please." The looker says and walks out. Sun was about to head out too, but Carl stops him. "Hey sun, thanks for giving anabel a foot massage. She's been needed one lately. Here take this money and take the night off." Carl says and sun takes the money. "See you around." Sun calls out before leaving into the night air. *What a strange day. I guess anabel was my so called guardian angel.* sun thought and stuffs his hands in his pockets. *she was just a mortal human. What makes her so special?* Charlie asks in suns head. *she's Nice and she seems to know what shes doing.* sun says to Charlie. *so you say, but remember, we have to keep our guard up. We can't show any signs of weakness.* Charlie says to sun.

*you're as clam as the night* sun says to Charlie

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*you're as clam as the night* sun says to Charlie. *shush sun, we must rest up. Ash is nothing but trouble.* Charlie says to sun. *What do you mean?* sun asks in his head, but go no answer. The morning soon rolled around and lillie nuzzles into suns chest, but then her got a phone call. "Hello?" Sun asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "SUN! Quickly get over here now!" Dusk shouts over the phone.

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