Chapter 89 What Happened?

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One month later

Sun finally wakes up, his eyes slowly open as his friends and family were there for him. "Look, he's waking up!" Lucas calls out. "Oh my arceus!" Mom shout, she rushes to him and hugs him tightly. "What happened?" Sun asks. "How long as it been since I was awake?" Sun asks. "Sun!!!" Lillie shouts and she hugs him and kisses him a million times. "Okay ladies, give the man some space." Calem says, but they still held into him. "You were in a coma for a month. We thought you weren't gonna make it, but you pulled through." Lucas explains. Nurse joy comes in the room, she smiles when she saw sun awake. "I'm glad to see you awake champ. We'll be able to send you home in a few hours." Nurse joy says with a smile.

Later Suns POV

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Later Suns POV

"What happened during the time I was out?" Sun asks. "You blacked out from the pain." Lucas answers. "You don't say, where is lycanroc?" Sun asks. "He's at home with typhosion. He thought you were dead too." Lucas answers. "What else happened?" Sun asks. "Tony is dead, you broke his spine from the fall, but a car broke your fall." Lucas answers. "Is moon okay?" Sun asks, Lucas nods and pats his head. "She's fine, although she was devastated to hear the news about you." Lucas answers. "Is John ok?" Sun asks, since Tony missed the shot. Lucas frowns "he didn't make it....he lost too much blood." Lucas answers sadly. "He wanted to give you this." Lucas says and pulls out a note from pocket. "Dear sun, these are my last moments on this good, green, earth. I will sadly not be with you anymore. I guess my work here is done, you are now free to do what you want. Thank you for trying to save my life." Lucas reads from Johns goodbye note. Suns eyes tear up for a bit. "You mean, he's gone?" Sun asks. "Sadly yes, his funeral was two weeks ago." Lucas answers, he gives sun the note.

Later on, sun was finally able to go home. And after all the kisses and snuggles, he finally gets a bit of rest.

Lycanroc and moon rest on suns lap. "Any news about it?" Sun asks. "Yeah, but all the data was deleted after the event, since Tony is dead. So case closed." Mom says and gently rubs moons foot. Moon grows a ticklish smile on her face. "Sorry I wasn't there." Sun apologizes, mom kisses sun on the cheek. "We should try to get through it." Mom says and turns on the TV. "Where's lillie?" Sun asks, since she wasn't there when sun left the hospital. "She had to run some errands for her mom." Mom says and moon quietly giggles as moms fingers slowly began to tickle her foot. "I wish it could've went different, everything is so f*cked." Sun says. "You don't need to be so responsible." Mom reassures him.

Later sun places moon to bed for a nap

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Later sun places moon to bed for a nap

Lillie comes in and hugs sun and starts to deeply kiss him. Sun slowly makes his way to his bedroom. Lillie kisses sun and his neck and chin. Sun kisses lillie deeply on the places his hands on her hips. Lillie gasps as sun starts to massage her hips again. "I was so scared, thought I would never see you again." Lillie says feeling a bit turned on. "I love you lillie, I'll never leave you. Not for a long time." Sun mumbled and kissed lillie even deeper. Lillie bit her lip to keep her lewd noises from spilling out, but she let it out a bit.

20 minutes later

Lillie lays on top of sun. They kisses a bit more and sun rubs her back with his 2 hands. "You're amazing sun. But what you did was a bit stupid, but you tried to save someone." Lillie mutters. "I know it was, but john was a good man. I couldn't just sit there and let Tony get away with what he did." Sun says in a calm tone of voice. "Sorry john didn't make it, he really wanted to be here for you." Lillie says and kisses him again. "What toke you so long babe?" Sun asks.


"Lycanroc blames himself for what happened. He was never the same. He thought you died, and that he did nothing to save you." Lillie explains.

"He would sleep by the tree during the day and he'd howl at night

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"He would sleep by the tree during the day and he'd howl at night. I felt that way for a while too. You know how much we all missed you." Lillie says.

Flashback ends

"Lillie, I assure you, nothing bad is gonna happen. We'll get through whatever life throws at us." Sun says, kisses lillie more deeply. A fee tears run down lillies face. "Despite what happened 2 years ago with lollie and those boys and everything?" Lillie asks. "You know it wasn't your fault. I did my best to stop them, but that caused a scar on lycanrocs eye." Sun says and hates lollie for what she did. "I'm sorry sun, I should've listened to you." Lillie says and kisses him deeply. "Can we just take a nap till dinner?" Lillie asks. "Sure lillie, let me just turn on some music." Sun says and places his earphones. "Have a nice nap lillie. Sorry for so much sleep." Sun apologizes.

Sun closes his eyes and kisses lillie on the lips. *all I want is for things to go back to normal. A world without problems, a world without hate, a world where we can all live in peace with our pokemon.* sun thinks as he slowly shuts his eyes.

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