Chapter 51 Comfort With Lillie

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On the boat

"Hey lycanroc, you did good babe." Sun says, and pets his head. "I know I did, but can you not tell me every 5 minutes?" Lycanroc goes, but licks suns face.

At home

Sun walks in and sees moon massaging moms feet. "Hey sun, where have you been?" Moon asks, kneading moms arches. "Hey sun." Mom greets calmly. She opens one eye, but close it again. "Moons ok, you're better sun." Mom says, still enjoying the massage. "Someone is here to see you, she's in your bed room." Moon points out. Sun goes in to see lillie, laying in suns bed. "Hey sun, when did you get back?" Lillie asks and stretches. "I was at the league, I'm gonna find a way to open the door in the temple." Sun says, then lays with lillie. "Before you do that, wanna kiss?" Lillie asks with a blush on her face.

Sun kisses lillie on the lips and lillie lets herself lean into suns kiss

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Sun kisses lillie on the lips and lillie lets herself lean into suns kiss. "Sun....." Lillie moans as his kisses go down her neck. Lillie kisses his bottom lip and sun squeezes her hips. After kissing for a while, lillie redid her ponytail. "Thanks sun, that was amazing." Lillie says and kisses suns cheek. "Now what was it you wanted to tell me?" Lillie asks. "Susan gave me a scroll, it's a map to find the star stone." Sun answers, then opens the scroll. "That's interesting, when will you find it?" Lillie asks. "I need to read the story, I just need to read it carefully to find the key." Sun explains. Sun then feels a bit of sadness and lays on lillies lap. Lillie giggles and kneels on the bed to let sun rest his head. She plays with his hair and smiles. "What's on your mind sun?" Lillie asks, strokes his hair. "I really wish we could've been prepared." Sun answers, feeling sad for his brother. "You didn't know sun, you shouldn't feel so responsible for so many things. Especially at 13 years old." Lillie says, feeling sorry for him. "Sun, you should know. That ash would've done so much worst if he were champion." Lillie says and kisses him. "You think so?" Sun asks, "I know so." Lillie answers. "Lillie, you're someone special to me. I don't want to lose you." Sun says, which lillie blushes a bit. "I know you don't want to lose me. I can take care of myself though." Lillie says with a slight purr in her voice. "Lillie, promise me, you'll make sure ash doesn't try anything." Sun says. "I promise sun, I'll never kiss him." Lillie says with a smile. *poor mallow, she must be sad right now.* sun assumes in his head.

Lillie kisses sun on the cheek

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Lillie kisses sun on the cheek. "Lillie, I'm sorry." Sun apologizes. "Why?" Lillie asks. "For almost killing hau 2 years ago." Sun answers, leaning into her belly. "I was so mad, mad that he was gonna take you away from me." Sun says. "It's ok sun, you were just being protective. Besides, the bastard read my diary." Lillie says and kisses sun. "Just can't let things go unsaid." Sun says and kisses her chin. "Sun, i should cook for you, you might be hungry." Lillie assumes and moves her legs. "How about I give you a foot massage?" Sun asks with a chuckle. "You can do that later sun, right now I need to cook." Lillie answers outting on the house slippers. *sun, the star stone is among us, read the book while you wait to feed* charlie suggests, which sun agreed to. Sun picks up the book and starts to read.

Sun reading

"The battle was fierce, but we managed to save the north side of kalos, but was it enough?" The soldier writes down. "That ponyta I kept seeing, I feel like it's my graduation angel. Like my good luck charm." The soldier writes down. "To whoever's reading this, the most powerful stone ever is found on the north. I can't tell you where it is specifically, due to the dangerous power it beholds." The soldier rights down.

After reading for a good while

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After reading for a good while

"Sun! Dinner is ready!" Lillie calls out. "Coming!" Sun calls back, then closes the book.

At the dinner table

Sun eats his food slowly. "Are you feeling ok sun? You're not gonna faint are you?" Moon asks. Mom gently kicks moon, telling her to shut up. "I'm fine, i just miss dusk. He would've told me the right thing to due, even if he did seem stupid sometimes." Sum answers and eats the rice. "Don't worry sun, fred will talk to you incase you're sad or need someone to talk to." Mom says, drinking some juice. "Sorry for all the problems I caused, I just wished I could've saved him." Sun apologizes again.

After dinner

Sun and lillie rest in bed together. "So sun, what do you plan to do tommorow?" Lillie asks, making a circle on suns chest. "I don't know what I can do? That's so many things I can do." Sun answers, bringing lillie closer to him. "Me neither, it's hard to think." Lillie says. "Hey sun, how about you rest some more?" Lillie suggests. "Maybe, but for now, I need to rub your feet." Sun says and starts to knead her soles. "Lillie sighs a bit.

At the League

"Hey calem, how's the antidote coming along?" Brenden asks. "The strawberry moo moo milk seems to work, but I need something the poison." Calem answers. "Did you put the girls to sleep?" Calem asks. "Yeah, I managed to." Brenden chuckles. "Check this out." Calem says and let's brenden look into the scope.

"That's the poison?" Brenden asks

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"That's the poison?" Brenden asks. "Yeah, it's like bacteria, but worst." Calem explains. "Did, ms Lusamine get it? I heard sun and lillie talk about it sometimes." Brenden asks. "I don't know, we'll have to ask her ourselves." Calem answers. "Good idea." Brenden says.

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