Sun and lillie pull away from the kiss. "Nothing will happen lillie, nit as long as im around." Sun promises. "You're amazing." Lillie says and nuzzles with him. "Thanks for picking me." Sun says and nibbled her chin. "Tickles...." Lillie giggles and kiss his nose. "You're my sweet and loving boyfriend." Lillie says and kisses him again and again. Suns phone rings and he picked up. Lillie had to sadly pull away from suns loving embrace. "Hi?" Sun asks. "Hey sun, the festival is tommorow, and hala wants us to play." Lucas says over the phone. "Aw cool, they want us to play at the festival?!" Sun says with excitement. "Yeah sun, I'll see you later." Lucas says and signs off. "What is it sun?" Lillie asks. "Hala wants us to play at the festival tommorow!" Sun says with excitement. "That's amazing sun!" Lillie says with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you lillie, head home and rest up. We'll see you later tonight." Sun says and rushes off with lycanroc.
At the pokemon League
"Sun, the man of the hour." Lucas jokes. "Shut up." Sun chuckles and playfully hits him. "Here sun, I upgraded your guitar for you." Red says and hands it to him. "Whoa, cool...." Sun says and checks on the cool new design he got on it.
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Sun lets it rip and the guitar made a loud rocking sound. "That was great sun! Seems like you're more then ready for the festival." Red says. "What about dusk? He was the drummer. What are we gonna do about that?" Sun asks. "I can do it." Lucas says. "How?" Red asks. "Dusk taught me things in the past. He told me it was great practice in case he got sick or needed it back up and you could make it." Lucas explains. "Okay, let's here it." Brenden says. Lucas plays a few beats on the drum. "Not bad Lucas, looks like dusks teachings actually paid off." Calem says, the ladies clap as Lucas finished. "Wow boys, you guys really want to make it good at this festival." Green says. Red blushes and looks down at the floor. "We sure do green." Red says and kisses her forehead. Green blushes red, she never been kissed before. "Thank you....." Green squeals and hugs red. Red lifts her up to his level "Hi shortie, you're all mine now." Red says and they were gonna touch lips, but calem buzz killed it. "Come on! Seriously, now it the time for this?! We have festival to play at." Calem says with a bit of stress.
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"Hes right, all eyes will be on us. Hala expects the best out of all of us. Best we not let him down." Sun says and picks up reds guitar. "Come on red, you can kiss green later, but right now we have to get down to business." Sun says, which they both agreed to.
After playing a tasty lick
"If you don't know what that means, that means music. You kids today don't even know what it means, so shut up and enjoy the f*cking book." Lucas says and finishes the drum beat. "Great job guys, you all deserve lunch." Dawn says sweetly. She places a plate by the table and they all eat some really really great pizza. "Wow dawn, did you bake this yourself?" Sun asks. "Yes I did, classic cheese pizza." Dawn says with a smile on her face. "Dawn, you are an angel. I can't believe you made this and had all morning to do this too." Lucas says and eat the pizza fast.
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After lunch
Sun rests on the couch. "You're ready for the festival sun?" Brenden asks. "Yeah dude, wish dusk was here to enjoy it with us." Sun says with frown. "How's his pokemon?" Brenden asks. "He's fine, but still sleeps by that tree." Sun answered. "Hey sun, why don't you spend time with lillie? She would love to spend more time with you I'm sure." Brenden assumes and pats suns head. "Go on." Brenden says and sun agrees.
At home
Sun looks over to see mom and lillie doing some yoga, Typhlosion moved over a little just to give them some more space. "Hey sun!" Mom greets. "Come on sun, grab a mat." Lillie offers, but sun wasn't feeling like doing any yoga today. "No thanks, you girls enjoy yourself." Sun says and lays on the couch. Lycanroc walks over to sun with a bag of chips. Charmeleon sniffs the bag of chips. "What is that?" Charmeleon asks. "Its called potato chips, you'll love the taste of these." Lycanroc says and hands charmeleon the bag. Charmeleon says a few chips and doesn't seem to really like it. "Salty....." Charmeleon says and sticks his tongue out. Lycanroc hands sun a soda pop. "Can you two do your weird foot reviews another time?" Sun asks.
Later at night, sun and lillie goes to bed
Sun reads the war book, and was at chapter 23. "These chapters are long, but I'm sure you readers want to know the cool stuff." Sun assumes. Lillie finishes reading her book and places it on the night stand. As shr did, she notices that sun still had the 4 stones and out in the open. "Sun, you should use in a safe place. Someone could steal them if you're not too careful." Lillie points out. "You're right lillie." Sun says and places them in the closet. "Sun, I got you some milk." Moon says and gives both lillie and sun moo moo milk.
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"Thanks moon, I appreciate it." Sun says and drinks up the milk. Sun then spoons with lillie and she lets out a yawn. "Thanks sun, you make me feel so much safer." Lillie says and closes her eyes. "No matter what lillie, no one is gonna hurt you." Sun says. "What about joof?" Lillie asks. "Im sure he died of blood loss. No need to worry." Sun says and closes his eyes.