Thread of the end part 2

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A explosion emanated from the throne.

Rion and Ragyō were sent flying in separate directions.

Y/N: Come on, bring everything you got.

Rion: Oh you seem to be forgetting about your sister, boy.

Y/N: Let me guess you did something to her and I have to fight her. Do you ever get bored of the cliches?

Rion: Do you ever get tired of losing?

Y/N was about to retort when suddenly he was attacked from behind.

He was thrown forward.

He flipped up to his feet.

Y/N: Hey sis.

Y/N saw his younger sister now much older, an adult and covered in life fiber armor. It looked like armor but also a bunch of mouths and she had eight arms. Her face was covered in life fiber threads with only a row of teeth.

Y/N: I understand your angry, I mean who wouldn't be with a deadbeat brother like me. But if you can just hold a time out, or maybe wait your turn.

S/N ran at Y/N and attacked mercilessly hitting him a hundred times before he could counter attack and sending him flying back.

Y/N coughed: Ow! Ok your really mad. It's understandable. I was hoping humor would defuse the situation.

S/N jumped grabbing Y/N by the throat and dragging him through the ground as she ran.

Y/N choking trying to free himself: Strong grip Sis.

Y/N was thrown at Rion who smashed Y/N into the ground and back at Ragyo who then impaled Y/N through the right shoulder.


Y/N ripped Ragyo's blade out of his shoulder flipping and kicking her in the face breaking her nose.

He then used the blade stabbing Rion in the eye.

Y/N could sense another attack coming from behind so he reacted swinging the blade but in the corner of his eye he saw it was his sister.

He stopped his swing and in that moment of hesitation she sucker punched him through a building of life fibers.

Y/N tried to get up but the building was alive it's fibers grabbing him and trying to pull him into the planet.

Y/N ripped his way out of the threads with force cutting himself but he wasn't fast enough to block S/N's next barrage of attacks.

Y/N blocked a couple attacks and kicked his sister back a few feet before he was attacked by Rion and Ragyo.

Ragyo: You foolish boy! You think you were strong enough to take us on. You are nothing but a ugly sack of flesh in a suit of flimsy threads. I will crack it open and paint my new palaces walls with your blood!

Y/N: Do any of you Kiryūins ever shut up!?!?

Rion claws at Y/N's chest.

Y/N breaks his arm ripping it off and beating Ragyo with it. He then ripped some of her off and threw it in his sisters face before tackling her and throwing her into the distance letting himself be free to not hold back.

He kicked Rion in the stomach while he was reattaching his arm and then ripped off the other arm and using it as a shield against Ragyo's claws.

He twisted Rions arms breaking off three of Ragyo's claws and then swung the arm like baseball bat with nails through it impaling Rion in the head.

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