Chapter 46 A Break

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"I'm sorry sun, I tried, but they wouldn't listen. I'm sorry." Jenny says over the phone. She sighs off and sun felt dome tears. "I don't believe this." Sun says. "I'm getting sick of this sh*t!" Lycanroc growls and slams the door. "Lycanroc!" Lillie calls out. "Let him go lillie." Sun says and stands up. "I should go check on him." Vulpix says and rushes after him.

"I'm sorry lillie, I'm just tired

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"I'm sorry lillie, I'm just tired." Sun apologizes and goes to the dining room. "Good morning sun." Lusamine agrees with a smile. "Did you sleep well?" Lusamine adds. "Mrs Lusamine, are you related to mr mohn?" Sun asks. "Why? Would you ask that?" Lusamine asks. "Don't be mad, but I check in your office during the Christmas party." Sun confesses. Lusamine wasn't mad, instead she was sad. "I knew you'd find out eventually." Lusamine comes clean. "It's ok lusamine, i under stand, besides I want you to know that." Sun says and hugs her. "Sun, come with me to my office, it's not safe to tell you out in the open." Lusamine says, and grabs him by the wrist.

In lusamines office

Sun waits for lusamine to close the door, but didn't know what to expect. "You're right sun, mr mohn was my husband." Lusamine says and sits in her chair. "Something happened during a lab experiment. That ultra beast, that looks like lillie, it was ment to be a clone of lillie." Lusamine explains. "One day, they took him, and I never saw him again. Until he showed up the the aether paradise 2 years ago." Lusamine explains to sun. "Turns out he lost his memory, but i think it's better if he forgot what he use to be. He seems happier now." Lusamine says, but looks sadly at her wedding picture.

"Im glad faba is in jail, you wouldn't believe the nasty stuff he said to me

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"Im glad faba is in jail, you wouldn't believe the nasty stuff he said to me." Lusaime adds. "It was just something that had to be done." Sun says, and stares into her eyes. "Did he try anything? Like anything to hurt you?" Sun asks "no, he was just very horny. I told him I'm still married." Lusamine explains. "He tried to remarry you? I don't get why he would. You have kids and you have a good business." Sun says, which lusamine agreed. "It's ok lusamine, I'm sure Mr mohn will someday get his memory back." Sun assumes. "Sun, it's been 2 years. Still, nothing. I don't think he'll ever get his memory back." Lusamine says with a sorrow voice. "Never say never, I'm sure someday he will." Sun assumes again, but lusamine wasn't having it. "Sun, I know what you mean, but I think I prefer to be alone." Lusamine says and gets up. "It's like 9:51 am, you should take the day off with my daughter." Lusamine suggests, checking her watch. "Here is some money, go do what couples do, a date or a movie or something. Just relax ok?" Lusaime says, and hands sun like $2500 poke dollars. "Thanks lusamine, I'll be on my way." Sun says. *Thank Arceus he's out of my hair* lusamine thinks and gets some morning coffee.

On ula ula island

"Sun, why are we at the poke park?  Lillie asks. "Just wanted to take some fresh air and enjoy my day with you." Sun answers, then kisses Lillie cheek. "I remember when hau attack Vulpix with his incineroar." Lillie mentions, then looks back to the 2 pokemon playing. "You sure, because they jail doesn't seem that far away." Lillie says, looking towards the direction on the jail hau is in. "I can reassure you lillie, nothing is gonna happen. Want a castila cone?" Sun asks. "Sure." Lillie replys with a smile.

After licking some of the tasty ice cream, sun and lillie held hands

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After licking some of the tasty ice cream, sun and lillie held hands. "So, about that gypsy woman. What did she say?" Lillie brings up. "She says there is a new threat in alola. I don't know what it is." Sun answers, but then stay silent. "Sun? Do you think ash won't come near me again?" Lillie asks, remembering that awful kiss he gave her. "Ash is a simp, don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't lay a finger on you." Sun reassures her.

At a restaurant

Sun and lillie eat some sushi, but lillie was kinda picking at her food. "Is something on your mind lillie?" Sun asks, then sips his drink. "I miss my father. He use to threat us with love." Lillie answers. "I'm sure he still loves you." Sun reassures her. "Didn't you flee to the poke peligo once?" Lillie asks. "Yeah, we did. Mr mohn is a very nice man. I couldn't believe how he dealed with your mother sometimes." Sun says with a chuckle. "He's a saint." Lillie says, with a smile growing on her face. As they ate, sun looks at the news, dusk was long forgotten. (That's how life works, one day someone is a pretty big deal. Then it's nothing, the world just moves on like normal.)

Back at the aether paradise.

Sun and lillie watch tv om the couch. "Hey sun, thanks for taking me out. I couldn't have enjoyed a better day." Lillie says and kisses sun deeply on the lips. Lillie then gets on top of sun as he squeezes her hips. Lillie lets out a sound as she kisses sun on the nose. Sun kisses lillie on the neck and chin. Just then, sun gets the image of ash and lillie kissing and he screams.

"AAAAHHH!" sun screams and pushes lillie back a bit

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"AAAAHHH!" sun screams and pushes lillie back a bit. *how can I kiss a girl that touched the same lips ash did?!* sun thinks and hides his face in his hands. "Are you okay sun?" Lillie asks, then places and hand on his shoulder. "It's ok sun, I understand if you're a bit comfortable with what happened." Lillie says with a sad smile. "I'm sorry lillie, I just couldn't live with the guilt." Sun says and kisses lillie on the lips.

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