Chapter 94 Moon's Graduation 🎓

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Sun wakes up with messed up hair, he looks over to see lillie with slightly messed up hair. *geez, did we really mess ourselves up while kissing?* sun thinks for a moment. "Today is moon graduation ceremony." Lillie mutters. "You knew about it?" Sun asks. "Yes, she told me since yesterday." Lillie answers, and sits up with him. "You bought a new dress for the ceremony?" Sun asks, lillie nods and kisses him on the cheek. "What time is the ceremony?" Sun asks. "She didn't tell you?" Lillie asks. "No, I was just taking care of her." Sun answers, and hugs lillie. Sun goes into the living room to see moon with a very lovely dress. "Wow moon, you look amazing." Sun says in amazement. Moon blushes and does a little spin. "Cute." Sun says and lifts her up.

"Even for a goth/E girl, you're still simple

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"Even for a goth/E girl, you're still simple." Sun says and moon kisses his cheek. "She's truly a very beautiful woman." Gladion says. "She's 11, and you're like 15 dude." Sun points out. "She still loves me." Gladion says and sun hands moon over to him. "Hey babe." Gladion coos and rocks back and forward like a baby. "Gladion, stop I'm not a little girl anymore." Moon protests and gets herself off him. "Ready." Mom says and shows up in a smooth purple dress. "Great mom, you look as beautiful as you were at your wedding." Sun say, mom kisses sun on the forehead. "Where's lillie?" Mom asks. "Lillie says shes getting ready, she's in the bathroom."  Moon says and points to the bathroom. "Who wants breakfast?" Mom asks. "We do!" All 3 say. As breakfast was cooking, gladion and sun catch up a bit. Lillie calls out from the bathroom. "Hey moon! Can you help me with my hair?" Moon gets up and helps lillie out. Before breakfast, moon gets out of thr bathroom. "Wow lillie, you look great!" Sun says "agreed, great look sis." Gladion says, holding a thumb up. Lillie blushes and looks down at her feet. Sun approaches lillie and kisses her lips and lillie does the same.

"Come on kids, you're hungry

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"Come on kids, you're hungry." Mom calls out and plates the food on the table. "So moon, how did the test go well?" Gladion asks. "It's called studying, but I actually did well to my surprise." Moon says and eats some eggs. "Did sun well, remember when you toke your test?" Mom asks, sun rolls his eyes and ate his food. "I wish dusk would be here with us. He would've loved all this." Sun says, looking over at an empty chair. Moon checks the time. "Okay guys, I have to get the school to practice for the ceremony." Moon says, gives gladion a kiss then leaves. "Hey sun, do you think moon can do an island challenge?" Lillie asks. "It's her choice to be honest. I guess she wants to explore her options 1st before she makes any choices that she might like or not." Sun says. "That was long." Silavally says. "Cut some some slack, we all know he's been through a lot since 2 years." Lycanroc says. "What's a graduation ceremony?" Charmeleon asks. *Oh yeah, joof was a dropout.* sun realizes. Sun gets down to charmeleons level. "It's a place where students from poke school graduation." Sun explains. "Joof never really went to school, he assumed that if he had a pokemon like me, he didn't need to go to school." Charmeleon explains, sun pets Charmeleon on thr head.

At the graduation

Sun, lillie, mom, and gladion watch from the bleachers. "Can't believe my baby girl is graduating from poke school." Mom says, placing her hand in her chest. "I never thought I'd see the day. It did take 2 years, but she did it." Sun says. "We had it easy sun, moon needed to work fir her trainer card." Glaidon says. "I think I'll go to poke school. Before I do my island challenge." Lillie says wishfully. * imagine that, lillie does her own island challenge.* sun thinks. Soon, the students come on and sit on their chairs by their last name. (I don't know sun or moons last name, so don't yell at me)

"Good morning everyone, I am proud to say, these students have such a long way." The principal begins.

Soon, the students start taking their cards and moon soon got hers

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Soon, the students start taking their cards and moon soon got hers. Everyone claps and cheers. "I'm so proud of her!" Glaidon shouts and mom starts to cry a bit. Lillie pats mom on the back, to come her from all the excitement. Moon sits back in her chair and the students throw up their caps. "Happy graduation!" They all call out. *great job moon, from a school girl, to a graduation student. You and Flareon deserve this.* sun thinks and smiles.


Moon rushes to her family. Everyone fills her with hugs and kisses. This morning felt so happy. "Amy?! What are you doing here?" Mom asks in shock. "Hello, I work for the school district. I know I work at the officer, but it's called a career." Amy greets. Mom blushes and looks down. "This must be moon." Amy assumes. "Yes she is, my daughter just got her trainer card. It's really amazing!" Mom squeals with excitement. Moon giggles, she never heard that sound come from before.

(I know this isn't the moon we've been using and I know she doesn't look like a goth, but this is all we got

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(I know this isn't the moon we've been using and I know she doesn't look like a goth, but this is all we got.)

"So, what now? Can we go home?" Moon asks. "Actually, me and mallow talked over the phone the other day and made an after party for you." Lillie says. "Really? Wow lillie, that's amazing." Sun says which made her blush. "Thanks lillie." Moon says and hugs her tightly. "Come on, let's go." Sun says.

Plz 🗳💬🙂 your support helps our books grow.📚 me and poke bro 2 wish you a happy new year and I hope everything will be back to normal soon. Sorry about the wait, he's been in a really dark place lately.

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