Moon wakes up and knows that it's monday. *that vacation was nice, too bad it ended early.* moon thought as she rubbed her head. "Im out moon! Keep an eye on the house for me after school!" Sun calls out and walks out. Flareon wags her tail and barks. "I don't know what sun sees in pokemon." Moon says to Flareon. "Well, it's time for school." Moon groans, knowing she had to put her uniform on. After moon puts on her stockings, she checks her bow on her head. *being a goth is hard, stupid society, wants to see what they think they want to see* moon thinks and sighs in defeat. "Moon, breakfast is ready!" Mom calls and moon walks to the breakfast table. "How was the weekend?" Mom asks as she eats some eggs. "It was good. Sun did some amazing things." Moon answers and eats her food slowly. "I'm off to school now!" Moon calls out as she slips on her loafers. At school; moon takes her books from her locker as a bunch of school boys pass by. *sorry for being gothy, b*tches.* moon thought, she knew people make fum of her, since she use to be the sweet moon everyone knew. Moon heads to class and toke notes on the recent wormhole sightings.
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*amazing on how sun gets to experience these all the time* moon thought "moon, pay attention!" The teacher calls out, making moons cheeks blush pink. Everyone just laughs at her and she looks down. During the lesson, moon checks out the notes she took and the homework she turned in. After school, moon meets up with gladion "hey babe, fancy seeing you here." Gladion says with a smile. Moon places her hands on her hips "don't push your luck, lover boy." Moon says and pulls out her school bag. "I'm gonna change, and we're gonna go to the skate park." Moon demands and changes into some sexy goth clothes. "Well hello sexy." Gladion says and moon rolls her eyes. "You've seen me like this all the time. You don't need to act surprised?" Moon says ans gladion chuckles. At the skate park, gladion meets up with his home boys (we not be giving too much, since this is a sneak peek) I tell you again. "Right on." One friend says "ready for some serious fun?" Another friend says and gladion smiles.
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Moon shows off some of her cool skate boarding tricks. "Whoa man, moon is rad." A boy says and gladion shows her how it's done. Both lovers were showing off their cool skating tricks. Afterwards, moon and gladion hang out by the sides to rest up. "Beer?" One friend asks "no thanks, I'm too young to drink." Moon says, but gladion toke the cup and toke a big sip and jugs it down. "Gladion, you don't need to drink anymore, ypur family is doing ok." Moon says and gladion finishes the drink. "That's not the point, I got use to it." Gladion answers and throws the cup to the side. Moon looks up at the night sky. "Hey Flareon, what do you think?" Moon asks as she can she her breath. Flareon barks and nuzzles with moon in her lap. Gladion kisses moon on the lips. Moon can taste the faint taste of alcohol in his breath. "Ew babe, im not kissing you after you drink." Moon says, pushing him away. Moon checks her watch. "It's getting late, I need to get home. Mom is gonna start dinner soon." Moon says and kisses gladion on the cheek. Moon walks home with her cute Flareon next to her "I hope sun comes back soon. I hate it when he's gone for so long, that idiot." Moon says and rolls her eyes. "Bark bark." Flareon goes, moon giggles and bets her on the head. "Like I can understand you." Moon says. When moon got home, she unzipped her boots and places them on the rack. "Always hate coming home to an empty house." Moon says and places her bags down. "Hey Flareon, hand me a bread roll." Moon says and Flareon gives her a bread roll from the bread pantry.
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Moon snacks on a bread roll as sun opens the door. "Hey moon, I'm back like I said I would. Did you take care of the house for me?" Sun asks. "I sure have." Moon lied as she hides her skateboard under the couch. Sun starts massaging moons nylon feet. Moon stares at sun and starts doing her homework. "I'm home!" Mom calls out as she places down a bag of food of them. *again?* moon thought as she pulls her feet away from suns kneading fingers. During dinner, everyone stays in silent. "Moon? Did you do well in school today?" Mom asks "with average grades I'm doing fine." Moon answers with a bit of sass. "Hope you're not hanging around with any bad people." Mom adds and ate some more meat. "Sun, where've you been all day?" Moon asks. "I've been doing some odd jobs babe." Sun answers and gets a text from lillie, but reads it later. "Well, im off to bed now. I need to do some more work tommorow." Sun says and goes to his room. "Moon, you should go to bed. You got more school." Mom says with some stress. *to hell I will.* moon thought and heads off to bed. Moon changes into her pajamas, and checks her phone.
Gladion😘: "Hey babe, thanks for hanging out again. How about you can come with me?"
Moon😊: "sure babe, I'll see you in the morning."
Moon places her phone on the night stand. 1st Moon cleans off her makeup and black lipstick then, Moon goes into the covers and Flareon snuggles with her on the cold alolan night. *today was a funny sort of day. Just hope that I can be able to do my school work and keep up my status.* moon thinks and closes her eyes to sleep.
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