Chapter 19 Lusamine A 2nd Mom

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Sun wakes up remembering what lillie said. *what could lusamine want with me?* sun asks himself. He goes to the aether paradise and meets up with ms wickie at the docks. "Good morning mr sun, how've you been lately?" Ms wickie asks with a small smile. "I'm fine, but what about you. Im sorry about what happened." Sun says and ms wickie smiles and is a bit shakin. "I'm still shaking from it." Ms wickie answers and hugs sun. "How's hau been doing?" Ms wickie asks "oh he's in jail, have you been watching the news, like ever?" Sun asks. "Sometimes, but I get caught up in my work." Ms wickie answers and pats sun on the head. "Mrs Lusamine is waiting for you." Ms wickie says. Sun looks over to see coffee and donuts made by lusamine. "Hey ms lusamine, what did you call me for?" Sun asks. "Sit down, and please, call me mother." Lusamine insists, sun takes his seat. "Help yourself." Lusamine says and sun takes a coffee and a chocolate donut. "So, what have you been up to lately?" Lusamine asks and sips some coffee too. "I've been working on the bridge and hunting down some ultra beasts." Sun answers.

"I know you've been working hard lately

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"I know you've been working hard lately." Lusamine says "lusamine, I assure you, you need to keep an eye on this monorail. In case you haven't known, 2 years ago someone tried to destroy my league. It killed a bunch of innocent people." Sun explains. "Don't be worried sun, those people are gone. We don't have to worry now a days and it's all thanks to you." Lusamine says "please call me mother." Lusamine insists. "Listen, uh mother, we should at least take some precautionary measures to ensure the safety of the workers." Sun says and lusamine knew what he was talking about. "Ok sun, if you care so much about the workers then I'm promoting you, to Manager." Lusamine says and hands him a badge. "Thanks mother." Sun says and takes the badge. "I need to work on some things to do." Sun says "wait sun, we got some more things to talk about." Lusamine adds. "What do we need to talk about?" Sun asks "well, you have a reason to call me mother, cause someday you and lillie will get married." Lusamine says. A blush grows on suns face and his hat hides his face. "You mean, I've got your blessing?" Sun manages to say. "Yes." Lusamine quickly answers. "But, so early? I haven't even met your husband yet." Sun says "how did you know about my husband?" Lusamine asks. "Oh, lillie told me about it." Sun lies and looks down a bit.

Lusamine remembers the time she was not pregnant before gladion

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Lusamine remembers the time she was not pregnant before gladion. He's been devastated since the day she lost her first child, But Mr mohn gave up. They kept trying and soon she was positive with a boy named gladion, but then with lillie 2 years later. "I never though anyone would mention him again." Lusamine says and tries not to cry. "I miss him., she adds and sun places a hand on her shoulder. "He would've been a great dad." Sun adds and lusamine kisses his cheek. "Thank you." Lusamine says and MS wickie gave her the phone. "It's ash." Wickie mentions. Sun let's himself out. *what to do next?* he thought and heads to the boat. Sun meets up with the looker and shakes his hand again. "Why did you need to do that?" Looker asks "I don't know, I think it's a way for me to greet." Sun explains. "Anymore work for me?" Sun asks "no, not at the moment." Carl says "how've you been?" Anabel asks "uh fine." Sun quickly answers. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Carl says "nothing, I've just been on edge since the world isn't what is use to be." Sun says and tries to leave. "Hold on, sun I know about the bombing 2 years ago at your league." Carl adds. "How did you know?" Sun asks "well, I've been originally signed to catch or kill Rick. But turns out he had a change of plans. I tried to stop the bomb, but it was stuck pretty good." Carl explains and sun remembers the shadowy figure.

"So, that was you i saw the day before?" Sun asks "no, that was rick, but you were too busy to even notice me

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"So, that was you i saw the day before?" Sun asks "no, that was rick, but you were too busy to even notice me." Carl explains and puts down his coffee mug. "Sun, I did get some information on that teacher." Looker says "turns out Rick and Dennis have been paying pedophiles to teach kids wormholes." Anabel adds and look looks into the files again. "Sun, I need you to check on the school again." Looker says. "Why?" Sun asks "something tells me you have to check with the principal about the missing teacher." Looker answers "do that and we'll find what you're looking for." Looker adds, which sun agreed to.

At the school

Sun meets up with the principal, but not before catching the eye of the teacher sun met 2 years ago. The teacher blushes when she sees him and sun flashes her and wink. "Mr sun, please pay attention." The principal says and walks up the stairs.

In the principals office

"So let me get this stright, that man was a registered sex offender?" The principal asks. "Yes, haven't you checked the background?" Sun asks. "We did, but it said nothing about his pass, but I'm glad he's gone. He's been harassing the female teacher lately." The principal mentions.

"Ok, see you later

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"Ok, see you later." Sun says and quickly rushes out of the school before the bell rings. Sun pulls out his phone "its done, I believe you have what you owe." Sun assumes "come to the motel, we should have some information for you." The looker says. "Ok, signing off." Sun mentions and signs off. He then makes his way to akala island.

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